laserman wrote:I did
install/Europe (111GB)
and later
du -sh
...19GB less than you have.
Yes. There was a problem fetching. When this happens, git can get confused. We need to check your install
Try this
Code: Select all
git pull
git submodule init . #dot at end, since you already did install/World this is no issue
git submodule update --progress #if this comes clean, then run following command, else it will tell you if there's any tile with problems
git submodule foreach git checkout origin/master #this makes sure nothing is missing
I checked EDLM, EDLE, EDDL - they look good, except one road at EDLM is missing compared to scenery 2.0 and the real world.
I ran Trunks, Primary and Secondary roads worldwide. Anything in OSM categorized tertiary or below, I omit because it was just too much. I am unsure if this is reason why this road is now not shown
then I checked KLAS and KJFK: no buildings, no P3000 stuff and problems with taxyways/apron at KLAS
cd /space/flightgear/terraGIT/Objects/w080n40/w074n40
bash: cd: /space/flightgear/terraGIT/Objects/w080n40/w074n40: No such file or directory
(Objects/w080n40 is empty)
git pull
Already up to date.
/space/flightgear/terraGIT$ install/USA
..did nothing
clearly fetching on World faulted. Code above can help us getting you the clean installation.
what about nice custom airports like EDDB and EDDK? shall we include them in TerraGIT?
We certainly can. All I need is updated apt.dat and I can patch terraGIT.
This version of terraGIT should already include what's new on Xplane database, but if there are custom nicer apt.dats, they can be patched in
(let alone the fact that it's possibly good practice updating xplane, so future builds --by me or the cores-- gain that data too
Nonetheless, going via gateway for custom apt.dats is not needed, as they can be made available other ways.
with terraGIT it makes sense to use the latest apt.dat from Xplane so that parking & runway locations are correct, right ?
Correct. I fetched a latest apt.dat from xplane about 2 mos ago, and that's what I used. So Airports worldwide should be the newest or mostly newest versions available.
Then, for FG to read data well, terraGIT includes the apt.dats
--which replaces the default apt.dat in fgdata ... avData/apt
Finally, parking positions and similar, I plan to attempt at using your tools to build me these updated for the "Airports" directory,
but working on the P3000 models first (on the 15K airports with 3D)
I am glad you are technical enough, because this post is too much too digest