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Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:14 pm
by jwocky

I was on the first fly-in yesterday ... now I wonder, when will KSUU fly to Japan, then I can fly an additional tanker on that trip (or maybe we need tanker-rendezvous points). So, which tankers are currently working for KSUU and when is that flight planned?

Any other groups planning fly-ins? Feel free to use this thread to coordinate it.


Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:55 pm
by J Maverick 16
jwocky wrote:Hi,

I was on the first fly-in yesterday ... now I wonder, when will KSUU fly to Japan, then I can fly an additional tanker on that trip (or maybe we need tanker-rendezvous points). So, which tankers are currently working for KSUU and when is that flight planned?

Any other groups planning fly-ins? Feel free to use this thread to coordinate it.


I'll ask them now what timetables should we follow during the journey.
BTW we will fly KSUU>PHNL>PJON>PWAK>PGUA>RODN>RJTY in separate days starting from May 1st (KSUU) and arriving on May 6th (RJTY).
Also, I'll start my trip a day before from KIAB (McConnell AFB with the KC-137R, which will receive the damage code as soon as possible).
Will send you more infos soon.
Regards, Mav

Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:40 pm
by jwocky
Okay, keep me posted!

Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:59 am
by Octal450
Hi guys, the KC-137R is getting closer day by day to bee ready, but we have a setback: I am cluless about military stuff, like damage code. So I will not be to implement that, I stick with cockpit/systems developement :D


Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:22 am
by J Maverick 16
it0uchpods wrote:Hi guys, the KC-137R is getting closer day by day to bee ready, but we have a setback: I am cluless about military stuff, like damage code. So I will not be to implement that, I stick with cockpit/systems developement :D


I'll ask pinto of OPRF to help us with it as soon as we have a new stable build on Git. Also, We have to work a bit more together with Teamviewer so we can get things done like the Boom operator view better and other things like that.

@JWOCKY: Currently no answers regarding the fly-in, will update you as soon as I get some.
Regards, mav

Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:36 am
by Octal450
Yep sorry about the lack of talking, I've been so busy working on nasal scripts ;)

I need to get to sleep, its 2:35 for me, Work will continue once i finish my work.


Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 1:13 pm
by J Maverick 16
@JWOCKY we are starting our trip today from KSUU heading towards Hawaii (PHNL) in some hours (duration flight 5hrs more or less), if you can bring the C-5 it'd be awesome.
Regards, Mav

Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 7:21 pm
by jwocky
Great and since I worked the whole night and got up late, I missed the flight ... a shame. Have fun guys!

Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 6:53 am
by J Maverick 16
jwocky wrote:Great and since I worked the whole night and got up late, I missed the flight ... a shame. Have fun guys!

Today there's the third leg PWAK>PGUA. I'd suggest you to come, but be aware that there's a DPRK military ship shoot at us...
Regards, Mav

Re: Fly-ins to Japan

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:03 am
by KIWI34
Hello All, i will be flying into Narita sometime on friday the 6th at around 0800UTC . My 787-9 will be due back from Santiago sometime thursday, where i can prepare the long haul up from Auckland and into the land of the rising sun. I hope to see you there :)