Narita Airport in Tokyo
Outstanding job in Tokyo. I love it. Thanks for all the efforts. (and thanks for giving me push access)
Now. Onto the comments and some request corrections
1. HighQuality branch
Great news. There is no effect on fps with the larger resolution texture. It works great. I think you can go ahead and merge into master, and deal only with 1 version here. You make the last call, but again, the HighQuality branch is much better, and the scenery is perfectly fine in low spec computers
2. Windows and *NIX namespaces
This is kind of very important thing. *NIX is caps sensitive. As in JET6.png is not the same file as jet6.png. When you have this difference between your texture and your ac.file then in Windows looks good, but as soon as you go to MaCOSx or any linux thing go twisted, and errors pop in the console like there's no tomorrow.
Also, it is good computing practice (again, a *NIX thing) NOT to include whitespaces in file names, that is, preffer t1_pc.png over 't1 pc.png'
I fixed these for you here
3. Backup directory (tell D-ECHO too )
Git is a great Source code management tool that stores the history of all your files in blobs. You don't need to ask it to also track history of backup files -- that's redudant. Anytime you need a backup file from a previous time in your repo, you just ask git to read the file as it was on any given commit as in
Code: Select all
git checkout a4493df my_old_version
That will restore the file to "how it was" on the commit a4493df, effectively being a "backup". You can restore single files or even full directories. or full repos: as in
Code: Select all
git checkout -b backup a4493df
That command creates a branch "backup" and there it restores your repo, as it was on a4493df. Regardless of this commit being 1 day ago or 10years away.
Sure. This will work until the day someone decides to trash history (not pun intended, I've seen it happening)
I removed the backup directory with historical terrain (as it is unnecesary!)
4. The point you were expecting: the Elevation problem
You are going to need to pass this info to D-eCHO as well.
It is my opinion that the buildings are floating because the terrain was generated without a terrain profile. Everything thus got flattened with an elevation of zero.(that's bad). Need to get the SRTM for elevation (the correct ones), and reconstruct.
after that, if buildings are still floating, a solution needs to be found.
In any case I created a branch named elevTest.
Here I merged master into HighQuality (bringing the new Elevation profile to HighQuality), and then putting the scenery objects at 0.00 feet high. As I suspected, they now sit cute on the ground level, indicating that the elevation profile was not encoded when terragear was run.
So, since I suspect that, I suggest you communicate to D-ECHO to please verify the terrain build
When he does, if buildings still float, figuring out the correct elevation is easy.