What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby Wecsje » Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:38 am

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:58 am

0xff wrote:Pavlin,

It's time your attacks stopped! You're being really immature. Especially for a 29 year old.

You've been calling everyone in this thread an idiot, moron, asshole, and a liar. The only one here like this is YOU.

You are the liar
You are the idiot
You are the moron
You are the asshole.
You are the one who doesn't understand
You are the one who doesn't want to understand

You really are a lost cause Pavlin. Unless we believe you know everything and do everything right you attack us. Then you get upset when we defend ourselves.

If you cannot conduct yourself appropriately I would suggest that you leave. Not everything is about you. You need to deflate your own ego and realize that yes, you can make mistakes. We all do, it's called being human. How you handle the post-mistake chaos is what defines you.

Please Alt+F4 and proceed direct back to Club Penguin.

He was right.
But I am sick from Asperger's.
So this topic just goes to show that I do not know how to behave with people.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby 0xff » Mon Aug 06, 2018 11:46 am

You see Pavlin, you don't listen and the things you do listen to you refuse to understand and apply it however you like. All you do is attack people, you're like the Chihuahua down the road.

This is not about which sim is better. This has never been about which is better. Nobody has said anything about flightgear in this thread. This is about you going off on a tirade attacking someone every few months.

You started this thread with the sole intention of attacking Falcon. Why should I believe you over him? I've never seen him conduct himself this way yet I have seen you do it. You're doing it now and not just to Falcon but to anyone who disagrees with you. Not a single person has attacked you in this thread. None. I think we've actually been nice.

Like I've been trying to tell you all along, these issues are probably due to communication issues. We all know you speak perfect English.

How'd we go from attacking people to the GPL? That's a rather odd shift, did you shift your brain from 4 year old emotions to more logic? Oh wait nope. Just more illogical ranting. A good topic but spoken about by the wrong person. I use Linux, have done so for the past decade. I'm a Linux Engineer by trait. You can find me on GitLab, all my stuff is GPL'd.

You're a nightmare for me? Because you have an opinion? Wow, you're more delusional than I thought. I'll let you in a life tip, everyone has opinions. Lots of opinions I don't agree with. Do you see me coming here to the forums bitching about random people?

All I've done in this thread is try to get you to understand that this happens every few months. I'm starting to think your only intention is to start drama. Also why are you here? You have P3D so doesn't that disqualify you from FG? This is how you're treating us. I still fly FG. Also you probably didn't notice but you posted this in "External Flight Simulators".

You probably wont understand any of this because you're blinded by emotion and refuse to. I suppose we needed someone to fill the role of Potato.

PS - Notice how I'm not consistently calling you names. Part of this is because I'm trying to stay civil, part of it is so I don't insult those names.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby KB7 » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:07 pm

You constantly bashing FG. So what you doing here??? This forum is created for FG users and developers! So why you are here at all, when you left FG???? Why????? Why you are wasting time in bst talking with me?????? M???
I'm not lost cause. I am nightmare for you. Because you can't stand the fact that I have opinion. That I have something you don-t passion!
You are just bunch of people that try's to smack me down. You will not. I am stronger then any of you and you all know it.

I hate to offer correction, but there are are a couple of things I feel compelled to speak up about.

First, while the very subtitle of this forum is, "An independent forum for FlightGear users and developers," so it's understandable you'd say that but it's not the full story. When JWOCKY and IAHM-COL were banned from the FG forums, Jwocky created this forum. Some development work goes on here, and it was hoped that it would be an outpost for those who wanted development outside the rigid chains of the FG structure. But some of us also consider it the clubhouse for us to stay (at least somewhat) in touch. (It is the only forum to contact Jwocky, IAHM-COL, and Skyboat, among others.) And I'm sorry that it may offend you, but Falcon is part of that core initial group. I doubt he's going anywhere. I doubt you'll go also, which is your right. But at any rate, many of us stick around due to our history, not just because we do or don't use FG or if we've moved on from it. So you do yourself disservice to try and use whether one still uses FG (I do still fly it, BTW), as a reason.

Second, at the very start of this thread. I can tell you that if you full stop on a runway at an airport I'm controlling in VATSIM, don't promptly move off it, and don't respond to my hails and get off it, I will call a Supervisor. (Controllers have a shortcut to do this). If you full stop on a runway I'm flying into or wanting to take off from and don't respond to a message to immediately move I will message a Supervisor. (I'm not sure what I'd do as a Center if I noticed it and if it were a towered airport.) The way you've said it Falcon isn't quite right - the Supervisor would likely try to contact you and request you to immediately move. You'll get booted if your record shows it is a habit, but usually they'll contact / inform you of the rule / allow you to immediately correct. And if you fail to do so then you will get booted. But he's right that you shouldn't just stop on a runway in VATSIM. (If you runway stop at LAX, JFK, or at a crowded airport during an event that time to correct will likely be short.) To me, who has aborted landings before due to such behavior in FG MP, that's a benefit.

