Sixth: Getting TerragearThis is where FG is not very well set to help a large number of users to have an operative terragear and allow them to be hands on in the creation of scenery.
You need to pass this bump to compile scenery by your own.
Terragear is officially available as source file in sourceforge [SF =
] ... ster/tree/A few binaries may exist for windows or via the PPA for ubuntu. I don't know for sure how these toolchains are
(terragear toolchain is very sensitive)
You can attempt at compiling yourself using cmake: will need to satisfy dependencies first. Much importantly, make sure you have the proper versioning (for certain dependencies, terragear needs exact version, and
cannot handle newer version. Usually linking to a non-standard library path gives me best result to specify exact library versions, without using a system-wide / more updated kind
1. Any dependency required to built simgear.
(even if you are not building simgear, you need to fulfill dependencies)
This list is a good start: you will also need:
openal, and
openscenegraph2. simgear. last version is OK (2016.3.0). If you have FG, then simgear is already installed. But, again, I recommend building it again. (I compile all FG suites myself, so I have this done). In addition you can have a terragear computer without flightgear, but you will need simgear to get terragear somewhere.
3. GDAL.
Needs exact version 2.0, you must build from source.
4. CGAL, version 4.8 (most recent, works)
5. Then: All's well end's well. you should be having a good toolchain to cmake terragear.
You MUST build the branch scenery/ws2.0. The master branch will be of not good use until the next version of scenery is released!!6. after building, depending on where you installed, you may need to set proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PATH to your linux installation, so it can get the libraries properly linked.
Builiding terragear is doable on Linux. Not easy.
That's how I helped SHM, by SSHing on a laptop he set up for this job, directly doing the :job: myself.
But it can be done. I ascertain.