I'm not fully sure. but it would require real core modifications (fgfs)
I thought about it. I keep on the back of my mind that 1) github offers SVN interface, which is the "language" of terrasync
https://help.github.com/articles/support-for-subversion-clients/and 2) work is being done to transfer terrasync to Http via curl, which can offer interesting possibilities... So I keep looking at James' work with interests.
But right now, No. I don't know how to implement a terrasync-like fetching of terraGIT
I like the fact of fully distributing the scenery thou. As in people having real copies of the world locally, not just temporary files. Also, the fact that
you wont be seeing "Downloading Scenery" times anymore, and
your scenery wont fail again due to terrasync un-diagnosed errors.
Something I really kept disliking ws2.0 is that you could never get the whole world in your hard-drive if you wanted it. With terrasync that mean flying over all the place. And terramaster was an option, but it couldn't maintain updates with ease. Now I feel terraGIT solves that problem
terrasync has never been a world scenery development infrastructure. I feel terraGIT fills that void, as well.