USA TOUR past events | Record

The USA Tour Archive. Event Concluded
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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:14 am

USA TOUR competition | 13th Leg : Seattle, Washington | Supersonic Civilian Transport (SST) | SUN APR 14TH : 17:00 - 20:15 UTC

Departing from Jackon Evers Intl. (KJAN): Jackson - Mississippi
Arriving to Seattle-Tacoma Intl. (KSEA): Seattle - Washington

Leg Distance: approx 1900 nm
Competing Aircraft: Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde
Expected Cruising Speed: about 613KIAS | 1150 KTAS | 2.0 Mach
Expected Cruising Altitude: FL510
Expected Duration (en route): 1h50min

And The USA tour, Second competition BEGINS

The next twelve USA tour legs will be the Second USA Tour competition, that continues visiting every State within the USA at Random, arriving the Largest Airport within the Largest City of each state. The first competition has counted with amazing participants and we expect this to continue during the next 12 rounds.

The visited States seen here in Blue. The destination state in Red.

As a competition, remember points are assigned, and this accumulates very much per take off, landing and flying time within the competition. Feel free to revise historic posts to understand how the game goes, but briefly we will meet at indicated airports on indicated times on a Sunday, tipically once every 15 to 21 days, as posted. Take off and Fly in groups using planes within a "topic" or "theme", have fun, chat and enjoy flying with great fellows, get points and opt for the Gold Medal in the long run. If you had not enroll, let me tell you, in my humble opinion its really worth a shot ;)

The Medals so far are: Side -Gold-; LV-EPM (sa7k) -Silver-; Les8of -Bronze-. All competitors 1 medal each. Lets see who will continue earning this honorific prize within the FG community.

Flight Plan

This time will be a very special navigation exercise. The STAR and SID are provided to allow pilots to take off, use the STAR to reach cruising speed and altitude and descend appropriately, but all intermediate points are provided in secret. Pilots are encourage to navigate the plane and intersect these secret waypoints with the highest accuracy for maximum scoring. The waypoints are separated by an average of 200 nm and you should be reaching them in about 12 min at the cruising conditions. All secret waypoints are given by a reference of nav frequency, radial and distance, or as an intersect between 2 radials of 2 different nav frequencies. These frequencies will be either a VOR-DME or a VOR-TACAN.

Departing: SID, Jackson 4. You will be scored extra points per your ability of getting the plane at the cruising conditions as indicated

Code: Select all

Waypoint Frequency  Altitude  Speed    Info
KJAN     Airport    346'               RWY assigned by ATC
JAN      112.6      5000'     250KIAS
SQS      114.7      FL150     
CRINK               FL350     Ma1.2
MEM      117.5      FL510     Ma2.0

Consider placing these points in the route manager for departure help.

En-route: Navigation exercise. You are expected to be flying at Ma2.0/FL510.

You will be scored extra points 0-10 per your accuracy on navigating the secret fix.

Code: Select all

Waypoint     Description
Secret1      Intersect 117.4 Radial 317 with 112.7 Radial 265
Secret2      114.9 Radial 257 DME 61 (FROM)
Secret3      Intersect 112.5 Radial 040 with 113.0 Radial 225
Secret4      116.8 Radial 271  DME 126 (FROM)
Secret5      Intersect 114.5 Radial 333 with 112.1 Radial 280
Secret6      117.8 Radial 255 DME 65(TO); BEGIN DESCEND TO FL400

Arriving: STAR, Ephrata 6.

The STAR details are provide to facilitate arrival and land. Concentrate on Aviate, not on Navigate. I suggest to include these conditions within the route manager. Make sure you keep altitudes as indicated below.

Code: Select all

Waypoint Frequency  Altitude   Speed
ODESS               FL400      Ma1.2
EPH      112.6      FL200      Ma0.8
FLAAK               FL150      250KIAS
WOODI               FL120      250KIAS
HETHR               FL100      250KIAS
Follow Side's instructions at HETHR.
at HETHR Expect Heading 160 if landing northbound
at HETHR Expect Heading 250 if landing southbound

Not only we will be approaching on the fast concorde, but also there is high obstacles that need to be avoided/cleared. Notice the presence of Mount Rainier (14000') and Glacier peak (11000') surrounding our approach. Make sure not to descend below the recommended altitude in the chart above!

The alternate flightplan

If you are unable/unwilling to attempt of identifying the secret flight plan by following the navigation clues, feel free to use the following alternate plan. Pilots following this plan will get the base points, and potentially extra points on the take off and landing, but will get 0 extra points in the navigation section (see below).


Code: Select all

Waypoint Frequency  Altitude  Speed     info
KJAN     Airport    346'                RWY assigned by ATC
JAN      112.6      5000'     250KIAS
SQS      114.7      FL150     
CRINK               FL350     Ma1.2
MEM      117.5      FL510     Ma2.0
SLN      117.1     
DDY      116.2
DLN      113.0
ODESS               FL400     Ma1.2
EPH      112.6      FL200     Ma0.8
FLAAK               FL150     250KIAS
WOODI               FL120     250KIAS
HETHR               FL100     250KIAS
Follow Side's instructions at HETHR.
at HETHR Expect Heading 160 if landing northbound
at HETHR Expect Heading 250 if landing southbound


Competing Aircrafts

This time topic is Supersonic Civilian Transport Aircrafts (SST). Not many options indeed; The oldest one, a really pretty plane, the Tupolev-144 is currently not available in Flightgear, although some attempts to create it had been made.
See the Tu-144 forum topic

The first SST plane ever

The Other SST plane is the Aerospatiele BAC Concorde. Not only modelled in Flightgear, but also one of the better modelled planes within flightgear. Download the plane here. Read a very complex and comprehensive manual here.

