Battle of Britain (1969)

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Battle of Britain (1969)

Postby HJ1an » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:12 am

I recently got to watch the movie Battle of Britain (1969) last weekend. It was also a nice follow up to the movie Dunkirk I watched recently.

Story being a little bit flat - and the version I watched didn't include subtitles for the German - aside, the visuals got me completely hooked.

There is not much in the movie that made me go "hmmmm, ok that looks totally fake", maybe one or two scenes had a bit of a movement mismatch due to use of model airplanes bouncing on grass, and a few scenes with "graphical effects" (ie hand-drawn explosions), but taken together, it totally brought me back to my childhood.

Static camera viewpoints, the sounds of the Merlin engines, nice use of camera work and on-board cameras and many, many R/C model airplanes all add to the immersion.

Have to say - 1969 'hand-drawn graphical and matte painting effects' aside, this is the kind of effects work hollywood movies should be doing, instead of the swooping "camera" viewpoint and CG airplanes pulling impossibly stupid 'G's without repercussions from it. I miss this type of immersion in movies nowadays.

Posts: 474
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:09 am

Re: Battle of Britain (1969)

Postby HJ1an » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:13 am

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