Postby valery » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:22 am
Ok, fixed. For those that encounter the same issue:
- at the border edge of two different shading surfaces of a same object (here smooth faces shade + flat faces shade), the reflection shader override the smooth surfaces with the reflection of the flat surfaces if these two regions are perpendicular, or share the same refection space. This appears when the normals of one region are too close to the other region. So the reflection shader apply the reflection of one region to the other region, and when the normals are perpendicular, a black region could appear (reflection is null). Not easy to explain, but I hope you see what I mean. in my case, the black regions were not coming from the smooth surfaces as it appears to be, but from the reflection of the normals of other faces (our flat faces that are perpendicular), ie the gutter of the skids.
- how to fix it: select the faces of the region from which the reflection override the other, assign a new material to them. Change the material according to your needs. Be sure of course this new material will not be reflected ...
F****** bug ! ( [jokemode] since recently, you can change the 'F' by a 'T', means the same thing[/jokemode])