The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Free speech and open source development
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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby valery » Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:49 pm

KL-666 wrote:Bomber,

As several people have pointed out to you now, you do not read and take in information, but you only create new lies.

Somehow you live in a parallel universe in which all your thoughts are true. No information from the general universe gets into your private universe. You simply do not read what has been said to you.

Jwockys assessment of your resume seems quite correct. There is a reason why you have never been promoted. In fact i wonder what keeps your company from laying you off. Are the pay-offs so high in your country? See, in my country a long term employee lay off costs me some 70.000 euro's. Just think about it: pay that beer, or have all my other employees poisoned by you. I'll happily pay the 70.000 euro.


And your country is ? But perhaps would you publish your own resume, so we could understand what kind of job you're talking about.
It's really a low blow to criticize someone about his personal life from information that he did not even publish himself.
Next steps : where he live, what he have done with his wife/friends/.., does he smoke, what is his skin color ?
I don't understand this forum anymore, because this kind of post are really and deeply bad.
This will be my last post.
Thank you for those that are really more implied in FG dev. than in/on non-sense topics.


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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby KL-666 » Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:52 pm

valery wrote:It's really a low blow to criticize someone about his personal life from information that he did not even publish himself.

I have the impression you did not exactly follow the course of events. You can easily read them back, but i'll also list them here for if you are in a hurry.

1) Someone published the resume of someone else
2) I asked whether the owner agrees
3) The owner appears and spends some 10 posts on spreading more nonsense about me. No word about disagreeing with the publishing of the resume.

From that it is reasonable for me to understand that the owner agrees with the publishing. Had he protested the publishing in one of the so many posts afterwards, or had never posted afterwards, i would not have said a word about it. He approves of the publishing, by not protesting in his more than 10 posts. So i am free to speak about it.

I am sorry to hear you want to leave. For what exactly? Because i speak about a resume the owner approves of that it is published? Because you do not like the way the Dutch are prepared to defend their businesses? Because you find that i should just let lies and libel be spread about me, and i have no right to say anything about it?

Whatever it is, you are free in your choices, and i can not do otherwise than wish you the best of luck in everything you do.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby jwocky » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:44 am

Two things about it ... Bomber published his own resume on the Curtis forum long ago.
SHM copied this resume here to prove what a big cheese Bomber is and that nobody here should criticize him for anything.

On the personal experience however, I have a hard time to feel pity. By all means, I am a published author, I was on TV, and therefore, a tactic Bomber always supported, fair game for anybody who wanted to twist what I said and wrote, subject to malign attacks and libel ... and Bomber defended that here on this forum.
Now, I know, you don't know the pre-history of those stories here, Val, and I don't expect you to read through it all, but you maybe judged here a bit in a rush, emotional and without knowing all facts?
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby valery » Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:17 pm

jwocky wrote:Two things about it ... Bomber published his own resume on the Curtis forum long ago.
SHM copied this resume here to prove what a big cheese Bomber is and that nobody here should criticize him for anything.

On the personal experience however, I have a hard time to feel pity. By all means, I am a published author, I was on TV, and therefore, a tactic Bomber always supported, fair game for anybody who wanted to twist what I said and wrote, subject to malign attacks and libel ... and Bomber defended that here on this forum.
Now, I know, you don't know the pre-history of those stories here, Val, and I don't expect you to read through it all, but you maybe judged here a bit in a rush, emotional and without knowing all facts?

It seems that you spend more times to talk about yourself than about your passion. Perhaps it's common today, it's better to be known on a TV show, not for what you are best known, power vs passion. I see this everywhere. But I'm sure creating a community or a team is all about seeing what is the best on people, not the worst. Bomber/Lydiot/.. are probably not perfect they like to troll, ok, why not, who care but you and some others ? A guy come toward you on the street and say "hey guy, you a true asshole". What do you say ? He's an asshole too ? Personnaly, I don't care, I just say "yep , this is your problem dude, not mine"
I see in Bomber a guy that could improve a lot of thing in FG models, and IMHO, this is what I was looking for here. But sometimes peoples want to share their power, who they are and so on, not their passion, and you hear something like "I'm the boss, I'm the owner of, I'm I'm I'm ...".
What do you know about people that write here ? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I remember a story about a guy that was coming in an other forum, in the Orbiter community. This guy was just trying to share its passion. Because he asked some naive question about Orbiter, ones made fun with him. Ironically, the guy leaves the forum, and I sent him a mail in order to get him back; and he tell me he was Aleksandr Viktorenko, a former soyouz cosmonaut.
Ok. Change your mind, try to get the best from people, I'm sure you can do this. Perhaps change "free speech" by "free passion", and see what happens .. ;o) Leading, here or elsewhere, is all about passion, not power. My 2 cents.

