Now... onto some clarifications:
1. No one has ever been banned in this forum. Members that have left had done on their own intention
2. No one's words have ever been "edited" or "deleted". Anything, anyone has needed to say on this board have been left untouched by all the admin and moderators. We can criticize/question/counterargument with or without power-hat on. But we had respected your right to express yourselves both in your defense and others'.
3. The Free "Flight" Free Speech Forum stands for "Free Flight" but allows "Free Fight" when parties are willing to engage.
4. We do not have any mechanism/protocol of member banning.
I am philosophically opposed to such, since banning and other forms of repression are counterproducing to freedom of thought and speech. (Exception: I had previously removed accounts that are deemed spam-bots and their click-baits)
5. We do not "actively" moderate any topic on this forum. The admin and moderation team only steps in to "Moderate" when we are called into a conflict. I preffer you think of us as "conflict mediators" if able. In this sense of ideas, anytime a Moderator or admin enters any discussion in any situation other than being called in for conflict mediation, he does so without any moderator hat on.
6. I do not support democratically-functioning judicial systems --
let aside democratically-functioning lynching systems (such as voting to ban or impose a signature change for anyone here). [C'Mon, let's give ourselves a break. 2016 was already golden year of democracy choices. Let's take a break of that!
7. I found Lydiot's signature Ludicrous. I can understand why Vincent felt it personal and began this thread of :Let's talk about Lydiot's Signature:.
Objectively speaking maybe the signature itself is not ludicrous. I just don't know where he is at with it. At all levels: literally, etymologically - historically, or asthetically (why does the chars shrink sort to speak).
8. I can understand Lydiot feeling overzealous that JWocky requested us to moderate him on a certain thread, but it is my opinion that a) the moderator team found the need to recommend a
Bilateral conflict resolution recipe, b) JWocky clearly did not go all "Fuhrer" on Lydiot, cause he actually step out of the power-sphere and granted others the opportunity of calling the shots, and c) JWocky accepted our recommendations more humbly than Lydiot and his signature move. Back to 1 to 4 above, in any case, Lydiot being banned can't be even be considered under the fundamentals of our Free Speech forum. (note: besides, this is not the first time someone requests Moderation actions from our team to Lydiot. In fact Lydiot is record holder in this category here)
9. Who throws the first stone between JWocky and Lydiot becomes blurried with "alternative facts" (TM). And who's the worst offender becomes a topic of utter uninterest to the moderators' team in this case. The moderation recommendations that were send purposedfully ignored who was first and who was worst. It just emphasized in the fight-team graphically depicted by dogs above, and our recommendations to both of them is to step-away of engagement.
10. Personally, I think forbidding any mention of Historic characters, including certain Germans, is out-of-boundaries. If Lydiot wants to add a certain german "Leader" in his signature and he finds a twisted logic to do so, I think that "granted-it-is-ludicrous-to-me" is not a direct violation of any rule on this forum per-se.
11. Must Lydiot comply with our recommendations?
Clearly not. Must JWocky comply with those of his?
Clearly not. The moderator's team find the recommendations senseful and wish them the best of future interactions, but else, I can enjoy the blood-shed too (I guess). But with the best interest of any forum member in sight, I do hope they keep some distance of each other's neck.
12. From now on, to make sure Lydiot's signature is valid, he must send JWocky a private message of anything he plans to post, and only after JWocky approves his message he can post it (IH-COL giggles :rolleyes: :not-entertained: :irony: )