The concorde

GUYS!! STUDY and PRACTICE will be key here. This plane is hard to handle and you may struggle if try to master it on the go.

Pilots willing to accompany us but not competing may come in Any plane capable of keeping up with the pace. We will be (trying to) fly-ing at Ma2.0


Pilots that register using my easy to fill up form help me a lot to organize the events. I will provide a particular parking gate to registered players by email at least 24 hrs before event begins. Other players will be welcome by just showing up to the event on time with the competing aircraft. I will anounce which parking gates are occupied by competing players soon.


We will attempt to communicate via mumble this time. Friendly, easy to handle and install, and for those like me that love this: "open source".

Code: Select all

Port: 63453
Room: Flight Room

Feel free to try it out. Flying with voice communication is quite easier than texting. For those unwilling/unable, we will remain answering on FGText while the speed of this fly allow.

Control center and scoring

This time we will need to depart with some time distance, in a rather controlled manner. Side will manage controlling as Tower (ATC) in both KJAN and KSEA, and additional "on the way" post that will remain unannounced. The ATC will not be fully realistic. Delivery not necessary. Just expect authorization to taxi to RWY or terminal, taxiways, take off and landing clearances. Expect Side to control pilots to depart with a minimum separation of 5-10 minutes among each other.

As a control center he probably will remain as observer, thou he could help in case navigation becomes way too hazardous. Remember you maintain navigation on your own!

He will assign an score for the following items to all competitors

1) Take off (additional 0 - 50)
2) Aircraft handling up to cruising conditions (height + speed) (additional 0-50)
3) Accuracy in navigating through the waypoints (additional 0-70; 0-10 per each secret point)
4) Landing (additional 0-50)

Pilots will still have the following base-points: 50 points take off; 50 points land; and 100 points en route (2 hrs), for a total of 200 base points for all pilots able to complete the route.


To assist in the scoring, I request all participants to log in mpserver12.


Guys!, Keep in mind that 2 accidents (one Tu-144 and one Concorde, both in Paris, France) were enough to completely cancel the SST programs. Fly with caution! :D


SID, Jackson4.MEM: KJAN, Jackson-Evers Intl.
STAR, Ephrata6.ODESS: KSEA, Seattle-Tacoma Intl.

Airport Diagrams
KJAN: Jackson-Evers Intl.
KSEA: Seattle-Tacoma Intl.

Parking Gates
It provides 5 gates on West Terminal (West1-5) and 4 gates on East Terminal (East 1-4).
KSEA: Seattle-Tacoma Intl.

To install these groundnet files, simply download and copy in the folders appropriate to your system and installation. You will need to identify and ubicate your $ROOT folder and your $TERRASYNC folder (if using terrasync) respectively. After installing, parking positions will be available thru FGRUN, FGX, and/or command line launcher 'fgfs'.

Code: Select all

    copy the files in (i.e):
    $FGROOT/Scenery/Airports/K/J/A/KJAN.groundnet.xml  AND

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:15 am

Registered Planes

The list of competing planes is way long this time. To simplify the downloading and installing of the planes that are expected in the event
I am providing below a list of planes that registered players will be using. I will be updating this list as pilots register and/or
inform me the plane they will be competing/accompanying with, so everyone can obtain these and avoid the yellow/blue gliders, without
the need of installing all possible competing planes for this leg.

Confirmed planes

IAHMCOL will attempt the trip with the super-heavy (84 Tons) bomber Boeing 52. This airplane is featured in Stanley Kubrick's doomsday Black-comedy "Dr. Strangelove, or How I learned to stop worryng and love the bomb".
Following a few clips about the the PLAN R of ROMEO, as in such movie :)
Note: copyright of the movie by Columbia Pictures, 1964


Available and Used gates

The list of available departing gates on Joe Foss Field will be kept updated here.

Registered players
Registered users had been assigned the USAF parking positions. Check your email or Private Message confirmations to verify your assigned gate.
Non Registered players
Use General Aviation Parking position.
East General Aviation Parking apron is closer to the registered competitors, including EGA1-EGA6 positions.

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:15 am

USA TOUR competition | Plan R of Romeo:
12th Leg : Jackson, Mississippi| Cold War Subsonic Bombers | SUN MAR 10TH : 1800 - 1825 UTC

Departing from Sioux Falls Regional Airport/Joe Foss Field (KFSD): Sioux Falls - South Dakota
Arriving to Jackson Evers Intl. (KJAN): Jackson - Mississippi

Leg Distance: approx 810 nm
Competing Aircraft: See list below (Any Cold War Subsonic Bomber)
Expected Cruising Speed: About 310 KIAS
Expected Cruising Altitude: FL250-290
Expected Duration (en route): 1h50min

The USA tour is back,

After arriving in a really awesome madness in WWII warbirds to the city of Joe Foss, Sioux Falls, we will be departing this rather small city (even the largest in SD), to the City of Jackson, in the hard spelling state of Mississippi.

Arrival Image

The USA Tour current map looks now like this: Visited States Blue, Destination state, Red

Flight Plan
This time we will be flying bomber planes, and we will be following IFR waypoints, and
we will be taking an RNAV approach into KJAN. Some will say that these Cold-war bombers did not have access to GPS technology back then in the 70s, but, Who knew? they used military technology any ways ;) (Example, some of these bombers were among the first planes to have an HUD incorporated!)

