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Cat and canal

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:06 pm
by bomber
Someone put the fool in a bag and take it for a dip in the canal.

What's your point.... we've read it.

If you want to start another Fgmembers vs Flightgear argument kitty then have the backbone to do it with your own comments and opinions.

It could be that this work is being done on a licence that's unsuitable for fgaddon....

Stuart can wish for all he likes, just like me with the Irish twin sisters but it ain't gonna happen. - Simon

Re: Cat and canal

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:20 pm
Yes. I saw that!!

They should be working hard to be helpful instead.

SplitDecision can push the work to FGMEMBERS as early as he wants to.
We'll be happy to test the new A4... for sure! :D

He can wait a couple of months, or he can push now, and keep developing concomitantly.
(Release Early/Release often is a way of dev. I kind of prefer)

FWIW, I am ok with any decision they make respect to aircraft folder. They can choose expand the existing a4
or they can choose to just create a new A4 variant. Some Thorsten was speaking about options lately?


The way I see it, certain very known personalities (Bugman, Stuart, Wkitty) are now trolling another aircraft development thread in a "what repository you are pushing this into" thread

Total insanity. furthermore, now they prob. made SplitDecision feel he is walking on egg-shells, and if he decides anything the core is not looking forward, he can suddenly become target of a certain "powerful" gansta-group.

And Wkitty as usual, trying to catch fire. (Mockingjay Part 3, anyone?)

Set aside, it is anyways a change for best that FGAddon tries now to be very open and very amiable to new content and new commiters (MV-DP, per example). And I am certain that without the FGMEMBERS revolution, they would have kept the upper hand that they used to "regulate" upstream commit more restrictively in the past.

I think, their efforts to look more appealing to new developers, is, bottomline, yet another advantage for our community that FGMEMBERS exist, and that it is strong enough to make FGADddon policies to relax.

Re: Cat and canal

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:33 pm
by bomber
I've no problems with fgaddon for what it's used for..

I've a problem with that post from kitty being a deliberate attempt to incite another argument.

He could quite easily have asked the question about maybe putting it on fgaddon licences being GPL or even advising a hanger that would allow/take non GPL work and have access via the aircraft centre..

A function of FG that they're attempting to deliberately refuse access to Fgmembers from. .. I expect that to fail.

All in all its yet another bad vibe dig instead of working together.

Re: Cat and canal

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:36 pm
They can't refuse access to FGMEMBERS. They don't own that button.

Access to FGMEMBERS is granted to anyone interested in develop and cooperate with us.

I send invitations to new people that make pull requests, and to people that email me their github account.

Such access is Write access to any of the hosted repositories.

Re: Cat and canal

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:38 pm
Oh... you mean the aircraft center?

We can make an xml catalog anytime we wish.
I just dont see big use on that, yet. to Embargo myself into such big xml.

In any case, if we provide the FGMEMBERS.catalog.xml, then the whole collection could be made accesible to the "center"

Such ability to create catalogs to additional hangars was actually requested on the dev list by me, and maybe the only 1 wish they ever granted me.