Postby jwocky » Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:34 pm
1.) You still have to apologize for your patriarchal style with which you tried ot paint me as someone who doesn't know a thing. From my point of view, you should have shown a little bit less arrogance and have realized, that, if you demand respect, you have also to show it.
2.) I have never discussed the costs of repealing ACA because I never called for repealing it. Please send your complaints to people who did and don't try to link an article that doesn't even include the CBO report but only some demagogic venting from the left without actually show the mathematical models on which you allegedly rely.
3.) And a little bit more math ... and that is just a continuation of the previous.
be nh the average amount of cost increase for medical treatments per year over the next twenty years.
be nc1 the average amount of cost increase on the administrative side in the health system itself
be nc2 the average amount of cost increase on the go0vernment administration side for it
and be tmax again, the maximum of money available for a health care system
be year just a year-counter for the years of ACA then
tmax(year) >= h+nh*year+c1+nc1*year+c2+nc2*year
Since year can only be positive and the cost increase can only be positive. the limes goes against infinite. Even if it is true what you claim, the CBO report says (I can't check you linked instead of a report only a propaganda site) and we redefine to bring in this cost saving of allegedly 20% by introducing a 0.8 factor all over the board for all the cost increases ...
be nh the average projected amount of cost increase for medical treatments per year over the next twenty years.
be nc1 the average projected amount of cost increase on the administrative side in the health system itself
be nc2 the average projected amount of cost increase on the go0vernment administration side for it
and be tmax again, the maximum of money available for a health care system
be year just a year-counter for the years of ACA then
tmax(year) >= h+nh*0.8*year+c1+nc1*0.8*year+c2+nc2*0.8*year
You see, all the factors remain still positive. And if you have only positive factors to multiply then they grow. The 20% savings, if it is correct (I can't check it you linked only a propaganda site without the model), delay only the inevitable. However, this CBO report was written long before the Obama administration raised the minimum wage for public employees and thus, at least for the C2 part, those savings are already more than compensated for.
So since the limes is still infinite while tmax is not, we can determine the point at which the system breaks down latest as
(tmax(year) >= h+nh*0.8*year+c1+nc1*0.8*year+c2+nc2*0.8*year) = false
or as
h+nh*0.8*year+c1+nc1*0.8*year+c2+nc2*0.8*year) = tmax(year) if you like it as break point formula
Now, since you pointed out correctly, people with preconditions can have health insurance now, we know, those costs are also in the system. Which means, h is already bigger. We know also, ACA led to the creation of thousands of jobs in public administration. So C2 grew. C2 grew also by the higher minimum wage which also applies to public employees working in the government part of health care administration. So there were already factors rising the costs and the 20% under projection means this growth of costs was 20% lower, it doesn't mean, there was really money saved. The propaganda site, you linked doesn't even claim there was money saved. All they actually state is, they have to spend only 80% of the more they projected. Now, since you linked a propaganda site (why are liberals so prone to link statistics they didn't entirely get and propaganda sites about mathematical models they didn't get entirely?), I can't check on the model itself, but under the unproven assumption, the propaganda site actually said the truth in what it says, then there is actually no discrepancy between my model and the claims of the CBO. Which means, you baseless accusation that my math is flawed would also extend to all models saying the same thing. For example the propaganda site you linked and for example also on Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz. So, the simple fact that you didn't understand what the math said and only claimed it has to be wrong because it comes from a political opponent has led to the situation that you declared two of the probably best economics scholars of our times wrong. So, next time, you complain, I allegedly say liberals are stupid, you may want to help me out by not posting bringing yourself in a situation in which you look so math challenged that you shoot yourself in your foot.
4.) There are two points in the abortion debate, I consider as important in the long term. Notice that "I". It's just what I think, nobody is forced to think the same. The first aspect is of course the ethical corundum. We say, we want to have women to have a right on their own body, which sounds entirely like a good thing. Till there is a second body involved which they definitively not own, the foetus or baby (depends on the time in pregnancy and when you want to make this distinction). But since ethics is not carved in stone and the same for everyone, some tend to be more on the women's side others think more about the baby. Any attempt to find a compromise at least here in our little corner of the world in that matter by discussing when a baby in the mother'S womb reacts to outside sensoric triggers is already successfully buried by propaganda and sidetracking. So, all that remains is the question why someone who worked himself for 19 years along medical professionals wants to avoid this discussion at any price. Maybe you can tell me, SkyBoat?
The second point, the always overlooked point in the abortion debate is, how does the outcome change society. Most western countries have due to the high availability of contraceptives and abortions an inverted age pyramid. Which means, in consideration of health care systems like ACA and similiar, always fewer people pay for always more people or in mathematical terms tmax(year) declines from year to year more. But the US aren't like other countries. We get a lot more immigrants and those fill the gap. Sure, some people cry all the time, that America is black in 50 years or that it is brown (hey people make up your mind), but honestly, I am 51 this year, I won't be around anyway and from my ethical point of view, the number of people happily making their life at any given time is far more important than their skin colour.
No, the problem is, the shift of the size ethnic groups in a mixed population like the US one will also cause a shift in political powers and tensions and those tensions will cause especially more friction between minorities. We can see this effect already in the increasing numbers of racial motivated hate crimes between Hispanics and Blacks in some big city downtown areas. We also saw the political implications already when the Democrats started to burn their traditionally black voters in favour of more Hispanic votes. Of course, seeing the current lineup of hopefuls on the Republican side is similar lets say mentally limited. Nope, lets call it what it is, outright stupid. Trump ... well, I admit, I lack the words ... Cruz mixing up legal and illegal immigration to catch votes fromt he outer right which he will not get because well, his name is Cruz ... Carson ... well, at least, he tries to be integrative, but then, he still has to learn to keep his mouth shut when he doesn't know. If you think, you have seen me ranting at liberals, you haven't seen me yet fighting my current candidate nausea!
And while politicians try to figure out how to get the most votes out of it, we had alone in Chicago since beginning of October (because some statistics count in quarters of a year) more than 100 gang related shootings and the majority of them were between Black and Hispanic gangs. That special segment is up about 40% in the last five years and it is expected to climb on. Luckily most of those gangsters are not especially good shoots, so most of the time, people are injured but not killed. However, there is the danger for bystanders. As an example: Last Wednesday in East Garfield Park in Chicago, two guys in a dark sedan drove by and opened fire on a 25 year old known gangbanger in brightest daylight (3pm local time). That guy was alone at the time. Now, the primary target, the gangbanger was brought to the hospital with minor injuries. But two teenage boys were also injured because the shooters basically sprayed the area of their target with bullets. Result: A 14 year old lost the mobility of his left knee probably forever and a 17 year old got a bullet pulled out of his thigh. And things like that happen in America in big cities almost daily everywhere on the borders between Black and Hispanic gang turfs and we can expect more of that, the more the Hispanic and Black population shares become equal in size. So population distribution shift has an impact on a total different problem and abortion has an impact on population distribution shift. Just some food for thought and the probably not too popular idea, that whatever we as a society decide in the abortion question will have impacts on future generations not only on a pure ethical but also on an economical and social level.
So bottom line, I would rather discuss the real problems and think about solutions than to deal with more propaganda sites. In my personal opinion, who has to search refuge in mere propaganda and in twisting sentences to hide the truth has already proven how wrong he is.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!