The Plan


Code: Select all

Wayp.   type      head   dist   ETA
KFSD   DEP      108   26.5   3.6MIN
CATID   WP      116   70.5   9.5MIN
SIMJI   WP      201   25.5   3.4MIN
EYHUX   WP      132   85.5   11.6MIN
DSM   VORDME 117.50   129   56.1   7.6MIN
JAVAS   WP           136   40.1   5.4MIN
COLIE   WP      137   50.0   6.8MIN
TWAIN   WP      137   66.1   8.9MIN
STL   VORDME 117.40   170   52.1   7.0MIN
SLVER   WP           172   20.0   2.7MIN
FAM   VORDME 115.7   175   92.9   12.6MIN
KIMEL   WP           177   66.9   9.0MIN
MEM   VORDME 117.50   188   42.5   5.7MIN
XESSS   WP           190   51.5   7.0MIN
SQS   VORDME 114.7   171   41.4   5.6MIN
BERRA   WP           174   16.0   2.2MIN
KAYER   WP      160   12.8   1.7MIN

Competing Aircrafts

Competing players will be using any of the subsonic bombers that were developed/used during the Cold War in any of the fronts.
A compiled list with download links is presented below. Notice: I may have left planes away unintentionally; if you know any missing plane, that you want to use, please indicate me so in the registering page and I will update.

Non-competing players may use ANY aircraft of their choice. If it flies, it goes.

If you are competing on the eleventh leg of USA tour, consider registering for the event in the Registration form. That helps me great deal organizing; I will send confirming email to the contact info you indicate (it may be a flightgear forum user for PM or an email address), and I will assign you a parking gate in KICT.
Remember to obtain and test the groundnets with due anticipation :D
See you soon.


We will be using FGText for major communication purposes. But If you are able to get FGcom going, IHMACOL will be also on air2air frequency 122.75. FGcom is a bit complicated to set up, but if you have it going, it makes our flying and communicating more fluid, easy and realistic, so give it a shot!

Airport Diagrams

Parking Positions

Parking positions are available now.

  • Sioux Falls Regional/ Joe Foss Field (KFSD):
    It provides 4 USAF parking (located on the actual East Cargo large apron), 4 Cargo (CA1-4) on West cargo Apron, 4 West General Aviation (WGA1-4), 6 East General Aviation (EGA1-6), and 6 in terminal (A1-6).
    Important note: Aprons are NOT modelled in KFSD. This meaning, the parking position locations are proper, BUT the game will start you on some grass. Some aircrafts may fail taxiing away of the "grass" in the non-modelled aprons. Please test, and if this is the case, you will be better off starting on the RWY and taxiing away.
  • Jackson-Evers International (KJAN): [url][/url]

To install these groundnet files, simply download and copy in the folders appropriate to your system and installation. You will need to identify and ubicate your $ROOT folder and your $TERRASYNC folder (if using terrasync) respectively. After installing, parking positions will be available thru FGRUN, FGX, and/or command line launcher 'fgfs'.

Code: Select all

copy the files in (i.e):
$FGROOT/Scenery/Airports/K/F/S/KFSD.groundnet.xml  AND

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:17 am

USA Tour Leg 12th Completed

USA tour proudly announces that its 12th leg has been successfully completed, arriving to the state of
Mississippi, to the nicely developed airport of Jackson (KJAN).

All pilots had done an amazing flying job controlling airplanes that are, to say the least, hard
to manipulated and just partly developed, such as the Cold-war bombers of different identities.

We have represented the Plan R, in memory of Kubrick's Strangelove, flying at a rather low
altitude with a cruising FL270-290, and a cruising speed of 260-270 KIAS. The trip thus had taken
about 3 hrs in cruising time, just about 30 minutes longer of originally estimated.

Departure, as I expected was not free of eventualities. Taxiing of the Tu95 had proven
impossible to all Tupolev's flirts. On the other hand, Sbyx and IAHMCOL had successfully
departed with the giant Stratofortress B52. A few planes were tested a few minutes before departure
while others had been selected long before (such as Side's Page Victor). We also had an SR-71 accompanying
flown by Cervelo :D.

This image show the stratofortress in the grass apron commencing, and a accompanying fighter-bomber
supersabre F100D.


Due to the complicated nature of the event, planes did a couple of holdings above KFSD while all
the pilots succeeded on taking off, then we engage enroute.

We began with a fatality. Sbyx engine had a complete failure and he dropped to ground almost like a
bomb in the Vicinities of the State of Iowa. An image of his critical moment here:


Also, it does remembered me this another Dr. Strangelove's scene:


FGcrashed on IAHMCOL preventing him to continue any-further from the vicinity of Memphis. While he
made an attempt to recover the plane took off with a locked rudder, thus it was impossible to
successfully land and taxi back to ground.

Yet, most pilots completed in very impressive manner this route to Southern-USA. After successfully
landing, PH-ETE had to depart on a rush, but most other surviving pilots were on time for our
everytime's arrival shot


Scores and First Medalry

After the 12th leg the final scores and first medalry is awarded. Points are reset to zero for
the next 12 legs. Congratulations to Side, holder of the first FlightGear Gold Medal, LV-EPM
holder of the first FlightGear Silver Medal, and LesBof, who reached Bronze.

I dare to make a self honoring mention to IAHMCOL for participate (not land) successfully
on every USA tour to date.


