I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Since IAHM-COL, SHM, and I are kind of cut off from the "official" world by royal decree of King Curt and his chancelor Grima-Snake-Tongue ...[ oh wait, wrong story ] ... we are sometimes a little confused and have to ask those who have still access about what is going on.
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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby SHM » Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:42 pm

D-ECHO wrote:Who banned you?

It was buggyboy I think. For a day :|
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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby SHM » Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:44 am

wlbragg wrote:
*watches as thread implodes*

I hope @Curt never sees this...

And you just know Thorsten is gonna give his five cents when he gets on.

Why the provocation?

terraGIT wich is much better and it always works.

Says you, what if you know nothing about GIT? Then is it better?
What if the scenery you get from it is too heavy to run on your CPU, then is it better?
I'm not going to pursue an argument here becasue I think that is exactly what your looking for, but your statements are only your opinions and for every one of you that holds that opinion there are others that hold a different one.

however with a little help i fixed it with terraGIT

@noobpilot, how is it that fixing anything? It certainly isn't "fixing" anything that might be wrong with terrasync. You mean you got some scenery copied to your hard drive that you subsequently pointed the sim at and now you can use it?
But you still needed help to get that working right?
If you asked others, they may have pointed you to TerraMaster. "With a little help", they may have got you to use it to copy scenery to your hard drive so you could point the sim at it and use it. TerraMaster accomplishes the same thing as terraGit and gets scenery copied over to your hard drive.

"With a little help" you may have got terrasync to work.

With a little effort on your part you may have helped other users and the project as a whole by troubleshooting the problem and helping to fix terrasync permanently so others who don't know anything about versioning control software can simply install FlightGear and have it do all the work and not have to use a third party solution.
I guarantee you for a complete novice in the ways of GIT, SVN, HTTP, etc that installing FlightGear and having the terrasync work right out of the gate is way easier and better than having to know versioning control software or even using TerraMaster.

and it always works.

As far as "always works", you know why I don't like fgmembers as much as I thought I might in the beginning, because every time I needed to update and pull the new stuff, it broke. The first time I had Israel walk me through a day or two conversation trying to fix it using GIT commands that I knew nothing about. I think we finally got it sorted out (all just because I tried to update). The next time I tried, the same thing happened and I think that time I wiped my repo and started over to get the current version. The third or maybe fourth time I tried to update it did it again and I haven't touched it since.
So what "always works" for you and is easy may not be for someone else.

You completely miss the point that this is an evolving project and instead of trying to report issues, troubleshoot them and subsequently fixing them, it's your choice to cry foul and make misleading statements about something that just so happens to work for you, that automatically makes it better and easier in your mind. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But for sure it is not the way the project wants to head at this moment in time and all your provocation isn't going to change that.

Why don't you all join the team instead of provoking it and constantly trying to start controversy?

PINTO wrote:
wlbragg wrote:
*watches as thread implodes*

I hope @Curt never sees this...

And you just know Thorsten is gonna give his five cents when he gets on.

Why the provocation?

Because it's getting old and I'm tired of people jumping down other people's throats every time someone says "I used terragit." Also, not a deliberate provocation. Just an apparently accurate prediction.
Thorsten wrote:
Yes -- terraGit is simple. One time download; then you can update without downloading it ALL again!

I'm sort of speechless.

How desperate are you folks to advertize a general feature of all version control systems as a highlight of terraGit? Do you think SVN (which is what terrasync internally runs on) downloads ALL every time you update? Do you think the current http solution of terrasync does that?

In fact, GIT always download stores the whole revision history - which is most certainly not what you need as a user - as a user you need the latest snapshot. The Space Shuttle GIT repository by now has 1.8 GB (!) size (geez, when did this grow so much) - the actual latest snapshot is a download of less than 120 MB. So GIT is _really_ inefficient when you have binary data and only need the latest snapshot. Over time, you'll end up with a GIT scenery that just grows and grows with revision history.

That's the point of the change to http, because that keeps only the latest state in sync with the repository - the normal user doesn't need scenery version control.

But hey - terraGit users will really be grateful a few years in the future to download 900 GB history for 90 GB of world scenery - because unless you have a harddisk crash, you never need to download it ALL again (you just need to find a way to store it...).

(I'm actually wondering if we'll see more than these three rather suggestive posts from noobpilot...).

SHM wrote:

Code: Select all

@Mods Close down the thread before it gets nasty, and dont delete it please!

Pinto wrote:Because it's getting old and I'm tired of people jumping down other people's throats every time someone says "I used terragit." Also, not a deliberate provocation. Just an apparently accurate prediction.


wlbragg wrote:If you asked others, they may have pointed you to TerraMaster. "With a little help", they may have got you to use it to copy scenery to your hard drive so you could point the sim at it and use it. TerraMaster accomplishes the same thing as terraGit and gets scenery copied over to your hard drive.

But it still would suffer from the usual terrasync problems-"Unrealistic layouts,Basic landclass data,Terrain overrun runways "

wlbragg wrote:With a little effort on your part you may have helped other users and the project as a whole by troubleshooting the problem and helping to fix terrasync permanently so others who don't know anything about versioning control software can simply install FlightGear and have it do all the work and not have to use a third party solution.
I guarantee you for a complete novice in the ways of GIT, SVN, HTTP, etc that installing FlightGear and having the terrasync work right out of the gate is way easier and better than having to know versioning control software or even using TerraMaster.

I dont see anywhere the OP mentioned he knew about git.

wlbragg wrote:What if the scenery you get from it is too heavy to run on your CPU, then is it better?

