Those Dumb Democrats

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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:31 am

Good god

1. At least this place has the benefit of the doubt. JWocky, you are the third honorable person to desserve a JWocky's review report (after Warty and Lydiot). Interesting stuff. In my wildest dream would Curtis be called upon "court" regardless to what he says on his forum or devel list. So the way I see it: this seems to be a much fair society

2. I take the role of moderator in this case. Stand still, I 'll be off line for a few hours then I'll revise this thread. Don't expect mutilated post, since this is not my style thou.


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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby KL-666 » Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:30 am

Maybe i have not read everything, but for now it seemed to me normal hard against hard. Not really anything insulting. Unless i missed something of course.

To Jwocky i would like to say: Yes normally someone whacks, you whack back. But in some cases when a friend is involved you do not, but wonder and ask: Why did you whack me?

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby jwocky » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:09 am

Vincent, and please don't think, I mean you, but in this case, I was whacked over some months over and over again, always interrupted by "can you do this?", "can you do that?", "we are friends, can you do that?". And if someone who always demands "respect" is not able to show even the most basic respect to others ... regardless how many reasons exist to let it go, at some point they are used up. I have kept silence in public about this behaviour to protect basically SkyBoat's reputation because it was all so beyond reasonable, but since he went down the same road in public, he left me no choice but to react in public. And that concludes what I have to say about this case and no, it doesn't mean, I take now my guns and fire on everyone who considers himself a liberal (liberals in Europe are maybe not even aware about the differences to US liberals and so on ...)
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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby jwocky » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:22 am

And to keep everyone updated: SkyBoat reported me ... well, he actually reported me here in the forum on the domain and server, I pay for, every months. So well, if this would be SkyBoat's home, I would be already banned. But since I am not what he is, I take the freedom recuse myself from this case and leave it to IAHM-COL who is like me administrator on this board. A job I don't deny but a decision, that has to be made after he reported me here. However, since SkyBoat seems to be now entirely out of control, I suggest to remove all moderator privileges as long as this is an ongoing problem pending further decisions. And a pm with the wording "his balls in my face" is nothing that makes me any friendlier in this case.
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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby Lydiot » Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:23 am

jwocky wrote:@Lydiot: Very classic. I tried to talk about the real problems, those that kill every year alone in the US approximately a thousand people. I am obviously not allowed to because every time, those other problems come on the table, someone yells "gun control", drools a little bit and the whole thing goes down the gutter again. So yes, I agree, it's a classic.

Easy tiger. My comment was targeting what seems to be a view of yours where there are only conservatives or liberals, and then you lump all liberals together in one big pile, and give them very negative traits. If you accuse liberals of thinking they know better, then that's only funny or poignant if they in fact don't know better. But if they don't, then you, as a conservative actually think you know better. So the only way that point makes sense in and by itself is in a way where you actually are guilty of what you accuse the "liberals" of. That's what I thought was so funny one could call it a "classic".

As far as the actual topic: I already stated that I am - in principle - not against private ownership of weapons. I am however against Americans having them, because the statistics show they're not very responsible. Now, obviously you think (rightly actually) that that argument does nothing to support the idea that getting rid of guns gets rid of terrorism. I agree with that. If you wanted to criticize my opinions in this thread then the best one to pick is that I'm talking about something that is beside the point. I'd almost agree with that. The only thing is that I think there are other benefits from limiting gun ownership quite a lot, and as such the issue of whether or not it affects terrorism becomes borderline moot.

jwocky wrote:Nevertheless, just to avoid misunderstandings, when I said "I am out of here, it referred to this thread". I am not withdrawing from FG or from this forum and I am not killing it from my server (I got some emails about this) and yes, I will still tinker on planes, even I am currently quite pissed.

I don't want you out of here. I don't want you out of FG or the festival. Or out of the thread. I don't want that for anyone. Speak your mind. I'm fine with it.

jwocky wrote: But here is the rub: I am that badass bastard conservative (in fact not religious bound and neither entirely party affiliated, that is just another "ass-umption", SkyBoat brought in now several times). Thus, I stand to words I gave, as the bad stupid conservative bastard I am obviously, I have no choice but to do so. For anybody, who doesn't understand it, look in the dictionary of old-fashioned under "honesty" and "honorable". And now, I am really out of this thread, I only came back to make the situation clear and stumbled on your little clumsy attempt to hit me under the belt. Get better at it!