The next leg of USA tour will be announced soon, and I encourage all pilots to take advantage
of the resetting scoring soon :D

See you all soon in the Airs,

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:18 am

USA TOUR competition | 11th Leg : Sioux Falls, South Dakota | World War II warbirds : KICT - KFSD | SUN FEB 17TH : 1800 - 1815 UTC

Departing from Wichita Mid-Continent Airport (KICT): Wichita - Kansas
Arriving to Sioux Falls Regional Airport/Joe Foss Field (KSFD): Sioux Falls - South Dakota

Leg Distance (approx.): 400 nm
Competing aircraft: See list below (Any beligerant warbird during WWII)
Expect Cruising Speed: About 250 KIAS
Flying Rules: VFR (Weather permit) or Alternative NBDs if visual unable
Expect Cruising Altitude: 3000-5000 feet
Expect Duration (en route): 2 hrs 15min

And the game continues :D

Last time we arrived to "Air City", Wichita Kansas. An arrival shot, courtesy of Side, shows everyone except PH-ETE who had to exit just after landing.

Why Air City? Well, house of birth and manufacture of 2 giants, Cessna and Beech corporations, also a crazy place in term of their love to aviation. In spite of being largest city in Kansas State (Kansas City is in MO), with only 390 thousand population size according to 2010 census, the metro area of wichita counts with a hilarious number of aerodromes.

After our last tenth trip, USA tour, that started in Philadelphia, PA, has looked a little like this network of routes over continental USA

and now the most actual map of visited states (blue), and destination (red):

And off course, all this has been amazing fun thanks to the enthusiastic competitors and flightgear community in general.

So, hurry up! join the competition, join the tour, and meet great friends and aviation pals: Register here.

Flight Plan

And this time, weather permits, we will be flying VFR.
Flight planning VFR requires ground features that can help us navigating. And the Midwest is not a rich of features type of terrain. So, basically, a practically flatland with minor hills, were one can safely glide as low as 2000 feet, provides a rather challenging area for visual rules. Still, unless you are in open ocean you can follow clues, and thus, even in the Midwest, this should be practicable: Firstly, Cities and airports will be used as guides of location and reporting points. Secondly, we will use the Missouri river as our Major navigational guide our way North in this Midwest Visual Mayhem.
We will be flying at rather low altitudes, below any major cloud formation (ie 2500-5000 feet). Last few times in FG, I had observed Overcast skies as low as 600 feet, if this presents, then the VFR plan will be a no go, and we will use our alternate radio navigation, only while necessary. Cross my fingers we can do this on VFR rules.

The VFR plan:
KICT KIAB KEQA KEMP KFOE KTOP (Topeka City) KLWC (Kansas City) KMCI (following Missouri River) KFLV ST-Joseph City (following Missouri River) KOMA(Omaha City) KSUX (Sioux City) (Cross and leave Missouri River North Bound and Identify 7K7) continue North bound (Big Sioux River) 7G9 KFSD -visual landing.

This VFR plan begins identifying Airports on ground in order to reach the capital city of Kansas State, Topeka (KTOP). The major road system follows the Interstate 335. In our way to Topeka we may also identify KIAB KEQA KEMP and KFOE

In Topeka, we should have observed the Kansas river. Following it to the east, we locate the Major city Kansas City (KMCI), between Kansas and Missouri States. There, the Kansas river intercepts the Missouri river. In our way we will identify KLWC and in the city of kansas the airport KMKC and the Missouri river will indicate us the turn north; close by we should identify KMCI, to continue the Missouri river northbound.

We follow Missouri northbound to St-Joseph city and further north, another large city, Omaha, Nebraska, and its airport KOMA. We continue north to identify Sioux City, a major point in our route. Here, we have to identify the Airport (KSUX), and cross the river north. Just after crossing the river, we will identify the minor airport 7K7. This critical point allow us to follow the smaller Big Sioux River, and abandon the major cauce of Missouri River. We should be heading North (350-10 deg) instead of the west bound route of the Missouri!.

Continuing the Big Sioux River, we should identify and report 2Y2 and (Canton) 7G9 Airport, and from there inflect at 330 deg. The city of destination, Sioux Falls, South Dakota is a mere 18 nm away. Maintaining 2000 feet altitude, complete a visual landing.

Code: Select all

*  are reporting points.
Every pilot should report overflying these
example: "COL Reports CAPTAIN JACK 3000 feet, head via TOPEKA"
 ICAO Deg Dist Time REPORT
 KICT 094 08  02min
 KIAB 060 23  06min
*KEQA 037 45  11min CAPTAIN JACK
 KEMP 028 45  11min
 KFOE 010 07  02min
*KTOP 095 20  05min TOPEKA CITY
 KLWC 073 30  08min
 KMKC 327 12  03min
*KMCI 289 10  03min KANSAS CITY
 KFLV 317 16  04min 
 KSUX 326 10  02min
 7K7  352 30  07min
 2Y2  342 17  04min
*7G9  330 18  04min CANTON MUNICIPAL
*KFSD --------      JOE FOSS ARRIVAL

The IFR rescue plan
Use the following ALL BEACONS to orientate the route if VFR not permitted/weather worsens

Code: Select all

EWK 281 26nm NEWTON
CVY 314 62nm CAVALRY
TO  521 58nm BILOY
AZN 233 62nm AMAZON
OM  320 65nm GERFI
FS  245 68nm ROKKY

Competing Aircrafts

Competing players will be using any of the ''Warbirds'' that beligerated during World War II in any of the fronts.
A compiled list with download links is presented below. Notice: I may have left planes away unintentionally; if you know any missing plane, that you want to use, please indicate me so in the registering page and I will update.

Non-competing players may use ANY aircraft of their choice. If it flies, it goes.

If you are competing on the eleventh leg of USA tour, consider registering for the event in the Registration form. That helps me great deal organizing; I will send confirming email to the contact info you indicate (it may be a flightgear forum user for PM or an email address), and I will assign you a parking gate in KICT.
Remember to obtain and test the groundnets with due anticipation :D
See you soon.