It isn't heavy.

Legoboy wrote:FPS are great, tho

The same was reported by Side, but I cant find it because you people deleted it :|

My result

Thorsten wrote:@SHM: Will you please stop changing font sizes in your posts? We can all read you fine, there's absolutely no reason to pretend we all need glasses. Really.

Because it's getting old and I'm tired of people jumping down other people's throats every time someone says "I used terragit."

That's actually not what's happening.

A user who has problems pointing FG to a scenery path - and then overnight figures out how to use GIT and confidently declares (as a newbie) that terraGit runs 'without any problems'? At the same time, this can't really be solved the problem of pointing to the scenery path? Terragear solved a problem he didn't actually have? Then we get to read the rather strange statement that GIT doesn't require you to download everything else every time (as if any other solution would)?

Let's say I'd be happy if people would just use the repository of their choice and not use every opportunity to spread their propaganda - then we could all enjoy peace and quiet.

Let me re-iterate something I've said in a different context:

I have a thread over in the Orbiter forum where I post updates on our space projects in the General Discussion section. If I post in other threads, I try to be helpful in answering technical questions and state my credentials up-front, i.e. say that I have only limited flight experience with Orbiter but know the technical background mostly from modeling in FG. I want to make sure people understand that I am not representing the Orbiter community.

Now assume I would answer questions like 'How can I download the Shuttle addon?' with a link to FG. Post my comments in ongoing addon developments that what we do in FG is so much better and easier, why don't people pack and leave Orbiter? Make strong political statements that Orbiter should actually be free (as in GPL) software and not just free of charge. How long do you think I would be welcome in the forum?

Think about it. Do your thing at FGMembers, leave FG to do our thing in peace - or you might sooner or later discover that you've overstayed your welcome.
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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby KL-666 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:49 am

Well, well, well. Is this the way to treat a newcomer on your forum? Let's see what happened. After terrasync/terragear did not work out for him, but terragit did, he reports that the issue is solved. How more kind can a newcomer be. He could also have just walked away when his problem was solved, saying nothing and leaving the community to continue adding unnecessary suggestions to the topic.

Re: Problem with installing scenery

Postby noobpilot » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:03 pm

I couldnt install scenery even with Terrasycn,however with a little help i fixed it with terraGIT wich is much better and it always works.


Now let's see what the response of the mad dogs is (i just quote the accusations against the newcomer here, for more detail you can read the thread yourself):

- you make make misleading statements
- your provocation
- trying to start controversy

- I'm actually wondering if we'll see more than these three rather suggestive posts from noobpilot...

- (in response to Thorsten) Yeah, and to suggest that be allowed to stand unchallenged.

- use every opportunity to spread their propaganda

Is it really nice to welcome a newcomer with accusing him of having bad intentions in mind? I would not say so. If i were this newcomer, i would say: Have fun with yourselves, i am out of here. Such brutality is unheard of.

Yet in the end Thorsten in his twisted mind still manages to accuse the newcomer of bad behaviour, of which the poor Thorsten is an innocent victim. If this is not a pathological case, i do not know anymore.

Yeah, it's really strange that a user in a support forum who has problems with the directory suddenly feels qualified to make strong statements which version control tools are better than others. It's equally strange that as soon as the support thread is misused for such statements, others chime in to straighten out the facts. Then we see the usual collection of strong statements combined with a plea not to delete them.


Which facts need to be straightened out in such a grossly insulting manner? Just have a look again at the quote of the post of the newcomer (top of this post). He needs to be straightened out? Really? You have a very sick mind Thorsten.

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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby bomber » Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:03 pm

You don't think it was something I said, do ya ?
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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby KL-666 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:21 pm

No, the insults of Thorsten and Wlbragg are direct after the newcomers post. You came in much later.

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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby jwocky » Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:29 pm

So, the dictator's little helpers threatened another person with ban and insulted at will, never in anyway made accountable by their ideological moderator whip StuartC. What is new? Information suppression and discipline whipping are the oldest hallmarks of dictatorships in history.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby bomber » Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:30 pm

Stuart.... not StuartC

Different people aren't they...
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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:55 pm

Yeah! They are different (I strongly understand)

Stuart the Moderator lastname is Buchanan.

But I certainly couldn't understand the insistence of StuartC (FGUK Captain) towards valery to stop doing work on a bell412.
It alledgely exists. It has never been released. The link does not work. We don't even know what license it will be yet...

And to top that. Aren't you suppose to volunteer to do work in the plane (or area) that interests you?

In any case, I am very happy of seeing the amazing progress valery is doing in that Bell412 (looks freakin' awesome!!), in spite of that FGUK welcoming.

It kind of reminds me of bomber argument that you made a FG aircraft to gain some sort of life-time ownership warranty. Weird stuff.

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby bomber » Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:06 pm

Yeh I totally agree...

I've always aspired to making something better, and the comment that we stand on the shoulders of giants... is just rubbish, it's not like we're inventing an atom bomb here.

we hold something up and say 'this is the best'....but at the same time we're saying 'can anyone make it better'.... now when someone comes along and says 'this is better'... we should look at it and if it is hold it up and say 'this is the best'....
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Re: I really dont know how to name it or where to post it

Postby SHM » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:04 am

bugman wrote:The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
SHM - I have deleted your deliberately provocative post. If you continue in this way, you will receive another ban.

For what post ? This one: (in the Rio thread)
You know who is going to come and scream "It won't be seamless"
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