Does that make Falcon right about everything? No. He's opinionated and has a strong ego, like many of us. He's wrong about some things and will usually accept he's wrong if you prove it to him. But he's right about a lot of things, and he was right about that little bit. He presents his facts as facts and often presents his opinions as facts. That's who he is for anyone who spends any amount of time with him. You're unlikely to change him nor change the opinions of those of us who've known him for some years.

FInally, I don't know exactly what he said to you. But it's pretty well known that he has no love anymore for FlightGear and feels X-Plane is the best platform. He's entitled to that opinion as you are to yours. And you're not likely to change him any more than he will change you.

I've said more than enough.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby UsAir26 » Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:46 pm

PavlinS wrote:
First of all I did not call everyone with those names. All people except Swamp and 123apple was attacking me here. So you all going to be abused when you are acting like " PavlinS does not understand". Is ANYONE from you all others, except this two, were in the conv. between me and Falcon, idiots??? No! So HOW THE HECK ACTUALLY WERE KNEW WHAT HAPPENED??????? You were not up there. The fact that you believe what Falcon said about me does not says that you know the truth. So you calling me a liar, Resident Asshole??? How when you do not knew what happened, you stupid idiot???????? How you can possibly knew when you was not there, you moron??? How??? OF COURSE YOU CANT!
What should I understand????? That FG is a crab??? IT IS NOOOT, you richie-rich people, who can afford to give TONS OF MONEY for a flight simulation.
Not to mention that Edward destroyed my server in discord OUT OF JEALOUSY, because he can't stand the fact that nvm PavlinS has got an Proffessional plus ediution of P3D, but the fact that he left it, because of FG.
Two new developers will work for FG so we can have better graphics, 3D models and IDG will never leave us, because, you all, stupid morons does not understand one single think: That GNU Public Licence will rule the Marquette someday and you all paying for simulation will look like idiots.
Watch this movie, idiots, to realize what means that people took your privacy and money at the same time with one single rule - to makes more money and take money from everyone on this planet just because they limit is endless! What's Cortana??? what about the stupid OS of MAC???? Linux is the future!!! Linux will be ruler of the Marquette!

Do you lack all self-control?! Just drop it already...you're only making a fool of yourself. Is that part on GNU and rich people supposed to justify piracy of flight simulators?

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby T-URBO » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:04 pm

Not to mention that Edward destroyed my server in discord OUT OF JEALOUSY, because he can't stand the fact that nvm PavlinS has got an Proffessional plus ediution of P3D, but the fact that he left it, because of FG.

CLARIFY THIS FOR ME? I read this 20 times and I don't understand. Thanks.

From what I understand from the quote above, here is my response:

1. I dont care if you have P3D, thats not the reason I trashed your server. You tried to public bash someones reputation on a public forum for your own agenda.
2. I never had P3D
3. The main reason, I left FG because I wanted to connect to VATSIM and at that time it was not possible with FG, and also I didn't mind paying the extra cash for the sim and planes. Also there was some political issues and issues with FG itself. For a free simulator FG is an excellent flight simulator.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:31 am

Throwing myself into argument about true or false.
Pointless. Everyone has an opinion and no one changes their opinion about anyone or anything, since we are all self-centered in our understanding for everyone else.
Which is why the world looks like this.
Drop it, Pavlin, you are just wasting everyone's time with this pointless sh*t you are posting here.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:38 am

Second time bragging about my discord server, such a pointless bst out of my side.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby UsAir26 » Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:13 am

PavlinS wrote: I was not trying to destroy someone, I just want to share his behavior to me. That's it.

Your words and actions prove otherwise.

I'll also add that the more you talk and continue to bash people, the more people see through you and realize that YOU are the one who attacks.
Last edited by UsAir26 on Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:35 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby 0xff » Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:18 am

Like I said Pavlin you DO NOT LEARN.

Let me share with you YOUR OWN WORDS

PavlinS wrote:I am feeling bad for what I did and how I treat people in this topic. I realized that this topic became a trash because of my non controllable emotions and because I need desperately to be seen. I do not deserve it. I am hoping every single person that I insult here to forgive my attitude. I realized that i am splitting this community on two with my opinions. So for now I am STFU.

And should you remove it

I would appear that you don't even listen to yourself. You need to step back and reevaluate yourself.

You have done a good job of winning the Darwin award for self destructive behavior.

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