KL-666 wrote:Just another topic out of the quote Lydiot made. A Democracy is not made up of blunt majorities crushing over minorities. Every majority should leave room for minorities, else it is not a Democracy in my book.
Kind regards, Vincent
But the problem here - and please forgive me if I misunderstand what you're saying - is that we're faced with not just the possibility of "phobia" against minorities but also arguably legitimate concerns. So while someone may be anti-LGBT and supports not giving transgender males access to female bathrooms, there will be people that have no problem with LGBT-individuals but have a concern with predators posing as trans to gain access to these bathrooms.
So I think what jwocky was saying was that this is a difficult situation with no clear easy solution. If you allow this minority to have their way then the risk increases that predators get into these bathrooms (for example). If you don't then the minority suffers by being forced to use a bathroom that they feel isn't theirs.
I suppose the solution I can see is having gender-neutral bathrooms available, and having those be single-person only. Of course, the problem then becomes the financial one because a lot of people won't want to pay for it. But I suppose that's a solution.