Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it? (II)

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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby MIG29pilot » Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:17 pm

KL-666 wrote:Hello Skyboat,

Obviously i need more words to say this, because you take things from it that are not in it's intention.

I thought it evident that the area where isis operates should not look like a state (in the making). What those 40.000 rebels really have are some towns. All barren land depicted on the maps in the news are just areas where they can move freely.

We need to get rid of those maps in the news and reduce them to what they really are. A few isolated dots on the map. To achieve that, the barren lands must be clear of free travel by bands of isis rebels. Such mission is not comparable with fighting them in populated areas, so please do not mix that up.

Kind regards, Vincent

That doesn't make their area of control any less important, because
A.) The towns are places which can be fortified and turned into strongholds, and are the main strategic/tactical goals in the area
B.) The fact that they can move freely in the desert without obstacles is also dangerous.
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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby jwocky » Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:31 pm

The problem is, who "reprogrammed" those kids, how and where. It all leads back to a limited number of factors

- credibility: ISIS has credibility because they have founded their caliphate and they hold it. Al-Qaeda has credibility because they did the 9/11 attack.

- central leadership: In both cases, there is a leadership that fulfills the need ofr an orientation point for those disenfranchised youngsters.

- purpose message: The message is intriguing for all those feeling disenfranchised and filled with rage anyway. It is amplified in areas in which this is the predominant mindset and it is even more amplified by cultural isolations of those enclaves.

- recruiting based on correct identification of the target group: While for example the FBI, once quite good at such things, fails to develop the generic profile of vulnerables, or in other countries, while the profile exists, authorities don't act on it, ISIS and Al-Qaeda did their homework and now exactly what they are looking for and how to trigger those vulnerables with key words and key impressions in their recruiting material.

So the problem in Syria/Iraq is connected to what happened in Paris. Without ISIS there, nobody would have been there to radicalize those kids as you call them. Thus, not to smash ISIS with all you got is a mistake because the death toll is in the end higher and with all those needel prick, you give ISIS the additional argue to have stood against the over mighty US which feeds into the delusion, they can defeat what they call "the great devil".
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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:29 pm

jwocky wrote:So, bottom line, war is a dirty business and if you go into it, you have to finish the job and you have to finish it on the ground. If you are not willing to do so, better don't get in to begin with. Cut and Run invites the enemy to regroup and come to you. In asymmetric warfare that means, he goes first for the weakest targets with terror and sabotage operations. Means, you less protected allies and your less protected civilian population pay the price first. In this case Spain, England, now France and in the US of course Boston as an example. So, never ever in the history of mankind, a war was ended by being political correct or by cut and run.


I think this touches the painful heart of the current situation in Syrian territory, and the resurrection of attacks like those suffered this week

great analysis! I enjoyed reading it all.
Thanks for sharing, JWocky

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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby legoboyvdlp » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:18 pm

Skyboat, I see you know something about Venezuela.
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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby jwocky » Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:47 pm

Well well well, a lot was spoken and we have reached the point where once more political beliefs clash into each other and since they are rather beliefs than science, any argument about t5heir correctness can only end in holy flame wars, not in a reasonable discussion anymore, especially here in the US. So I would suggest, everybody thinks twice and twice as hard if he wants to go there. Once the arguments and real world facts are on the table, they can never be taken back and someone will feel hurt and there will be tension and all those nasty things. This is a free speech forum, so I won't ban naybody, but I will, if things go on a fanatic level, put out point by point, for everybody to see, real world facts if this goes on. We can argue, sure, with reasons, with facts, with logical models, however some form of sarcasm flags are rather rude and non-productive. Just saying!
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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby LesterBoffo » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:11 pm

Holy Christ what a thread drift. You know I'm not sure what I'm hearing here, but it's a little alarming especially when I considering some of you a lot more the friends I know and less like armchair generals and chickenhawks that I think I'm hearing.

We decided as a nation while in GW Bush's first term to draw up plans and a strategy to attack Iraq completely out of left field because of 9-11. The evidence used for the build up to war was completely made up of sackcloth and smoke, nothing in our 'evidence' was based on facts. It was a ploy by one of the most heinous presidential admins ever to walk this earth. And we squandered whatever goodwill the rest of our allies and sympathetic nations had for us after 9-11, when the truth was revealed about our 'war on terror'.

It's a national shame, it's a fatuous lie about a country we armed back in the 1980's with chem-weapon precursors so they could play our cat's paw against Iran. We went in and killed literally hundreds of thousands, and lost a lot of ancient historical artifacts to chaos, looting and placed that chaos on the doorstep of an entire sovereign nation that had the beginnings of a secular society that was trying, despite the despot at the helm, to enter into the 21st century. We destroyed their infrastructure and shattered families.

There is a big difference when you call for 'going all in' for a war that was meant as a power and resource grab for a bunch of greedy asshats running powerful corporations playing global economic bullies, as apposed to fighting an actual fight that has a clear purpose and intent. We could have done in Iraq what we did with Bin Laden in Pakistan, what we really should have done was just kept our nose completely out of there.

We need to start thinking about what we would gain from 'going all in'. Are you suggesting turning Abaqqua into a glass parking lot? Are you really this dissonanced to have think of a solution that puts you on the same moral footing as president Bashar al-Assad?