We will be using FGText for major communication purposes. But If you are able to get FGcom going, IHMACOL will be also on air2air frequency 122.75. FGcom is a bit complicated to set up, but if you have it going, it makes our flying and communicating more fluid, easy and realistic, so give it a shot!

Airport Diagrams

Parking Positions

Parking positions are available now.

  • Wichita Mid Continent (KICT):
    It provides 12 Terminal Parking (G1-G12), 6 Cargo (CA1-6), 6 General Aviation (GA) and 6 Cessna Service Center Parkings (CSC1-6)
  • Sioux Falls Regional/ Joe Foss Field (KFSD):
    It provides 4 USAF parking (located on the actual East Cargo large apron), 4 Cargo (CA1-4) on West cargo Apron, 4 West General Aviation (WGA1-4), 6 East General Aviation (EGA1-6), and 6 in terminal (A1-6).
    Important note: Aprons are NOT modelled in KFSD. This meaning, the parking position locations are proper, BUT the game will start you on some grass. Some aircrafts may fail taxiing away of the "grass" in the non-modelled aprons. Please test, and if this is the case, you will be better off starting on the RWY and taxiing away.

To install these groundnet files, simply download and copy in the folders appropriate to your system and installation. You will need to identify and ubicate your $ROOT folder and your $TERRASYNC folder (if using terrasync) respectively. After installing, parking positions will be available thru FGRUN, FGX, and/or command line launcher 'fgfs'.

Code: Select all

copy the files in (i.e):
$FGROOT/Scenery/Airports/K/I/C/KICT.groundnet.xml  AND

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Posts: 6450
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Location: Homey, NV (KXTA) - U.S.A

Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:18 am

USA TOUR Competition | 10th Trip : Wichita - Kansas | Civilian multi-engine propellers with cruising above 200 KIAS : KMSP-KICT | SUN JAN 27th 16:30-19:30 UTC

Departing from Minneapolis/Saint Paul Wold Chamberlain International (KMSP); Minneapolis, Minnesota
Arriving to Wichita Mid-Continent Airport (KICT); Wichita, Kansas

Leg Distance (approx): 500 nm
Competing Aircrafts: See below
Expected Crusing Speed: 220 KIAS
Expected Cruising Altitude: 5000/7000/9000 ft
Flying: Low altitude IFR following Fixes, VORs and NDB. Expect ILS or VOR/DME approach
Expected Duration (en route): 2 hrs 12 mins

The first 2013 leg of USA tour arrived to Minneapolis in Historical Jet planes early January

Arrival image courtesy of Side

This time we reach the state with the Geographical middle point of the continental USA, Kansas. Its larger city, Wichita, is also an interesting stop in aviation: It receives the appealing name of "Air City", and it is the manufacturing and born house of the USA aviation giants Cessna and Beech.

We will be arriving to the largest Airport of this city, and the largest Airport (by enplanements) of the whole Kansas State, the Mid-continent Airport. More interesting notes aside, named after the Kansas City International Airport (In Missouri!) changed to its modern name from the previously used "Mid-Continent International".

USA Tour current map

This time we will be flying in Civilian multi-engine propellers, that can accomplish a cruising speed of 220+ KIAS. A list of very nice and interesting airplanes are included, and I encourage all to pick one from the list and come and join the Fun in USA tour!

Aircraft Requirements

The competing players may use any plane that,
  1. It is a Civilian Aircraft
  2. It is a multiple engine propeller aircraft (2, 3 or 4 engines, any configuration)
  3. It Can maintain a cruising speed of around 220 KTS, comfortably

A list of Airplanes within these recomendations is listed below, but if you know another one not included, and you are willing to fly it, please let me know before time, so all competitors have enough time to install it :D

Non-competing players may accompany us using any aircraft of their choice.

Registering Form
To pre-register for the game simply complete the form below: ... c00tT0E6MA

This helps me with the planning of the event, and to have a good idea of who is confirmed to come with us, thus I appreciate your gesture of RSVP. Also, to registered players, I will be sending a confirmatory email with an assigned parking gate where to start. Groundnet files to install these parking gates locally will be provided in the thread below.

If you are willing to compete but has not filled the registration, feel free to show up in a non-Assigned parking gate (not a Runway) to Minneapolis at the departing time, and you will also be welcome!

Communication will take place via FGcom (voice) and/or FGtext.
I encourage installing and testing FGcom beforehand, since it really helps with the full aviation experience. If you encounter trouble setting up FGCom, consider sending me a PM, and I will try my best to help you setting up.


Code: Select all

frequency: 122.75 (air2air)
##Get FGcom installing instructions at
##Remember to modify the FGRun or the command line to allow FG to communicate with FGCom

Flight Plan

The flight plan for USA Tour 10th leg is logged as follows:

The Route Map:


Code: Select all

Navigation Log   *Reporting points      Distance (NM)      Time (220 TAS)
KMSP   Airp.   Minneapolis St Paul Intl-   -   485   0   0:00   2:12   0:00
JURNY   fix*   ORSKY5         214   20   465   20   0:05   2:06   0:05
JURNY; MSP 115.30/211 intersect FMG 115.7/258
At JURNY, direct RUMLE via MSP 115.30/208
RUMLE   fix   ORSKY5         210   13   452   33   0:03   2:03   0:09
PEDLN   fix   ORSKY5         210   15   437   48   0:04   1:59   0:13
ORSKY   fix   ORSKY5         210   37   400   85   0:10   1:49   0:23
ONTIJ   fix*   ORSKY5         210   26   374   111   0:07   1:42   0:30
ONTIJ; MSP 115.30/208/111DME intersect MCW 114.9/278
At ONTIJ, direct to SIMJI via OVR 116.30/015
GOOLD   fix   ORSKY5         203   22   352   133   0:06   1:36   0:36
SIMJI   fix*   ORSKY5         203   9   343   142   0:02   1:33   0:38
SIMJI: OVR 116.30/015 intersect FOD 113.5/294
At SIMJI, direct to OVR 116.30/015
EYHUX   fix   ORSKY5         203   25   318   167   0:06   1:26   0:45
PUMKN   fix   ORSKY5         203   39   279   206   0:10   1:16   0:56
OVR   VORTAC*   Omaha   116.30   ORSKY5   203   44   235   250   0:12   1:04   1:08
At OVR 116.30, direct to PWE 112.40/015 : 62nm
PWE   VORTAC*   Pawnee   112.40       200   62   173   312   0:16   0:47   1:25
At PWE, direct to ALMAS, PWE 112.40/189 : 72 nm
ALMAS   fix*               194   72   101   384   0:19   0:27   1:44
ALMAS; PWE 112.40/189 intersect TOP 117.8/258
At ALMAS direct to HRU, then direct to EWK
HRU   NDB*   Heringt   407       208   23   78   407   0:06   0:21   1:51
EWK   NBD*   Newton   281       210   44   34   451   0:12   0:09   2:03
At EWK, direct to CUMUM via heading 220. CUMUM ICT 113.8/360/05DME
CUMUM   FIX*               224   20   14   471   0:05   0:03   2:08
AT CUMUM direct to ICT and proceed with Approach RWY in USE
ICT   VORTAC*   Wichita   113.80       191   5   9   476   0:01   0:02   2:09
KICT   Airp.   Wichita Mid Continent   129   9   0   485   0:02   0:00   2:12


We will be departing World-Chambelain Airport (KMSP) via ORSKY5 Omaha transition. The Chart is available here: ORKSY5 Page 1 | Page 2.

Airport Diagrams

Parking Positions

Parking positions [s]will be available soon[/s] are available now.

To install these groundnet files, simply download and copy in the folders appropriate to your system and installation. You will need to identify and ubicate your $ROOT folder and your $TERRASYNC folder (if using terrasync) respectively. After installing, parking positions will be available thru FGRUN, FGX, and/or command line launcher 'fgfs'.

Code: Select all

copy the files in (i.e):
$FGROOT/Scenery/Airports/K/M/S/KMSP.groundnet.xml  AND

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:19 am

USA Tour Leg Tenth Completed

And we got to the 10th trip :P

Today we completed the leg from Mineappolis to "Air City" Wichita in the state of Kansas.

We counted with the participation of an awesome group of great pilots and great sports: Side on a DC6B, PH-ETE on a Lockheed 1049 h, Sbyx on a B1900D, and myself on the Embraer 120 from departure.

PH-ETE in apron at KMSP

PH-ETE clear to take off. IAHMCOL lining up RWY12R

Later, on the vicinity of Omaha, Nebraska we had LV-EPM (Sa7K) joining us in the route via KICT. We departed just on time, at around 16:44 UTC. We faced really ugly weather since we began. We had overcast skies at 800 feet on Minneapolis, and headwinds of 11 KTS to depart Departure was expedite and organized, using both RWY 12R and 12L in parallel. Rapidly we climbed to cruising altitudes and flew within and above really tick cloud coverage.

The small B1900D has an unreasonably small gas reservoirs, and Sbyx had to make a refueling stop at Omaha (KOMA), where we descended to 4500-6500 feet and completed a holding point about OVR. Sbyx landing had to be performed on though conditions, with an Overcast of 800 feet, and 2 statute miles of visibility! But it was amazingly performed.

Sbyx landing in Omaha, surrounded by severe weather

The caravan continued really compact in our way to Wichita after the refueling stop, as seen here
cruising the Midwest

Finally when we began descending, things started getting worrying, with low altitudes, those horrifying overcasted skies looked really awry.
But still providing nice views. Sbyx argues his passangers had a view, well, how about IHMACOL that can see from his position all the planes getting into
the procession toward the cotton mesh.

we came into landing as a very tight group
Intercepting the ILS... what about the safety separation distances? :P

and the arrival group shot
Thanks guys for a great fun today :)

Score sheet

Today's trip was won by Side an PH-ETE with a maximum of 340 points each.

This is the points and cumulative summary of the Tour as it stands today.

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:19 am

USA TOUR Competition | 9th Trip : Minneapolis - Minnesota | Historical Jet Engine Aircrafts : KJAX-KMSP | SUN JAN 6th 18:00-22:00 UTC

Departing from Jacksonville International (KJAX); Jacksonville, Florida
Arriving to Minneapolis - Saint Paul Wold Chamberlain International (KMSP); Minneapolis, Minnesota

Leg Distance is approximately 1100 nm
Competitors may choose any of the planes in the following list,

If you are willing to fly a similar aircraft that is 1)Jet engine 2)Historical(not in service) and 3) is capable of 430KTS for 1500nm+, then just let me know and I will validate your use of it for the competition.
Otherwise, feel free to use any other aircraft not fitting these recommendations, in order to accompany the players, yet not for competition!

Alternatively, bring any plane of your choice to accompany the players

Expected cruising speed: 400 Kts TAS
Expected cruising altitude: FL280
Estimate flying time (enroute) 2 hrs 40 min

After the break in the End of the Year Holidays, It's that time again of starting engines, throtling up: We will continue the USA Tour.
We have completed 8 trips since the beginning in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


The image below shows the competing players getting ready to depart from Indianapolis (KIND).


