Every vote counts

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby jwocky » Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:03 pm

Lol, the hate takes no end. And from now on, if anything happens anywhere, it has to be Trump's fault. Before it was all Bush's fault. Yada yada yada, lefties, business as usual. Imagine, the media would have done it when white people were attacked by lets say black criminals. Not far from here, a black burglar killed an elderly couple to steal their car. Media didn't make that a big show. Media still tries to keep the Waldo Rapist under the covers. But I guess, in the eyes ofa liberal racist, African-Americans are entitled to some raping? That's why liberals never react on those cases. If they can spread hate against political opponents, it is of course a total different game.
So, this is how it will be? The Dems as party of blocking wherever they can (for now, they can't do too much, they didn't get the House or the Senate), spreading hate and race conflict while their followers roam the streets and commit violent crimes? Oh wait... that sounds exactly like the last eight years, guys.
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Re: Every vote counts

Postby KL-666 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:49 am

TTIP is a trade agreement between the US and the EU, negotiated many years now and still not finished.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transatla ... artnership

The crucial point in it is that goods go unchecked across the borders. This means we have to trust each others regulations to be of equal quality. When in the EU it is not allowed to use certain ill making substances, it must be forbidden in the US too, and vice versa.

I have always been skeptical neutral about the feasibility of getting regulations aligned. But now Donald Trump has declared that he will let go of regulations in his country. This breaks the balance of equally safe regulations between the US and the EU. Letting US goods unchecked into the EU where regulations on product safety are tight, would be very unwise. I do not want to see unchecked contaminated US food or radio active toy bears in my shops. So it is out of the question to sign TTIP now. Donald Trump changed my opinion about TTIP to a definite no, because he refuses to have equal stringent regulations about health safety.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby Lydiot » Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:56 am

jwocky wrote:Lol, the hate takes no end. And from now on, if anything happens anywhere, it has to be Trump's fault. Before it was all Bush's fault. Yada yada yada, lefties, business as usual. Imagine, the media would have done it when white people were attacked by lets say black criminals. Not far from here, a black burglar killed an elderly couple to steal their car. Media didn't make that a big show. Media still tries to keep the Waldo Rapist under the covers. But I guess, in the eyes ofa liberal racist, African-Americans are entitled to some raping? That's why liberals never react on those cases. If they can spread hate against political opponents, it is of course a total different game.
So, this is how it will be? The Dems as party of blocking wherever they can (for now, they can't do too much, they didn't get the House or the Senate), spreading hate and race conflict while their followers roam the streets and commit violent crimes? Oh wait... that sounds exactly like the last eight years, guys.

Man, you're fucking retarded.

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Re: Every vote counts

Postby KL-666 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 4:56 am

Look here Lydiot, Americans may be emotional about the situation. But that does not make it right to call each other plainly names without any argument on this forum. Specifically the "without any argument" is the worst bit. I think no one gets startled about a bit sharp wording within an argument.

Kind regards, Vincent

Posts: 554
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Re: Every vote counts

Postby Lydiot » Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:29 pm

Like in this post you mean, where it's all insult and no argument, and not only that, is addressed against me for something someone else did:

jwocky wrote:Well, that is a possibility, Vincent. And a nicely and politely worded one. Would you please hand Lydiot a towel, he needs to swipe the drool out of his face ...

jwocky wrote:And that is why I laugh about the Lydiot because he links a known left wing propaganda blah instead of the original Hannity and Cawuto shows. They are on the Internet, look for them. The original shows.
But that is how people like the Lydiot work. One lies first and then the others repeat it till they believe it. Fly home, little drone! Lying about it on a propaganda trick is not the same as debunking it.

As per usual, I don't see any of the rest of you telling jwocky to tame his language or stick to argumentation.

Sorry, but I've tried arguments, both passionately and dispassionately, and it makes no difference.

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