About 80% of the above sounds like points I made in the past day or two. I must be a conservative....

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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby Lydiot » Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:29 am

IAHM-COL wrote:2. I take the role of moderator in this case. Stand still, I 'll be off line for a few hours then I'll revise this thread. Don't expect mutilated post, since this is not my style thou.

jwocky wrote: I suggest to remove all moderator privileges as long as this is an ongoing problem pending further decisions. And a pm with the wording "his balls in my face" is nothing that makes me any friendlier in this case.

One solution I've seen in a few forums is a section - sometimes inaccessible to all, in cases where the members aren't old enough for example - where threads and/or spin-off threads are exiled. That way you can keep most of the forum sanitized, and all the nonsense is "contained" in one section. In one sense it's a "happy" medium because if someone wants 'gloves off' there's the ring (or octagon, these days).

Contained mayhem if you will.

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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby jwocky » Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:33 am

1.) Lydiot ... please read CAREFULLY what I wrote to Vincent ... and no, I WILL NOT write it for every self-perceived liberal of the indefinite variety of colors in which they come extra and in a personal post ... but as I explained in those posts, I don't do pile all you "liberals" up. I aimed for a specific kind, who comes, play rough and cries "unfair" if the other side doesn't surrender immediately. So please, read the posts again and CAREFULLY!

2.) There are some thing I know actually better because I spend a good part of my time with working those things. So if you attempt to feed me a statistics for example about how bad gun violence is in the US in comparison to other countries and half of your comparison cases are countries in which people actually have access to firearms, including one country that had till a few years ago a government issued assault rifle in every male's closet ... I notice it and I notice the lgoc failure you couldn't see because you knew nothing about those countries.

3.) And I know a lot more about violence than you hopefully will ever do. I say "hopefully" because as I wrote already Vincent, something once seen can't be made unseen. Dismembered bodies, eviscerated children, blast to pieces human remains spread over some thirty or forty square feet and gunshot wound that leave on the front a clean 9mm entry wound and in the back took half the skull and the brain with them are definitively in the list of things, you can't make unseen. I am actually not too happy that I have to give you so graphical hints about what I mean, but since you over-read the more subtle hints I wrote to Vincent and mis-interpreted what I wrote as "the conservative thinks, he knows better (without reason)", it is time to correct that little misunderstanding. And yes, now you think, you would have no problem with such things and it is all not as I say, but that is just the gigantonormous self-esteem of the youth and thus, At age 21, you can try to get for example a place at the FBI academy or join the military or go into law enforcement or try to get a place in criminal psychology at a university and then we talk. Till then, you just have to believe me, there are some things out there, most people don't want to know about.

4.) And once again to clear up misunderstandings: I am NOT out of FG, I am NOT out of plane tinkering, I am NOT out of the Festival (in which I am anyway only an airport guinea pig for the more talented airport designers) ... I only tried to get out of this threat. Which I admit, didn't work, as I have to accept like ten posts, 5 pms and twenty emails later ... now that one I should have seen coming, right?

5.) The point, you got a little fire for was, that you were in those cases most of the time the attacker. So, maybe the same words, but not the same background story. I suggest strongly to let that one just cool down a little. And the little under the belt blow with the "you must be a conservative" because you tried to twist the story between you and Simsambim into something similar to this one was unnecessary.

6.) After I got a pm with his balls in my face, and the obvious attempt to provoke me into using my ability to ban him so he can run around and yell, I am like Curtis, I thought a little bit how I would solve this if I would be in IAHM-COL's shoes (because he is in this case the one to make the final decision, I am too involved). Personally I am not willing to give up the principles of free speech that were the base of this forum from the first minute on because someone wants to play hardball but can't stand the echo and whines. But of course, I also can't forestall IAHM-COL's decision about that. So, lets wait and see.

7.) Tomorrow I will not be on FG. Please everybody don't over-interprete that, I haven't left the forum, rumors about my untimely death are wildly exagerated and I wasn't abducted by aliens. I merely have the Sundays reserved for my wife. So no worries (and no celebration parties either), I am still around!

8.) I am on Monday either short time or not at all on because I have to read myself into some basics again, I haven't taught in years and now I shall do so in a Skype-interview in front of a running camera. As usual, when cameras are involved, I am already two days ahead shivering in my boots. So, in good German tradition, I come over-equipped and over-prepared. But I can assure everyone, no aliens abducted me, I didn't die and I didn't leave FG ... I am merely doing a little work outside of FG.

