Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby sanhozay » Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:54 am

@IH-COL: I've pushed a few changes to FGADDON.

I think I've reduced the bouncing effect on startup but I can't say I've fixed it.

I've also adjusted some autopilot logic:

(a) The automatic heading capture is less sensitive now, so you should have less problem with roll trim. Values in the range -0.2 to +0.2 are usually sufficient. Watch the messages in the bottom left corner of the screen to see the values. When automatic heading hold is engaged, you get a brief message indicating the heading, e.g. "Heading Hold: 280".

(b) Now holds altitude when cruising at 80KIAS.

The commit also includes some minor bug fixes and the livery. I still need to fix the livery over MP issue.

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:39 pm

That's awesome
Thanks G-shoz.
Can't wait to try out!!

Looking forward to fly it on the USA Tour too ...

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:37 pm


The new splash is certainly less... enigmatic... a bit more... nationalistic... and I LIKE IT :D

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:36 pm

May you want to take advantage of the FG 3.6+ feature of multiple splashes per aircraft, I provide this to G-SHOB

The puppy's going to the events at Oshkosh (HK-424D, KSBN - KOSH), below the afternoon sun reflects on the Michigan Lake.
(I might email a full resolution @1024x1024)

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby legoboyvdlp » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:22 am

28ms :--:)
Maiquetia / Venezuela Custom Scenery
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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby sanhozay » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:17 pm

@IH-COL: I've just pushed some changes to FGADDON, the most important being:

  • Pitch wheel is pre-selected to 5.0 when running autostart, which is a good climb setting
  • Heading hold engages properly when autopilot is first switched on
  • Magnetic compass
  • Heading hold doesn't repeatedly veer to one side if the directional gyro has drifted from the magnetic heading :oops:
I fixed a bug with the heading hold and DG but, on a long flight like the tour, you still need to worry about drift in the DG because it is simulated in the standard Flightgear instrument. Obviously the usual procedure is to realign before takeoff and every 20-30 minutes using the magnetic compass (which I've just added to the cockpit). It's best to turn the autopilot off while you do this.

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:31 pm


I'll update and test. I am grateful to have a compass now available :D .... let's see how I deal with aligning gyroscopes (never been proficient at that, and I have screw up flights just by messing badly with my gyroscope and loosing my heading ... literally **(footnote))

2. It is awesome to have a good climb setting by autostart. That avoids the dive down when I first engage autopilot.


** Not gonna happen in the tour, because the NDBs will guide me where to go, so even if I cant set the gyro correctly I'll still try to just home the beacons.

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby sanhozay » Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:32 pm

I stole the compass from the C337 because it gives a good reading without parallax errors. Compasses are usually in the centre of the cockpit and the viewpoint to one side, which makes an accurate reading difficult, but this is a good one that you can just read the value from. Left-click or middle-click the button on the gyro to move it one degree at a time and see where the DG and compass settle.

This is a nice method for tracking NDBs and, with a bit of concentration, maintains a track straight to (or from) a station.

I also like this method for wind correction if you know the rough wind direction and speed. At Pup 100 altitudes, any METARs you can pick up will be close to aloft winds in Flightgear so you can make a reasonable estimate of wind correction ...

1. Count the number of 10 degree steps on the DG from your nose or tail to the wind. If it's 6 steps or more, take the full wind speed as the crosswind component, otherwise multiply the wind speed by the number of steps divided by 6, e.g.

Flying 000, wind from 032@9kts. That's closest to 3 steps, so 3/6 of 9kts is 4.5kts crosswind.
Flying 000, wind from 101@9kts. That's closest to 8 steps (from your tail), so use the full 9kts crosswind.

2. DIvide your groundspeed by 60 to get nm per minute and then divide the crosswind by that number. With the Pup 100 at 80KIAS, groundspeed is near enough 90 knots, or 3/2 nm per minute. So just take 2/3 of the crosswind as your heading correction.

Flying 360, wind from 032@9kts = 4.5kts crosswind. 2/3 of 4.5 = 3 degrees toward the wind, so heading 003 degrees.
Flying 360, wind from 101@9kts = 9kts crosswind. 2/3 of 9 = 6 degrees toward the wind, so heading 006 degrees.

It's harder to explain than it is to do, but surprisingly accurate if the wind isn't too strong.

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby sanhozay » Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:52 pm

@IH-COL: I've just pushed a change that fixes model visibility and liveries over multiplayer. I've tested it with local MP sessions, but you might want to give it a try for real before the tour.

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Re: Beagle Pup Development [crossposted]

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:23 pm

I've just updated, preparing for testing the new improvements.
Also, going to try your tracking NDBs methods

You'll laugh at my method for wind-correcting,

I just deviate the ADF needle off the center looking for the point on which it remains pointing at that direction regardless of how much I fly towards the beacon. It takes some trial error, and if you are too far or too close the antenna, then you'll run in a bit of issues. Also works, but sometimes definitely homes more than tracks.

It took me a while to understand that since you divided (above) 3/2 became 2/3. I feel "doh" when I got it.

Thanks for the clear detailed instructions for tracking NDBs.


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