Dear fellow FlightGear members,
A word from it0uchpods:
The original IDG-A32X project was built May 2016. I had taken the A320neo cockpit and systems and converted them to the A320-family, which was the non-neo versions only. However, it was not released or finished, as I ran into several issues. This project was left on my old hard drive untouched. I finally became frustrated with the A320s available then, and decided to once again create a new A320 with the new cockpit and FDM of the A320neo. This was done on November 4, 2016, and the new "A320Family" consisting of only the A320-232, (A320-200-IAE) was available. Development was slow, and sorting out the FDM took a while, as I was dealing with JSBsim for the first time. In early 2017, the "A320Family" became my main project, with the beginnings to the advanced FADEC and other systems in place. This is when Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp) joined our team, as a developer. He was responsible for many systems such as the ADIRS, RAT, and more. As more work was done, and most major systems were added, including FlyByWire, the "A320Family" was quickly becoming quite complex, and now had a learning curve. The initial MCDU work began in summer 2017, and our project had impressed Charlie Schwehm (Wecsje) on Discord, and he began flying our airplane. Shortly after, he joined us as public relations, help answer questions, provide support and communication to users. His addition allowed Jonathan and I to focus more on developing. Confusion with the old "A320-family" caused us to rename the aircraft to IDG-A32X, to distinguish our version from the rest. In October 2017, Thorsten Herrmann (TH-555) joined us and provided a much improved and new Virtual Cockpit, which is much more accurate to the real cockpit. On November 4th, 2017, the IDG-A32X turned one year old, and we are very proud with what we have accomplished in that time, and we assure you, there is much more to come!
To celebrate this, we plan to have a group flight from EDDM to EDHI, and then onwards to EDDF. EDHI (Hamburg Finkenwerder) is where one of the Airbus factories is located, and is an airport and seaport combined (Elbe river is next to it). Most of the A320ceo/neo production line is located there, and, there is some nice scenery in FG.
Which scenery do I need? EDDM, EDHI (EDDH area), EDDF, and everything in between (terraSync, terraGIT should both be fine).
Comms will be on the FG Community Discord (
Date: Saturday 18th November 2017
Time: meetup at 17:30UTC, departure at 18:15UTC. ETA on ending time: TBD
Location: initial meetup at EDDM, for spawn positions see below.
Aircraft: IDG-A32X (or IDG-A33X), NO others allowed!
The details:
Meetup/spawn at EDDM at 17:30z. Departure will be around 18:15z. ATC is provided, and its use is mandatory. At EDDM, please spawn at gates 101-121 (check MP map first before spawning). Charts will be located in the google drive folder.
Route: EDDM/SID INPUD Y102 ALIBU UL604 MASEK UN851 KEMAD UP605 NOLGO STAR/EDHI (a “.gpx” file for routemanager is included in the drive folder).
Altitude: FL320
Speed: managed on cost index 40
Arrival time at EDHI: around 19:45z
At EDHI, a small flyover will be performed by the IDG members, after everyone is safely on the ground.
Departure: 20:45z
Route: EDHI/SID IDEKO N850 PIROT T152 KERAX TRANSITION/EDDF(a “.gpx” file for routemanager is included in the drive folder).
Altitude: FL300
Speed: managed on cost index 40
Arrival time at EDDF: 22:00z
We conclude our group flight at EDDF, where we will park on the southern parking platform.
Google drive (charts/route):
IDG-A32X: (only download from the original repo, as this is the only supported one)
IDG-A33X: (only download from the original repo, as this is the only supported one)
ATC: There will be ATC available. It is mandatory to use. The event organizers will let the pilots know when they can start requesting clearances, PLEASE mention in your clearance if you can follow SID/STAR/TRANSITON's or if you would like to go vectored instead. SID/STAR/TRANSITION's will be assigned by ATC.
We hope to see you all at EDDM on Saturday the 18th, till then!
Kind regards,
Charlie (Wecsje)
Message was cross-posted with both forums, and mentioned on discord (, aswell as the IDG-A32X and A33X development threads.
PS: ALL official event info will be posted in this first post ONLY.
IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
- Wecsje
- Posts: 167
- Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:25 pm
- Location: The Closet, Under the Stairs, the Netherlands
IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
Last edited by Wecsje on Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Twitch Streams:
Contact methods: Discord (Wecsje#6351), FlightSims United discord (, Steam (Wecsje)
Track me on VATSIM:
Contact methods: Discord (Wecsje#6351), FlightSims United discord (, Steam (Wecsje)
Track me on VATSIM:
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
@Josh, @Charlie.
I might be able to join. But I'd like considering to use either:
A350XWB, A320neo, or Omega-A380.
The IDG's versions are over me, at this point. And I won't have time to polish myself on very refined equipment.
I hope I can get a pass, and I make sure to pick an Airbus for the ride;.
I might be able to join. But I'd like considering to use either:
A350XWB, A320neo, or Omega-A380.
The IDG's versions are over me, at this point. And I won't have time to polish myself on very refined equipment.
I hope I can get a pass, and I make sure to pick an Airbus for the ride;.
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
You don't need complex knowledge to fly it. With some VERY SIMPLE infos (mumble?), I can advise you how to do it without any MCDU setup if that is more your thing... the real plane can also do this, with the loss of Managed Climb/Descent (VNAV) and Managed Speed, SRS modes.
Also -- discord is required -- sorry.
Kind Regards,
You don't need complex knowledge to fly it. With some VERY SIMPLE infos (mumble?), I can advise you how to do it without any MCDU setup if that is more your thing... the real plane can also do this, with the loss of Managed Climb/Descent (VNAV) and Managed Speed, SRS modes.
Also -- discord is required -- sorry.
Kind Regards,
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
I still have fgchat and good old mumble.
A350 or A380 would b my pick if possible.
A350 or A380 would b my pick if possible.
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
We won't be in mumble, but I guess FGChat will do -- if you take an IDG Airbus -- if you can fly the A320neo, you can fly ours -- 10mins in mumble and I promise you'll never look back
Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
I can go Omega A320neo then. Or Artix A320s.
FGChat is fine. And I'll be in mumble if someone wants to hear my hispanic accent. But Can leave lonely there.
FGChat is fine. And I'll be in mumble if someone wants to hear my hispanic accent. But Can leave lonely there.
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
Sorry -- but we are celebrating the IDG Airbus.
Kind Regards,
PS: check your email.
Kind Regards,
PS: check your email.
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
it0uchpods knows what this is all about
He mentioned me that the A32x computer is programmed to automagically move my flaps. This is what it comes to mind for me.
I said:
He mentioned me that the A32x computer is programmed to automagically move my flaps. This is what it comes to mind for me.
I said:
Me. too jealous of a pilot. If a computer moves my flaps, I'll take a fucking screwdriver from my pocket. HAL will begin singing Daisy, I promise you.
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,
Re: IDG-A32X 1-year Anniversary Flight
It seems I succeeded confusing you! 

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?
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