Call for Screaming Orcas Patch and Epaulets

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Call for Screaming Orcas Patch and Epaulets

Postby SkyBoat » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:43 am

Hey Everybody,

Screaming Orcas Test Flight Group is putting out the call for a commission for to create a Screaming Orcas patch and our rank epaulets.

Here is what we need:

The Patch:

The patch should be round or hexagonal depicting a flying Orca (or killer whale) either as a twin engine jet or a single engine jet, rather sleek, aggressive body and head/face/mouth. Remember that whales have have a dorsal fin but a horizontal tail not a vertical tail fin like fish. No armament. The words "Screaming Orcas Test Flight Group" must appear encircling the outer rim of the patch, or as an alternative, "Screaming Orcas" encircling the rim and the words "Test Flight Group" integrated into the face of the patch. The Orca must be in standard black and white colors, but the rest of the patch can be submitted with several different color combinations. The whale should be facing the front when placed on the pilot's left shoulder. Color restrictions: No greens, oranges, yellows, pinks, browns, mauve or puce.

Size: The patch must be in a JPEG or PNG format and fit the avatar window for the forum: 320 X 320 pixels maximum. Scalable preferred.


The epaulets are the shoulder insignia designating rank. We have developed a rank system and need a nice, clean looking epaulet to be to give to each test pilot as he/she moves up in the ranks of the organization. The same color restrictions apply as with the patch. Epaulets should be in a JPEG or PNG format, approximately 128 pixels by 320 pixels maximum and scalable to smaller sizes.

    1. Test Pilot: 1 Bar/Stripe
    2. Lead Test Pilot: 2 Bars/Stripes
    3. Senior Test Pilot: 3 Bars/Stripes
    4. Associate Chief Test Pilot: 4 Bars/Stripes + 1 Star
    5. Chief Test Pilot and Chief of Operations: 4 Bars/Stripes + 2 Stars
    6. Chief Test Pilot and Chief Executive Officer: 4 Bars/Stripes + 3 Stars

Refer to this link for an example of what the U.S. Navy uses for its rank insignia:
As with the patch, you may submit several variations.

Have fun and we are looking forward to seeing your submissions.

The winners will be credited on our blog site's splash screen!

"Dream no small dream; it lacks magic. Dream large. Then make the dream real."
Donald Douglas

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