A visit to the Hong Kong government Flying Service

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A visit to the Hong Kong government Flying Service

Postby CaptainFG » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:41 pm

The Hong Kong Government flying service is the Civil Air Force of Hong Kong they are responsible from Search and rescue to VIP transport and airlifting of cargo .
I visited their headquarters on the second of April with my group of the the Cathay pacific I can fly program

Here are some of the photos I took
The Hong Kong government seal on the now retired J-41 (2 in total)
Their J-41 replacement Challenger 605 (2 in total)
A twin enigined trianing plane (1 in total)
Their EC155 (7 in total originally 8 but one crashed in 2003)
A Super Puma (3 in total) and EC155 on standby
The J-41
A different style shot
Face to face with the old lady

I also did some plane spotting from the hanger door but that is a story for another day . I hope you guys like my photos :p
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