Next, January 6th, USA Tour will depart to the city of Minneapolis, in Minnesota, Using historical Jet Engine planes.

Communication will take place via FGcom, Teamspeak and FGtext. I thank AirH5 for allowing the use of its teamspeak server during USA Tour trips.


Code: Select all

frequency: 122.75 (air2air)
##Get FGcom installing instructions at
##Remember to modify the FGRun or the command line to allow FG to communicate with FGCom

Code: Select all

##Special thanks to AirH5 for providing
##Teamspeak communication facilities
##Password will be provided via Fgtext to participants

Competing players may register by completing the registration form. Competing players can also show on KJAX
at the departing time to join without registering, if using competing planes. Players willing to join the group, but unwilling to compete for
points, can also show up at KJAX, or any other place on the route, with any plane they desire. We always will welcome your company too.

Flight Plan

The flight plan is submitted as follows


Details; Flight plan obtained from a RL route reported in FlightAware

Code: Select all

Navigation Log   Distance (NM)   Time (470 TAS)
KJAX   Jacksonville Intl           -   -   1194   0   0:00   2:32   0:00
CAE   Columbia   114.70       9   204   990   204   0:26   2:06   0:26
SPA   Spartanburg   115.70       329   83   907   287   0:10   1:55   0:36
NEALS               2   154   753   441   0:19   1:36   0:56
HVQ   Charleston   117.40       2   45   708   486   0:05   1:30   1:02
VHP   Brickyard   116.30       294   231   477   717   0:29   1:00   1:31
RBS   Roberts   116.80       300   94   383   811   0:12   0:48   1:43
MZV   Moline   114.40       292   121   262   932   0:15   0:33   1:58
ALO   Waterloo   112.20       314   108   154   1040   0:13   0:19   2:12
JAGOW           KASPR4   326   70   84   1110   0:08   0:10   2:21
KASPR           KASPR4   4   27   57   1137   0:03   0:07   2:25
ZIBBY           KASPR4   4   9   48   1146   0:01   0:06   2:26
DELZY           KASPR4   4   7   41   1153   0:00   0:05   2:27
PEPPR           KASPR4   4   9   32   1162   0:01   0:04   2:28
AHMIT           KASPR4   4   7   25   1169   0:00   0:03   2:29
FGT   Farmington   115.70   KASPR4   4   8   17   1177   0:01   0:02   2:30
SLIKK           KASPR4   336   11   6   1188   0:01   0:00   2:31
KMSP   Minneapolis St Paul Intl       KASPR4   31   6   0   1194   0:00   0:00   2:32



Airport Diagrams

Parking Positions

  • Jacksonville International (KJAX):
    It provides 4 parking positions at Pier A, and 4 parking positions at Pier C on the terminal.
    Additionally, 4 General Aviation and 4 Cargo positions located in the respective aprons
  • Minneapolis/Saint Paul - Wold Chamberlain International (KMSP):
    It provides 49 positions on Terminal 1 (Gates A-G), 5 Positions on Terminal 2 (Gates H), 3 USAF terminals (USAF1-3), 3 GA parking positions (GA1-3), 4 Internal Cargo Aprons Positions (CA1-4), and 3 West Cargo Positions (WCA1-3)

To install these groundnet files, simply download and copy in the folders appropriate to your system and installation.
You will need to identify and ubicate your $ROOT folder and your $TERRASYNC folder (if using terrasync) respectively.
After installing, parking positions will be available thru FGRUN, FGX, and/or command line launcher 'fgfs'.

Code: Select all

copy the files in (i.e):
$FGROOT/Scenery/Airports/K/J/A/KJAX.groundnet.xml  AND

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:20 am


USA tour recommenced on 2013 with a BANG!

Yes... you all are guessing accurately, IHMACOL exploded in his DC-9 during landing. How can my landings being consistently so awful? Well, I quite don't know for sure, cause many of you know I practice the plane I use on the Tour for at least one week, since I report the leg and possible planes of choice. But two factors are included. The first one is my frame rate per second games at 4-10, and when approaching terrain it may even drop to 2. Landing at 2 FPS is where the tragicomedy start, because its hard to make the small adjustment necessary for a decent touchdown. I accept all recomendations to get my FPS up, that don't involve new hardwa$e. Secondly, well, It goes long way to admit that my I am in the process of trademarking my landing style: One that is not for the faint of heart! :

But Let's narrate more complete series of events. USA tour recommenced on 2013 with a BANG!. We were 6 pilots (the largest participation to date) cruising USA northbound, between a South-border state (Florida) and a North-border State (Minnesota), for a total 1200 nm. We were on Historic Jet Planes, DC-8, DC-9, DH106, and a Concorde. Admitting that Concorde is 1)Jet 2)Historic, 3)No longer in service, therefore the flying concorde was accruing points on this trip. Way to go, A-BODY!. Additionally we were accompanied by a 7th pilot, PH-ETE on a Tupolev 154, for some fragments of the trip. Tu154 planes not competing, because some of these jet planes are still servicing airlines somewhere around the world.

The DH106 is taking off, as seen from taxiing IAHMCOL on KJAX:

Flying with these pilots was amazing, entertaining, and we learn quite a lot on the performance of these historic planes in Flightgear. Everybody cooperated and participated, and went friendly and cool. And SLOW!. We cruised at 260 KIAS (??), because my DC-9 had a red mark advising not to exceed, which I don't quite understand fully yet. The Cruising speed indicated in the DC-9s page in 480+KIAS, which is almost twice at fast!. Why is that speed warning indication on my ASI so low?!. But I wanted to be cautious and we slowly flew the airs at only 260!. Even the Concorde followed that speed to remain as a bound group. If you ask me now, I will say, ignore the red-mark on the ASI and go 460 and monitor the plane behavior... but well, deciding on the air is more full of doubt, you know.

