Your challenge, if you deem yourself worthy of meeting this quest, is to drive the entire two race courses on the IoM, at night, with only your feeble headlight to guide you.
That's correct, you will start at the Airport on Runway 08 head off the taxiway to the A5, west to the intersection of the A3 and A5 and we'll then circle the Southern 100 course at Castletown once, then plunge onward back up the A5 into the darkness towards Douglas, Crossing the Fairy Bridge and past the Manx Cattery, on to where we will take the sharpish left at Take No Quarter Bridge intersection onto the IoM TT course, which we then will circle clockwise or Deosil, in the Old Language.
We complete the course at the finish line in Douglas. opposite the Memorial Graveyard.
You'll be given the chance to ride either the Vespa or the Yamaha small motorcycle, both have certain advantages that can be exploited. You will run the Rembrandt headlight systems they use, and hopefully there will be also be enough moonlight to cast a little light on the whole course.
The 9 lives part is where you have to balance your need to stay above an average speed and not crash. Each crash will cost you a 'life', you have nine of them. The more lives you save at the end of the ride, added to the points of speed above the average wins you the race. Game Crashes will possibly be an issue, and I think we can waive them as lives forfeit.
After the 'race' there will be tours through the Haunted Memorial Graveyard at Douglas, complete with the creepy animated Crypt of Evil made by Detlef, and the weirdly illuminated Spectral Pumpkin Patches. 'Walkers' in costume are encouraged as an alternatives to the riding the graveyard. We can also go visit the Braddan Church, which is also pretty spooky with it's imposing Gothic/Celtic presence.
This will require you to install Marc's Fabulous Isle of Man scenery, plus the Halloween graveyard I made last Halloween.
Are you brave enough for this night of terror?