Now I really hope, I have cleared up ALL misunderstandings and possible sources for future misunderstandings ... hopefully.

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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby Lydiot » Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:02 am

jwocky wrote:1.) Lydiot ... please read CAREFULLY what I wrote to Vincent ... and no, I WILL NOT write it for every self-perceived liberal of the indefinite variety of colors in which they come extra and in a personal post ... but as I explained in those posts, I don't do pile all you "liberals" up. I aimed for a specific kind, who comes, play rough and cries "unfair" if the other side doesn't surrender immediately. So please, read the posts again and CAREFULLY!

Well, consider the following other viewpoint though (not a "liberal" view, just a different view):

If you are describing a specific subset of "liberals", with those specific traits, then it begs the question "why?", as in why point out that there's a subset of liberals with those traits, or why a subset of the population with those traits happen to be liberals. Because surely you're not saying that only liberals have those traits, right?

And I still can't shake what appears to be pretty much a fact at this point, namely that you only see two political camps: Liberals and Conservatives.

jwocky wrote:2.) There are some thing I know actually better because I spend a good part of my time with working those things. So if you attempt to feed me a statistics for example about how bad gun violence is in the US in comparison to other countries and half of your comparison cases are countries in which people actually have access to firearms, including one country that had till a few years ago a government issued assault rifle in every male's closet ... I notice it and I notice the lgoc failure you couldn't see because you knew nothing about those countries.

Sorry, I must have missed when you addressed statistics I pointed to, and your argument along with it. Can you tell me which post it was?

jwocky wrote:3.) And I know a lot more about violence than you hopefully will ever do.

But you having seen more violence doesn't make you an expert on politics or statistics. It appears that it makes you more emotionally invested in some political position, but other than that it simply doesn't follow that you know more about certain issues.

jwocky wrote: since you over-read the more subtle hints I wrote to Vincent and mis-interpreted what I wrote as "the conservative thinks, he knows better (without reason)", it is time to correct that little misunderstanding. And yes, now you think, you would have no problem with such things and it is all not as I say, but that is just the gigantonormous self-esteem of the youth and thus, At age 21, you can try to get for example a place at the FBI academy or join the military or go into law enforcement or try to get a place in criminal psychology at a university and then we talk. Till then, you just have to believe me, there are some things out there, most people don't want to know about.

I honestly don't understand what the above have to do with either me as an individual or the topic in this thread.

jwocky wrote:4.) And once again to clear up misunderstandings: I am NOT out of FG, I am NOT out of plane tinkering, I am NOT out of the Festival (in which I am anyway only an airport guinea pig for the more talented airport designers) ... I only tried to get out of this threat. Which I admit, didn't work, as I have to accept like ten posts, 5 pms and twenty emails later ... now that one I should have seen coming, right?

Not sure what that has to do with me, at all. Did I just misinterpret the post and only the first point was for me? I'm confused.

jwocky wrote:5.) So, maybe the same words, but not the same background story.

The comment obviously a joke. Whatever point was there to be had besides that you clearly missed. It's not about the background stories being the same, it's exactly the point that they were differently perceived by us both but that what you said is something I would (or did) say as well. So there's actually a deeper point there, and you're missing it.

jwocky wrote:6.) After I got a pm with his balls in my face, and the obvious attempt to provoke me into using my ability to ban him so he can run around and yell, I am like Curtis, I thought a little bit how I would solve this if I would be in IAHM-COL's shoes (because he is in this case the one to make the final decision, I am too involved). Personally I am not willing to give up the principles of free speech that were the base of this forum from the first minute on because someone wants to play hardball but can't stand the echo and whines. But of course, I also can't forestall IAHM-COL's decision about that. So, lets wait and see.

Not sure who "him" is here. Also not sure if this is addressed to me.

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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby legoboyvdlp » Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:29 pm

"rumors about my untimely death are wildly exagerated and I wasn't abducted by aliens. "
Oh. My. Goodness. So. Funny.
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Re: Those Dumb Democrats

Postby IAHM-COL » Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:57 pm

Progress Report;

I just finished reading this thread. To honor a fact, the topic is largely not of my interest, but I read all posts to gauge a sense of what the point of conflict really is.

I have fairly a very blurry idea of what the confrontation pain-points are. I will try to contact by separate each involved party.


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