Free Speech

Free speech and open source development
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Re: Free Speech

Postby KL-666 » Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:51 pm

Again Bomber declares that he knows better what is on my mind, than i do myself. I suppose he believes that he is clairvoyant? I am sorry, but i do not believe in such hocus-pocus. Really sad this.

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Re: Free Speech

Postby bomber » Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:52 pm

The irony.
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Re: Free Speech

Postby jwocky » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:35 pm

The point remains: No mod, no admin ever edited or deleted any of your posts. You were not banned for opinions. You are though about to be banned for repeatedly making utterly wrong statements with the intent of libel. Freedom of Speech does NOT cover intentional criminal behavior, end of the story.
Lydiot and Bomber, you get hereby a last chance to clear your statements and publicly to admit, that your accusations were baseless and only intended to get your some attention your craved so badly. This last period of leniency will last 72 hours, ending at 11:00am Central Time on Thursday, February 2nd, 2017. If I see till then neither an apology by you, nor any new input form the community that would make me reconsider (as I said now often enough, the community has a voice here, but if nobody speaks up for you), you are history.

It is sad, that I have to come to that point, but some people have a hard time to understand, that abuse of free speech necessarily leads for everybody to a limitation of those freedoms. Thus, you have done already enough damage to everybody here and I am not willing to let your libel run under the label of free speech anymore, lets call it what it is, an attempt, by lies and twists to discredit everyone here. It is, in its intent of reputation damage by lying simply libel and we can't stand for that. We made it for years without such limitations because everyone showed at least a minimum of decency, you have abandoned that entirely.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: Free Speech

Postby bomber » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:46 pm

If I knew which statements you've taken offense at I could review them.

I would then consider modifying them...

I've been reasonable in this topic and debated only the fact as I see them.
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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Re: Free Speech

Postby jwocky » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:11 pm

You claimed, I would be like Curtis ... despite the fact that I let you rumble on and and on. We both know, over there, you would have been cat food a long time ago. So your accusations, we had suppressed your right to free speech in any form was blatant lie repeated over and over again. Of course, now you have left what even with the most generous interpretation can be considered free speech and entered the realm of libel and slander without any base and thus, we can't let that go.

You also claimed I did something wrong when I excused myself from a decision, I was party in and hinted over and over again, it was a fake of some kind because "nobody steps away from a position of power". Well, now we are at the point, you have obviously forced me to not to recuse but to make the decision and not to step away from that position of power. See, you can have it one way or the other, I hope you are happier now. See, every society has rules. Every community has rules. The rule to put someone who is party out of a decision (or even the discussion to make suggestions to change the behavior in a PM) worked quite well for us here. Of course, to tell the owner, you are out of this is a hard thing to do ... the others have proven some balls there in the past ... so, I did it myself and put me on the sideline. Now you have enforced a situation in which it appears not allowed anymore to walk away form positions of power (which was before your attacks actually the standard here). You accusations based on that, including comparisons with Curtis, Thorsten, Bugman and Stuart were wrongful, malignant and intentional libel.

You also ripped parts of Vincent's posts out of context, over and over again, accused him of some kind of bad intent because of things, you imagined you could see in his mind, but things, he never said. You can't just go and claim you know what people think (opposite to what they write) and then accuse them based on your imagination. If you want to make a complaint, fine, but at least, base it on something that is actually written, not something, you just imagine.
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Re: Free Speech

Postby bomber » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:47 pm

OK give me a few days I'll review and see what I can come up with..... you might want to consider getting Vincent to say his issues and I can do both at the same time.

The Curtis thing however, it's a joke yes ?
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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Re: Free Speech

Postby bomber » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:26 pm

jwocky wrote:You claimed, I would be like Curtis ... .

Well I've had a good look....

Page 5
bomber wrote:My suggestion that no one gives up power is valid.... Jwocky says he's not acted but took a step backwards and allowed his private little group to act on his behave.... does this not sound familiar ?

