IAHM-COL wrote:
Stage 6. Locate EVERY parking position marker existing in the tarmacs of the airport. EVERY. If you had to draw the parking marks on 5, you will find those lines great help to assist you on 6. Make sure you researched the correct number/name of the parking spot and fill in. Also fill in the class/kind of gate/aircraft that goes in. Failure here results in corrupted layouts. (use the validate function frequently to check this work)
Stage 7: At last, work your way down with the taxiway signs. Be very methodic working small areas and make sure to complete the small area before rastering orderly the whole airport. This work is other slow part of the job. It feels like it takes forever to place the many taxiway signs a big airport can have. Rotation matters. Location of the sign matter. But overall, the most important thing is the Text. Use Validate frequently to verify the text is valid, or it will result in a corrupted layout
Stage 8. When done, update the gateway and any pertinent repo/repos.
An small airport can be built in a week or so, at this level of detail. Kansai is KRAZY!. It has been 3 weeks of tracing and working on it, to get it to this level of detail. Hopefully the outcome is a pay-off.
Forget a week.
Stage 1 to 5 done in 8 hours work.
Adding parkings now; considering ATC flow.