Newbie: How Do I Install only one scenery tile in Terragit

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Re: Newbie: How Do I Install only one scenery tile in Terragit

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:34 pm

Thorsten knows the thruth. But he just doesnt use it when it comes to his cheap propaganda tricks.

Yes, you can get the content as zip files in any tile of interest, if you
1. Download the appropriate branch
2. Unzip and rename the content in a proper, valid FG scenery directory

The problem there is that you get the responsability of organize the content in a valid manner, whereas terraGIT (git software) handles that for you.

The main point they try to raise in the forum, about needing git, is therefore technically a mock, but has some validity on the fact that even thou It is possible to get the content by zips, it is much complicated than regular git cloning.

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Re: Newbie: How Do I Install only one scenery tile in Terragit

Postby jwocky » Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:33 pm

Hi TheFillipinoFGPilot,

may I ask a question in between, just form technical curiosity: The Internet connection don't seem too strong where you are, so how did TerraSync work for you under those conditions, compared to the option to load comfortable the areas you need pre-flight? Was it even feasible?

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Re: Newbie: How Do I Install only one scenery tile in Terragit

Postby TheFilipinoFGPilot » Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:18 pm

Hello jwocky!

I haven't used TerraSync in FG, I plan and download my scenery on the website. Because for me, pre-downloading the scenery tiles is the most feasible way. As to the downloading of files by .zips I have no problem with that, since I could do those, its a matter of presence of mind for the user to do it perfectly, but never the less its easy.

TheFilipinoFGPilot, Francis

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