Page 6
bomber wrote:Sorry Jwocky, but what you've just written above is exactly what Curtis would write about you.. even the same reasonable but condescending tones..
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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Re: Free Speech

Postby Lydiot » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:30 pm

KL-666 wrote:In this thread Lydiot and Bomber have demonstrated their abuse of freedom of speech by being very careless with the truth quite enough now. People have patiently shown time after time where they go astray, like when they conveniently "forget" crucial quotes in their creative cutting and pasting. But this all goes nowhere, because they keep popping out new twists and recycle old twists that have already been rebutted 10 pages ago. Normal people have better things to do, like school, day jobs, etc...

Anyone still interested can just read this thread from a to z. I only have to give you Lydiots signature, and everyone is free to judge who attacks who here, and how true the signature is given that all their carelessness with the truth and the signature itself are still on this forum.

Lydiot wrote:"Free Flight, Free Speech".... as long as you only say what Der Fuhrer says is acceptable...

Kind regards, Vincent

You're clearly not suited to be a moderator Vincent.

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Re: Free Speech

Postby jwocky » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:50 pm

tick tock ...
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: Free Speech

Postby Lydiot » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:52 pm

SkyBoat wrote:Lydiot-- Describing what bomber has clearly stated over a number of posts as a way to refute his claim that his freedom of speech is being constantly threatened is not hypocrisy.

I don't think that's what I said or meant. Or perhaps I misunderstand what you mean above.

SkyBoat wrote: Furthermore, the issue regarding what I said to bomber and the content of the PM you received are not even close to being the same. I will not discuss that further.

Yeah, it is absolutely the same thing. Ironically though you prove my previous point by not discussing it any further. This is just more of the same tired shit; people make a claim and then end that with "I will not discuss that further". And then here is Vincent implying that I am the one who wants to shut down debate. It's not. It's you guys. When the topic doesn't go your way you want to shut down discussion, with or without invective.

SkyBoat wrote:Why aren't you spending the majority of your time flying

How do you know I don't????

SkyBoat wrote: rather than provoking fights

Look who's talking. When was the fucking last time you said that to Vincent or Israel? I'm betting never.

SkyBoat wrote:or jumping into the middle of posts and arguing ad nauseum over minutia?

Do you also complain that Vincent is arguing over minutia? Probably not. And again; you people throw out accusations like it's nothing, yet when it comes time to justify the accusations you just move on to the above. So it's a win-win for you guys. You get to accuse others of shit and when they defend themselves they're to blame for starting shit, and you could of course prove all this, but that would be "arguing" "over minutia".

Very convenient.

SkyBoat wrote:What you write has devolved to the level of nuisance, IMHO, your having long ago having exhausted contributing anything that is genuinely helpful and relevant to either this forum or FlightGear in general.

So, go out there and fly.

If what I write is so unproductive then why do you bother responding yourself!?

The above is just more personal bullshit you people pile on. Did you ever stop to wonder if some people get turned off by the shit that JWocky writes and by the fact that you then back him up, or that you allow people to join this forum to then spew shit over members over at FG yet you throw a hizzy fit when people defend themselves against your little clique? Did you ever consider that? Did it ever occur to you that if you'd have been less confrontational yourself, and had been more even-handed in moderation and interaction perhaps more people would have joined this forum specifically and actively supported your cause?

Of course that all assumes people have the time and skill to spend contributing more directly, something you obviously know nothing about yet feel comfortable assuming.

Here's a suggestion: Delete me and everyone else who isn't part of your inner circle, and then set criteria for allowing people to join, and then have them re-apply. That way your criteria can be to have as ridiculous political opinions as JWocky or at least allowing him to bully others without them defending themselves, or allowing only some to have complete 'freedom of speech' and not others or however you want to phrase it. It'll be a fresh start for your little circle.

JWocky is going to have a seizure if you don't anyway. He's on his way to complete meltdown. Do it for him. Do it for humanity.

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