Every vote counts

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Every vote counts

Postby KL-666 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:19 pm

In recent years i noticed a change in how people vote. Many people do not vote for the subject at hand anymore, but against something else. Sometimes this leads to an outcome they are not happy with, and did not expect. They thought: My vote does not count anyway, so i can vote against what i really want, just to teach the political establishment a lesson.

In my country the outcome of every referendum is easy to predict. The result is: No! Britons have recently voted for the brexit. Many did not realize their vote was for real, so they used it for something else: Teach the EU a lesson. When they woke up in the morning, they were shocked to realize that they now really had to leave the EU. (Polls show that the group of people with regret is big enough for a strong result to remain in the EU.)

Next big election event is for the president of the USA. Will people choose the person they really want to be president? Or will they use their vote improperly to teach Washington a lesson? Only to wake up in the morning with a president they do not really want.

Voting is serious business, so choose seriously for the subject at hand. I wish all Americans much wisdom tomorrow.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby D-ECHO » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:27 pm

Wisdom. That will be needed. What a disgusting election battle this was...

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby LesterBoffo » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:53 pm

I can't say there is a analogy that can be drawn between US politics and the European Union, this election cycle is unprecedented for the divisiveness that one political party in the US has formented. It is the result of over 25 years of our experiment with neo-conservatism and allowing the seats of religious dogmaticism to have a say in what passes for new laws in the US. It is not unique in it's unprecedented-ness, it's just another flavor of a ruling minority vote that wanted to be the loudest, because they imagined the country was heading in directions they percieved to be immoral and against ways honored by a perception of traditions. The pendulum swings and change will occur.

Fortunately, my local vote counts.

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby bomber » Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:05 pm

Sorry Vincent but that's simply not true about Brexit...

I'd say what most people want is for the politicians to get on with it rather than what seems to be attempts to unstable the currency to create a panic against Brexit.

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby LesterBoffo » Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:36 pm


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Re: Every vote counts

Postby jwocky » Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:22 pm

Well, for many people in the US, the elections are a question of survival. We have already reached the point where every fifth kid is under- or malnourished, so how much more can we take? 25% health care premium rises, how much more can we take? 800 billion dollar taken from Medicare for seniors, how much more can we take?
I mean, many people are maybe happy enough to follow mindless what they are told to do without even ever looking at the numbers and even many of those who can't afford it will vote as they are told in a 200 million dollar hate ad campaign ... it's what it is ... but try at least to be honest in this and not to use the same manipulative tricks you learned from your political handlers ... yep, Vincent ... talking about you stamping any voter not for Hilary as a protest voter.
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Re: Every vote counts

Postby Lydiot » Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:41 pm

So can you name some economic policies Trump have stated clearly he will implement if elected, policies which would change what you are talking about?

Also, can you with certainty say that he isn't lying about implementing them given how many other even inconsequential things he's been lying about?

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby jwocky » Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:20 pm

Deregulation, no higher vats, attracting investment money back into the US, streamlining the welfare system, no half-hearted wars going on forever anymore and yes, also a harder policy against illegal immigrants.
And while I can't say with absolute certainty that he will implement all of this (by all means, the next President will inherit a 20 trillion pile of debt form Obama), I can be pretty sure, he will at least try because most of those measures would of course also benefit his won business.
On the other hand, we know already Clinton lies. She lies that there will be no tax hikes in her presidency because in many countries, the measure to rise taxes are already on the ballots. She lies when she says, she will create jobs because with her strict regulation policies as she states them on her website, this is mathematical impossible. We know, she lies when she says, Obamacare, which, according to her statements she will expand, will not raise higher premiums, the premium hikes are already announced, 25% more ... for health insurance many people can't even use because the Bronze plans include a $10,000/y co-pay. So we know already for sure, she will at least try to implement three measures that will make the situation worse.
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Re: Every vote counts

Postby KL-666 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:41 pm

I do not want to doubt the result of brexit, or say what should be done with the result. I said something about the fact that many people nowadays do not vote on the subject anymore, and later have regrets.

It can work the other way around as well. A republican can want a republican president, and he would be fine with Trump too. But he votes Clinton using his vote improperly, because he hates Trump for e.g. taking over the republican party in a certain way.

It was not my idea to redo all arguments on the eve of the elections. This last day is a time for reflection and for everyone to think hard for themselves: Which president do i really want?

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby LesterBoffo » Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:06 pm

KL-666 wrote:@Bomber
I do not want to doubt the result of brexit, or say what should be done with the result. I said something about the fact that many people nowadays do not vote on the subject anymore, and later have regrets.

It can work the other way around as well. A republican can want a republican president, and he would be fine with Trump too. But he votes Clinton using his vote improperly, because he hates Trump for e.g. taking over the republican party in a certain way.

It was not my idea to redo all arguments on the eve of the elections. This last day is a time for reflection and for everyone to think hard for themselves: Which president do i really want?

Kind regards, Vincent

@ Vincent, but the Republican party in the eyes of a lot of GOP former party members has left all sanity and what the GOP used to stand for, if anything what defines this most vividly is Trump's choice of Mike Pence for Veep, who represents the most hateful and bigoted of the politically active Right.

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