Scenery V3: Progressing the conversation
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:02 pm
Hi All
psadro recently released the first preview of the World Scenery V3.
It is great to start seeing more concise work, that is not so much in the realm of the ideas
I'll be testing Hawaii (the demo), and adding it to a topic branch to terraGIT for those willing to try it out.
So far, I am rather desilusioned with some of the execution and/or conception of where is best to go for the next scenery. I understand well some central motivations behind, but again, the way this is being done concerns me somehow more than a tiny bit.
I'll bring some of my concerns specifically
Ground Texture
It seems to me, much of this work really is a crude and poor implementation of OSGearth where power of two tried to wrap a google-earth sat view on a terrain mesh, to give terrain texturizing. As opposed to shapefiles decoding.
Now, psadro said:
This is just sad! What kind of texture resolution are we objectively looking at here? several km/pixel resolution? The world, like this will only look nice for a space shuttle flight. At FL400 it will already look blurry and with terrible lack of granularity! Let aside, what is going to happen to VFR flights?
Some work with shapefiles had demostrated how far we can go with shapefiles. Think some of the CORINE decoding in Europe, or the amazing work in Kansas and Ohio by Wllbragg.
Are we gonna let that go away and compromise to a 4096x4096 global resolution? Why? exactly?
It seems a good compromise for PFD level map displays for creating very novel glass instruments, but to fly VFR, it sounds a terrible regression from what can be achieved using QGis edited shapefiles.
*brain exploding*
Say what!?
OK. This would be fine for terraGIT. Kinda
(I mean, currently, it is possible to download only a tile of 10x10 degrees from terraGIT, which can be as large as 2GB data, as small as a few Kb. Thinking of forcing a Full world download before you can even launch Flightgear seems quite an overkill, and a rather abrupt separation to the central idea behind terrasync of "download on the fly" and "just download what's needed to get your flight done"
I really hope he is not being serious about this one.
Anyhow., yes, we can get to download the whole world via terraGIT as well, but it seems an strange direction to go.
Could you maybe rethink this one thru?
psadro recently released the first preview of the World Scenery V3.
It is great to start seeing more concise work, that is not so much in the realm of the ideas
I'll be testing Hawaii (the demo), and adding it to a topic branch to terraGIT for those willing to try it out.
So far, I am rather desilusioned with some of the execution and/or conception of where is best to go for the next scenery. I understand well some central motivations behind, but again, the way this is being done concerns me somehow more than a tiny bit.
I'll bring some of my concerns specifically
Ground Texture
It seems to me, much of this work really is a crude and poor implementation of OSGearth where power of two tried to wrap a google-earth sat view on a terrain mesh, to give terrain texturizing. As opposed to shapefiles decoding.
Now, psadro said:
psadro wrote:the texture is just 1 4096x4096 sheet for the whole planet.
This is just sad! What kind of texture resolution are we objectively looking at here? several km/pixel resolution? The world, like this will only look nice for a space shuttle flight. At FL400 it will already look blurry and with terrible lack of granularity! Let aside, what is going to happen to VFR flights?
Some work with shapefiles had demostrated how far we can go with shapefiles. Think some of the CORINE decoding in Europe, or the amazing work in Kansas and Ohio by Wllbragg.
Are we gonna let that go away and compromise to a 4096x4096 global resolution? Why? exactly?
It seems a good compromise for PFD level map displays for creating very novel glass instruments, but to fly VFR, it sounds a terrible regression from what can be achieved using QGis edited shapefiles.
*brain exploding*
psadro wrote:The actual DEM is a collection of levels (independent of the LOD level) Multiple DEM levels are not required, but highly advised. The ViewFinderPanorama DEM is ~50GB. The entire planet is always loaded, so terrasync would need to download all 60 GB the first time to be able to model the whole world.
Say what!?
OK. This would be fine for terraGIT. Kinda
(I mean, currently, it is possible to download only a tile of 10x10 degrees from terraGIT, which can be as large as 2GB data, as small as a few Kb. Thinking of forcing a Full world download before you can even launch Flightgear seems quite an overkill, and a rather abrupt separation to the central idea behind terrasync of "download on the fly" and "just download what's needed to get your flight done"
I really hope he is not being serious about this one.
Anyhow., yes, we can get to download the whole world via terraGIT as well, but it seems an strange direction to go.
Could you maybe rethink this one thru?