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CNN Article on Ultra Long Haul Flight: OTBD-NZAA

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:19 pm
by SkyBoat
Hi everyone.

CNN recently published this article on the world's longest "Ultra-Long-Haul" flight. But more than just discussing the flight itself from Doha, Qatar (OTBD) to Auckland, New Zealand (NZAA), a total of 14,200 kilometers, it highlights the history of long haul flights, the economic and political realities, the types of aircraft that have been and are being use, and why (commercial viability, range, ETOPS, fuel consumption, etc.), as well as interesting information on the physiological effects. It includes information on how the airlines control things like lighting, temperature, air pressure, and humidity to try and mitigate some the physical problems, although for preventing things like DVT (deep vein thrombosis) there is no real substitute for getting up and walking around.

The writer also adds industry speculation on what the future might hold.

I found this to be the most comprehensive and concise article on the subject I have read. It's also got some very good accompanying videos.



Re: CNN Article on Ultra Long Haul Flight: OTBD-NZAA

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:26 pm
by jwocky
I remember Garuda from Frankfurt to Denpasar, so a 14 hours flight and still a smoker flight as well. So what they did was, they had the "smoking area" in the back where in fact where on one side two or three empty rows. The flight attendants had basically hung up some blankets and made it crew rest and behind it next to the aft galley was "smoking allowed" but nobody could sit there. So they got every smoker to walk there from time to time and stand for a few minutes. Now, how could we organize something like that for non-smokers?

Re: CNN Article on Ultra Long Haul Flight: OTBD-NZAA

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:33 am
by SkyBoat
@JWocky - -

You bring up an interesting question. The airlines have chosen solutions that are passive, adjusting the cabin environment to be the least intrusive, but not directly addressing the issue of sitting for extended hours. Perhaps what they need on these long-hauls is the equivalent of baseball's 7th-Inning Stretch. Not that everyone stands and sings "Let's Go Out to the Ballgame" :lol: but, flight-conditions permitting, encourage passengers in different seating-sections to get out of their seats for 10-15 minutes and at least stand, if not move about a bit. They could even pre-assign the times when you board the plane so people would know in advance and be prepared in an oderly fasion. And it would not preclude getting up if you needed to use the restroom.

Maybe they should hire us as consultants to help solve these kinds of problems. Delta is paying passengers up to $10,000 to give up their seats. I'd be happy to tell them my ideas and then give up my seat for $10K a pop! :mrgreen:

Re: CNN Article on Ultra Long Haul Flight: OTBD-NZAA

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:11 pm
by jwocky
Well, yeah, there are a lot of problems involved. Everybody wants to fly as cheap as possible, so the airlines are stuffing as many people in the planes as possible.Which makes any idea to move the passengers a little while in flight so much harder. Leg room is also almost non-existent in the cattle class. And the idea to have passengers in groups change places doesn't work either because the rules just don't permit it. Basically nobody wants to talk about it, but if a plane crashes, they like to know who was supposed to sit where. And of course, you have to control it somehow, you can't have suddenly some hundred people move spontaneously on one side of the plane or something.

Another Delta story: I was, when I was flying in from Germany to visit Diane years ago always on the Delta flight from Stuttgart to Atlanta then on a connection flight Atlanta to Kansas City. At one time, I came in a few days before Christmas. Of course, every plane was stuffed and all I could could get was the connection flight that would arrive in KC at 10:30pm, despite the fact that I arrived already short after 5pm in Atlanta. Now, here is the fun part. The first plane was actually scheduled to arrive short after 6pm, but the wind was good, we we early. So, Delta really tried everything to get me on an earlier plane to KC and they were also willing to pay someone to take the later flight so I could get on the earlier one. Okay, I had obviously miles and miles and was at that time gold status, but still. They really tried hard. Didn't work out though, nobody wanted to switch, not for money and good words.
Now, why I remember this flight, the long-haul part, in this connection, is because the plane, a 767, was also full to the last seat. So, what they did was to assign one of the business class toilets in the front section to the cattle class. And like two hours into the flight, the assigned another one and changed it all around. Which basically lead to people going to the bathroom kind of milling around which one was free. But obviously, all on kind of the same circle, left side forward, right side walking backward. Kind of improvised, but I bet, on 9 hours flight, everybody got at least up once.

Re: CNN Article on Ultra Long Haul Flight: OTBD-NZAA

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:51 pm
by KL-666
Those oil countries are subsidizing their airlines and airports with oil dollars to become the central hub of the world. And they are quite successful at it, due to el cheapo westerners buying into it. As a wannabe central hub you surely want to subsidize flights to Auckland.

With 14.000 km we are almost at the limit of 20.000 km. More is not necessary. Remember, the earth circle is 40.000 km. We do not need planes that go further than half the circle.

About stretching legs on long haul, i often spend hours in the area of the aft galley/toilets. Having a chat and drinking wine with some snacks.

Btw, Delta pays 10.000 dollars to offload yourself from the flight? United just drags you off for free, as happened to Mr. Dao

Kind regards, Vincent