The Blown 100

Post here the craziest flight actions, we will make a poll at some point and do something with the pictures. Only hell knows what, but that's the nature of a Prize for outstanding Craziness!
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The Blown 100

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:28 pm

Here's a thought, fly the lightest, lowest power personal aircraft at treetop level or lower around the Isle of Man's Billown Southern 100 race course at tree top or a little lower in a 28 knot wind and spitting rain. Mind the skinny wings wanting to tap the edges of buildings and flagpoles. :?

The Plane; an idea I had of a modern equivalent to the 1922 Lympe Economy Trials, a minimalist motor/glider aircraft, except made in modern materials of composite fiberglass/carbon with a small 150 cc engine powering a geared prop. Normally flies at 50 knots cruise but can be mushed along at about 33 knots.

I did attempt 3 laps, but only one relatively successfully. the blown part having a variable headwind with rain, made the NW direction bit a wee bit fast






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