And more frequently than not, we really looked like a train of planes in the air, here somewhere in the Southeast:

When Arriving to the waypoint Brickyard (VHP), some pilots were low on their fuel loads, so they decided making an stop on KIND before risking to continue. Other planes, we decided to maintain FL270/290 and hold wide over VHP. At this point we have CC-DLV joining us on a DC-9 on the way to KMSP.


And then, after a very long 5 hours of travel (almost 2 more hours than scheduled at the previosly expected 480KIAS) we arrived to KMSP, where some pilots landed very well, and a few more did it on a second attempt. And IAHMCOL overrun completely the runway and end up destroying his Douglas on the end of the runway! Way to go!

On the Cargo terminal at KMSP: Question, Who parked in the gras?(Hint, the plane does not look as wrecked as it really is)
Arrival image courtesy of Side, where Concorde can also be seen.

[b]Tracking page of USA tour Leg 9 ... ID=4345713

And the competition sparked!

That's rite everybody, after 10 legs, and a few months of competition, USA tour now has sparked a more interesting competition, with a longer list of competing pilots. And the numbers look, in a way of saying, really interesting. Noticeable, todays leg has been long, but has granted impressive 460 maximum points to some pilots, in what I would call a real hot-start, considering that in average most legs are half the time and only accrue about 250 points at a time.

The Leg Winners
Side and Sbyx took maximum score for the leg! Congrats.

The following table indicates the status of competing planes

I thank everybody for their warm welcoming of the game, and I look forward to see many of you on the 10TH trip, to be announced soon.


If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Location: Homey, NV (KXTA) - U.S.A

Re: USA TOUR past events | Record

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:21 am

USA Tour Competition | 8th Trip: Jacksonville - Florida | Twin engined airliners : KIND - KJAX | SUN DEC 2nd 20:00-22:30 UTC

Departure from Indianapolis International Airport (KIND) - Indianapolis; Indiana
Arrival to Jacksonville International Airport (KJAX) - Jacksonville; Florida

Leg Distance is approximately 600 nm
Competitors may choose any of the planes in the following list,

These are all narrow-body airlines with small passenger's capacity (<250). Twin-turbojet engines wing mounted.

Alternatively, bring any plane of your chice to accompany the players.

Expected cruising speed: 280 IAS | 458 TAS | 0.79 Mach
Expected cruising altitude: FL330, IFR rules
Estimate flying time (enroute) 1 hr 30 min
Thanks to Omega95, for providing such great models at his Omega Hangar
Important Note: To make some of Omega's planes be recognized by Flightgear, it may be necessary to rename the Aircraft folder after unpacking.
example, the folder airbus-aircraft-a320neo-master will be renamed as A320neo to allow flightgear to detect the new Aircraft.

USA Tour's arrival to Indianapolis :D
Current USA Tour's Map | Blue, visited states; Red, destination stated; dotted line, last trip.

About the Tour
Our departure via Florida brings again an interesting topic on how USA Tour hubs are decided. Every state and/or territory is visited once (except California). On the visited state, the largest (more populated city) is chosen as destination. In that city, the largest public airport is used as hub.

Interesting ''artifacts'' occurr with that strategy, specially due to how the population on USA is not that homogeneous among states. Some states have very small populations, such as Wyoming. Its larger city and capital city, Cheyenne is a very small municipality only equipped with a Regional Airport (which USA Tour had already visited). Contrastingly, states such as Texas have many million of inhabitants and several major cities, with amazingly large airports with as much as 27 million enplanements per year (KDFW). Noteworthy, in texas, that major hub is not located in the largest city (Houston), but in another huge city (Dallas). Furthermore, development in Flightgear plays additional variables, such as the fact that in texas, another major aiport located in the capital city, Austin Bengstrom (KAUS) is partially developed, while other airports in the State are not. Faithful to the plan, USA tour visited the state of Texas on its second trip arriving to the largest City, Houston at George Bush
International (KIAH).

Florida is one of these huge states with game-plan-created anomalies. Largest city in Florida (by area and population) is Jacksonville. Its airport is not as alarge (i.e., by enplanements) as several other airports in the state such as Miami's, Orlando's and Tampa's. But , in spite, USA Tour destination will be to the largest's city airport (as opposed to the largest's airport in the state), Jacksonville International (KJAX).

We will be flying on small to midsize airliners equipped with 2 turbojet engines mounted in the wings. These crafts are very fast and will take 600 nm in just about 1 hr 30 min (cruising) at an altitude of 33000 feet. We will be arriving at Florida at around 22:30 UTC, just around sunset, so we may expect nice sky views too.

Starting trip eight, flight altitude will follow hemispheric rule of flight level of choice. East-bound flights will have odd altitudes FL250,270...etc, whereas west-bound legs will have even altitudes such as FL260,280...etc; while maintaining also flight separation rules by ICAO.

I want to thank here to those pilots that had supported USA tour thru participation, plane development, suggestions and more. I hope to see you again via Florida, and enjoy flying together again

Communication among players will take place via FGcom, Teamspeak and text.

1. FGCom

Code: Select all

frequency: 122.75 (air2air)
##Get FGcom installing instructions at
##Remember to modify the FGRun or the command line to allow FG to communicate with FGCom

2. Teamspeak

Code: Select all

Channel: 21 (AirH5)
##Special thanks to AirH5 for providing teamspeak communication facilities ;)
##Password: Will be provided via text or fgcom during the game to joining pilots
##Get teamspeak client at

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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