Best with you and all other here, thanks to Israel too and his help
Thanks Bomber for all your tips, were the best.

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby Falcon » Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:41 pm

And what I think I'm seeing are pre-written PMs sent to you from bomber asking you to post in his place so you can take some of the heat off of him and his misguided ways. The style of this message is exactly how some of his other posts go. It fallows the same flow and verbage and the same tone. I am sorry if I am "barking up the wrong tree" but it seems fishy that bomber has not responded after the bashing post that KL-666 wrote about him. One can on conclude this. I am sure that I am not the only one who is thinking this, but if I am than I am the Elephant in the room. But this is my two sense.

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby oscar6662 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:58 pm

Looool, in my opinion, this are not the ways of bomber, that text was a bit more profund than bomber ones it went much deeper in my opinion. (Bomber your speaches are great :) )

I dont think no user a litle Active , would say: its his last post just because someone tells him to please do so. Actually may be mister: @rightnowimgonnaleave would.

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby Falcon » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:10 pm

oscar6662 wrote:ROFL, in my opinion, this are not the ways of bomber, that text was a bit more profound than bomber ones it went much deeper in my opinion. (Bomber your speeches are great :) )

In My opinion, his speeches are just as annoying as the calls from the US democratic party extremists to Impeach Donald Trump. Those, on a scale of 1-100 for annoyance, consistently break the scale, and that's the exact same category that I would put his so called "speeches".

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby oscar6662 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:27 pm

--dont read them--

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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby N3266G » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:58 pm

oscar6662 wrote:--Don't read them--

When your in an argument with someone on a forum how can you not?
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Re: The End of Free Speech? Turn to the Community.

Postby jwocky » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:05 pm


obviously you know nothing about what I do and obviously it is irrelevant for you. Fine. And leaving is your good right, so, feel free. The other thing is, leaving would be also Oscar's or Bomber's or Lydiot's right if they are so unhappy here. Instead, they trolled and spread their poison here.
That makes me think, see, something obviously we, the bad guys did right. We formed a forum, long time ago, we created an infrastructure ... all those "bad things", so that someone like Val could get help here. Of course, for doing so, we deserve to get kicked in the rear by Val. Wait ... actually not. Bomber got here the infrastructure for example for his Beagle project and the exchange via the forum ... so, that was a bad thing, right? Lydiot ... well, I honestly don't know what he got, or why he is here to begin with, but that is not my problem. And Oscar ... well, Oscar has not contributed much but was pretty busy to try and troll, so we know, he must be of the same tribe, mind wise.
See, the only reason why Bomber is still here is, that someone basically begged for him. Now well, the attempt to give him a little bit more insight in this community failed, he was not willing widening his horizon, he basically jumped on the admins right after he got the opportunity with pressing for more pro-action against all users. Means more control, faster intervention by mods. Nobody wanted to go there. Of course, there are maybe other opinions. Maybe you, Valery would feel better if Bomber would had got what he wanted, more control over users like you. I don't know.
However, we, mainly David aka SkyBoat, is working on a draft how to handle this kind of troubles in the future and will at some point put it up for discussion. Things just take a bit more time because people have lives outside of this forum. Actually, it is sad, we have to go there, but it is what it is. People like Bomber have abused the freedoms, we had here too much and willing followers to him make it impossible to run this as lose as it was. See, the problem here is, that regardless what Bomber in his paranoia claims, we played it here always in favor of all members. Some of his accusations are a little bit in the tin-foil-hat level here. "The truth shall not come out"? Really? What truth, that he always thinks, someone has it out for him? That that is a recurring pattern. What truth?
So, Val, I ask you another time to think and to think hard when you let someone like Bomber use you because Bomber serves only Bomber. Which means, at some point, he will run and let you behind with his tab.

Peter Brendt aka The Jabberwocky

P.S. And yes, you can look up books on Amazon, you can look up "Killing Season" for which I worked as Profiler on A&E. So I have really no need to tell you some wild stories, I am real. And I put a lot of work in my passions, which is one of the reasons, I can't afford this kind of nonsensical time-waste anymore and won't.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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