Share your objects and configuration of shared models for other users
Option 1: Do the zip
The easy way is to provide a zip file with the content of the Corresponding Objects directory, containing the stg added/modified lines and the static objects all together.
do not forget to add a license information before ever sharing a zip file. and add an AUTHORS file to it)If you share a zip file with the content of the Objects directory, and the new objects are static, or the shared models already exists as shared models in FG, then others can get your mods.
Code: Select all
and share that.
Option 2: Create an scenery repository.An scenery repository is a great way to share your progress and allow others to join you in the way
see these for good practice examples: repositories contain Terrain, Objects, and/or Objects scenery subfolders for a give path for FG, and work like easy to install patches.
Share in terraGITAdding new models and locations to terraGIT is way easy. Just fork the correspoding tile, and add any of your changes to the "Objects" branch. Then send a pull request. need some git knowledge, but we'll be happy to help.
Request upload to terrasyncThis method requires you to upload the ac file, the png file an an optional xml file into the webform. Then indicate the location and heading.
Do this per every static object. (Shared objects, that already exist in FG, you can fill a shared form with the STG lines)
To upload in terrasync you need to understand that STG line
Code: Select all
OBJECT_SHARED Models/aaa/ -2.27290487 53.36190439 74.7391 89.6 0.0 -0.0
-2,2729 is the location of the object Longitude (how far west/east from greenwich)
53.3619 is the location of the object Latitude (how far north/south from equator)
74.7391 is the elevation of the object about MSL (usually ground level in your place). This info is NOT required to upload to terrasync
89.6 is the orientation of the object
When you fill that form with the info obtained in the stg, you will tipically wait for a few days for your object to be evaluated. If they like it, it will import to terrasync in additional 24 to 48 h. if they don't like the object they'll ask you to make it better. If they dont like you they'll send you to hell.
Note to authors.Sharing new objects both in terraGIT and terraSYNC requires you to agree to release as GPL. Sharing as a ZIP file does not. Feel free to add any license seems fit to you to the zip. But avoid "no license" file as a dropback. It is just unclear and literally means: do not download/use or tranfer.