Rebuilding Travis AFB. Who's in?

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J Maverick 16
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Rebuilding Travis AFB. Who's in?

Postby J Maverick 16 » Thu May 12, 2016 5:42 pm

Well, title is clear.
KSUU has got a layout but it sucks, really. Also, 3D objects are placed randomly and in a such non-sense way (e.g. there a re dozens or radars placed around the airfield).


Who volunteers to remake a better 2D layout?
As usual I'll work on the 3D part which is my favorite, since I spend way too long at remaking a WED layout (I've started LIPA in 2014 and I still need to finish it).
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Mav
Breakin' the sound barrier every day!

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