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You know, you grow old if ...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:00 pm
by jwocky
... you get less spam trying to sell you on Asian or Russian catalogue brides, but more about heart health

... you get less spam about make your degree and more about reverse mortgage

... you get less spam about cool restaurants and more about cholesterol and gluten free food

... and the sign that should really worry you is, if you get no "Hi my name is (insert gitl name here) and I want to chat with you" spam mails anymore.

Okay, guys and why don't I get no offers for those remote controlled helicopters anymore??????


Re: You know, you grow old if ...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:05 pm
Where's your youth travelled, winged dinosaur?

Re: You know, you grow old if ...

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:48 am
by jwocky
I don't know ... I can tell you I aged a little during a storm landing in Lorient. And a little more in some dark corners in Leipzig. And even more somewhere in the Far East and even more ... well, thinking about it, I guess, I fell victim to a kind of salami tactic, it took me slice by slice.

Re: You know, you grow old if ...

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:28 am
by F_36
You know your old if you have to scroll all the way down too enter your birth year

Re: You know, you grow old if ...

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:24 pm
by jwocky
Yep, there's a definition. Not even talking, at the time I got old enough to drink alcohol legally, there were no scroll boxes for the birth year in the Internet ... mostly because there was no Internet ... dooh.

If you know, you're a dinosuar and you're bound for extinction there is only one thing, you can do ... leave BIIIIIG footprints! - Al Bundy -

I so had to do this!