TerraGit South Hemisphere
Hi All, the Southern Hemisphere (every tile south of the Equator) is now fully available on TerraGIT, using submodules.
Current source is terrasync, on April/2016, as updates and patches from other sources had not been added yet.
https://github.com/FGMEMBERS-TERRAGIT/terraGITNext, I am moving North of the equator and continue progress North-bound towards Artic.
Early testers and adopters.For early testers of the Scenery with submodules. a Brief pre-explanation
The terragit is organized such as the basic content (shared models and xml configs) are just the repository. When you clone, this content is ready. The size is about 650 MB total.
No Tile is installed by default! (although I may install SanFrancisco tiles by default download to get some historical heartbreak with this system
There is submodules for both Objects and Terrain. You are free to install either or both, using the git submodule strategy, but I recommend that you install both the Object and the Terrain of a given tile for a complete scenery tile installation.
example (1), lets say we want to install a 10x10 degree tile in Brazil [w070s30]
Code: Select all
git clone git@github.com:FGMEMBERS-TERRAGIT/terraGIT.git
cd terraGIT
git submodule init Objects/w070s30 #prepare the Objects of the Tile
git submodule init Terrain/w070s30 #prepare the Terrain of the Tile
git submodule update #install
When finished, you'll get the tile and a 10x10degree part of Brazil installed
example (2), lets say you want to install all the tiles of latitude s10
(that is any tile in that latitude accross the globe!)
(if you already cloned, and have brazil, can skip the first two lines, obviously!)
Code: Select all
git clone git@github.com:FGMEMBERS-TERRAGIT/terraGIT.git
cd terraGIT
git submodule init Objects/*s10
git submodule init Terrain/*s10
git submodule update #installs any tile previously init
example (3), lets say you want to install the WEST antartic circle (anything below s60), but only west of the Greenwich
[I assume you already cloned]
Code: Select all
git submodule init */w*s{6,7,8,9}0
git submodule update
init */w*s{6,7,8,9}0; meansany (both Terrain and Objects) that begins with w (west) and 6,7,8 or 9, and then 0
It is a very brief way to say the following
Code: Select all
git submodule init Objects/w*s60;
git submodule init Objects/w*s70;
git submodule init Objects/w*s80;
git submodule init Objects/w*s90;
git submodule init Terrain/w*s60;
git submodule init Terrain/w*s70;
git submodule init Terrain/w*s80;
git submodule init Terrain/w*s90;
[I assume you already cloned, and installed any given tile]
example (4) lets say you want to deinstall any east tile (east of Greenwich)
Code: Select all
git submodule deinit */e*
git submodule update
deinit */e*; meansany tile (Objects and Terrain) such as begin with e (east) must be deinit.
NotesThe ws 2.0 scenery is very large. It you init and update a large part of the globe, a sensible amount of hard drive may be required. If hard drive is a limitant, consider only installing the 10x10 tiles needed.
This is the FASTEST! method of installing a large portion of the globe, and exceeds in 20 times the speed of the SVN mediated transfers (terramaster and off course terrasync *where you need to fly the globe to obtain it*)
It is only slower to the infinitely faster way of terrafs, but remember terrafs is a virtual filesystem, and per se you never downloaded the files.
If you init and update a tile, git will download Objects to the .git directory. git submodule deinit does not clear those objects, and thus
1) re initing is very fast, but 2) part of your hard drive remains used.
To completely clear the harddrive and to obtain a fully empty terraGit, I recommend you delete an old copy and clone from github the super-repository again. This is more effective to release Hard-drive content than just deinit. De=init will clear directories and reduce your harddrive content too, but not fully.
Adding content to TerraGitI will add other posts later about this exciting feature later, but as you can guess, it all begins with forking any 10x10degree tile needed to patch (if will add Terrain or Objects).
For Airport configurations (Jetways, AI traffic, Groundnets) just fork terragit super-repo, edit, and pull request.
HAVE FUN Flying and Developing, and enjoying a TRULY FREE Flightgear SCENERY