Licenseless aircraft?

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Licenseless aircraft?

Postby D-ECHO » Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:13 am

While browsing through FGMEMBERS-NONGPL aircraft, I see many with this:
[License undeclared. Temporary Restrictions: Creative Commons: "BY-NC-SA" ]

How does that work? If the word is unlicensed, how is it possible to assign it whatever license?
I always thought licenses could only be assigned by the license holder (hence the name :lol:) ? Or am I wrong? ;)

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Re: Licenseless aircraft?

Postby OPFOR77 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:38 am

You're not wrong, but IAHM-COL will tell you that you are.
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Re: Licenseless aircraft?

Postby jwocky » Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:12 pm

Well, if you read up about licenses, BY-NC-SA is what a work without explicit license falls back to legally. To express it in terms a programmer woudl use, it's the default. Once the creator is contacted, provided, one can find him, the creator can say, he wants to go more open, like GPL, or say, no, he wants to retain the rights, creative commons keeps for him. So, OPFOR77, aside of reaching a new record on the snark meter, you are also wrong about the legal situation with those works in general.

A special case are some of my old works because ... very embarrassing, but I forgot to write copyrights into them and sometimes even my name (hey, I am in good company with that, greetings at this point to Dave Culp) ... so, I asked Israel and gave him the right, if he finds some of my old stuff without explicit license, to make them GPL. I mention it because I got some months ago emails about that. As far as my work for FG is concerned, Israel acts on my behalf, which is, given that I had to confirm it already several times on this forum, a total legally correct agreement.
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