I feel a little bit sick thinking we have folks here that have chafed against a power struggle in another forum only to clamour for the same treatment in a country where going forward would make more far more enemies and martyrs out the few moderates and those fleeing the chaos.
Last edited by LesterBoffo on Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby jwocky » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:28 pm

Well, Lester, I don't know whether you ever served in any military ... I did, not in the US military but with US troops. Normally, only people who want to go into a fight would use words like "armchair generals" or "chickenhawks" if any former military is around, so for clarification, are you want to go in a fight? If not, I suggest, you take your language and your mindless insult strategy a notch back and return to the realm of real world facts in the subject.
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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby LesterBoffo » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:48 pm

I have to ask some forbearance, but I assume we were free here to speak our minds?

I was on two forums with folks who were shouting for participation in our Gulf War II, prior to 2003, yes many of those were in the military, not all of them actually served in an actual battle theater.

No I never served in the military, but I've also been a very anti war since a cousin came home from Vietnam, completely messed up by his experience and took his own life. I trust that my own 'real world facts' aren't trumped by yours, no disrespect, but it what I think I'm hearing, it sounds like some of you are calling for a nuclear solution to what should be a world policing action. I'm completely flabbergasted, the ghost of Bertram Russel turns uneasily, and I don't think I'm being naive, when I fully understand the possibility this could spiral wildly out of our control.

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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby jwocky » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:23 am

Well, fact 1: Nobody called for anything "nuclear". The point I made is, either you get a job done or you don't. If you don't intend to do it, don't even start it.

Fact 2: The Bush administration led two wars. Afghanistan was no question. A hostile act had taken it's origin from there when all the 9/11 attackers were trained specifically for that kind of mission there under the auspices of the Taliban which was then the ruling power there. So actually, according to the definitions of the Convention of Geneva, Afghanistan attacked the US, the invasion was a valid counter measure.
The situation is different with Iraq. The Iraqui government had gased some ten thousand of their own people, had some 20000 more in political prisons and had still not paid for the invasion of Kuwait some years earlier. The UN had then prevented any invasion of Iraqi terrain after the liberation of Kuwait. Ssaddam Hussein's regime was actually trying to get WMDs already since the 70s. The ruins of the Tamuz reactors are still about five storeys high and about two city blocks wide. Inside, you can see the foundation for a French built breed reactor ... but the Israelis blew the thing up before it could go hot. More than 10,000 bodies in mass graves near the Kurdish area proved by being killed with C-weapons, that those weapons in Iraq were not "just a CIA lie". But of course, after Chemical Ali had killed those thousands by gas, he ran out of it. They never had an own production, it was still left-overs from what the Carter administration had given them once.
So, there was no clear reason on the legal side that would have forced the US to go to war there. They had a choice. Still, there were some long overdue ethical reasons. Unless you consider men, women, children in whole villages killed in concentric helicopter attacks with WMDs as "no reason to be upset". You know, peace groups are all nice and fine, but if the peace politics consists mere of look the other way when people die, there is a certain lack of ethical credibility to it.

Fact 3: After the administration change to the Obama administration, The US withdrew from Iraq without establishing a sufficient security system either in form of the Iraqi government or by international security troops. The Obama administration was warned, by NATO, by the own Chiefs of Staff, this is a dangerous game. Still, the cut and run took place. And actually, it worked for a while simply, because no group popped up that was strong and ruthless enough to overpower the other ones.

Fact 4: With the escalation of the Syria Civil war and the recognition, the Obama administration would never act the hard way, the most radical part of the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra brigade broke off and formed, what became the core of ISIS. Now there was a strong and very ruthless group in the area and the inevitable happened, they grabbed parts of Syria and Iraq.

Fact 5: The "air strike only" strategy failed as such strategies always failed since the invention of aircraft. Because you can't destroy dug in infantry from the air. Technically impossible unless you use nukes and nobody wants that. Thus ISIS could recruit with the additional treat of "we are the guys who withstand America since months, we are the guys who have a Caliphate". Which makes their recruitment very successful.

On a personal sidenote: I believe if any opinion feels the need to label any group of its own population "asshats" like for example Goebbels called Jews "rats", it outs itself as unworthy further discussion and shows, it is a reason- and civilization-free ranting only. So you may want to avoid this impression. You are free to speak up your mind and I will not ban you, but that doesn't mean, if you use a language like that, especially when you come up with "my" and "your" facts, which indicates, the facts you use are not fact but subjective claims ... a semantic thing of course, that people may perceive you as some kind of nutjob with thin foil hat and we don't want that.
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Re: Creation or Evoloution? Big Bang or Big Belief -- which is it?

Postby SkyBoat » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:11 am

I apologize for the slowness of my response. I have been dealing with one of my chronic migraines today...

KL-666-- Thank you for your points of clarification. It does help me understand the gist of what you were trying to say. We here in the United States have access to a range a news "propaganda" that is not that different than what you have in Europe. I would still say, however, the way you characterized the conflict was difficult to discern just how serious you were and who your were directed toward. Nevertheless, I apologize for misconstruing what you were slaying.

My kind regards to you,


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