World Scenery V2.3

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby Catalanoic » Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:40 am

TheFilipinoFGPilot wrote:My sketchup expired, any idea what 3D modeller program can I use?
Try Sketchup 2015 version or older if you don't want to continue on that system but you need to convert/save your projects to that version.

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby IAHM-COL » Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:57 pm

APT.DAT configured in terraGIT v2.3

A mode that is functional from 2016.4 and beyond is the possibility of shipping NavData with custom scenerios

Particularly it is possible now to ship a matching apt.dat file with your custom scenery, so 1) flightgear will find and launch a new airport, and 2) the runways and other features controlled by the apt.dat file on running time (such as details on internal maps) would work better with this matching content.

(thanks Florent Rougon for listening to suggestions and implementing a great work)


I just send a commit to terraGIT that implements up-to-date apt.dat.
this means that terraGIT not only ships with a worldwide updated world scenery but also the apt dat that the user gets is better matching


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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby SHM » Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:18 pm

david.megginson wrote:The terraGIT scenery looks great -- thanks to everyone who has worked on it.

Unfortunately, I see that the w080n40 scenery is missing some major water features, including much of the Ottawa and St Lawrence Rivers. My guess is that the scenery was built using shapefiles downloaded from the Geofabrik site I've discovered that that Geofabrik extracts pretty-consistently drop polygons that span their clipping boundaries: in this case, the Ottawa River spans the border between Ontario and Quebec, while the St Lawrence River spans the border between Ontario (Canada) and New York State (US), so both major waterways disappear, to be replaced by default trees. I wouldn't recommend using Geofabrik's shapefiles for FlightGear until they fix this bug (I've been in touch, but no response yet).

In the meantime, I think the only workable solution is to generate the scenery straight from OSM. It's not hard to clip areas from planet.osm.pbf (or one of the continental extracts); you just need to make sure that you pass the --complete-ways and --complex-ways parameters to osmconvert so that it preserves polygons that fall partly outside the clipping area, e.g.

osmconvert north-america-latest.osm.pbf -b=-80,40,-70,50 --complete-ways --complex-ways -o=w080n40.o5m

After that, osmfilter and ogr2ogr can create whatever shapefiles you want from the command line, e.g.

osmfilter w080n40.o5m --keep= --keep-ways="natural=water" --keep-relations="natural=water" -o=water.osm
ogr2ogr -skipfailures -f 'ESRI Shapefile' water water.osm

Cheers, David
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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby IAHM-COL » Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:21 pm

thanks for the note
Will check this looking forward to V 2.5

Not a guess.

If you read the readme of any terrain repository it says there on clear text that the source was geofabrik.

Code: Select all

OSM roads (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Trunks and its links):
OSM Railroads:
OSM water sources and other classes:

In fact I found a curious bug affecting other water sources, like lake Leman, and I believe your explanation above maybe up2something.

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby laserman » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:49 pm

Lake Constance (Bodensee) is not water but forest - similar bug like the river in Russia.

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby Catalanoic » Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:23 pm

Seen in Lake Erie too

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:50 pm

I remember David Meggison gave me some clue of what the issue could be.
I must test that before regenerating a whole planet again.

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby Muller » Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:06 pm

IAHM-COL wrote:regenerating a whole planet again.

It's very good to read this.

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby laserman » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:09 pm

Hi Israel,

Are you still actively trying to build the scenery without the known bugs ?

Since X-plane 10.50 and X-Plane 11(beta) there's more useful content in apt.dat and I am trying to use it for flightgear:
* sizes for parking spots (from A to F)
* airline codes for gates
* AI ground networks for airport ground vehicles

It's sad, that genapts850 has problems
with the EGLL layout and that some of EDDS taxiways are not in apt.dat but in the dsf file. :-( -
For EDDS I tried to use dsf2aptdat but get some bugs with the polygons.

I don't know how many more airports are affected with this problem.

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Re: World Scenery V2.3

Postby IAHM-COL » Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:24 pm

Yes. the goal is reconstruct the world again for version 2.7
But there are things to address first.
More importantly I want to identify the elevation issue seen like in Edinburgh or Denver.
Without fixing that there's much no motivation to rerun worldwide

Second is to correct some lake landclasses from osm sources. D. Meggison has some suggestions on this respect

Third, I'd like to include the additional software layers that are new in terrasync, like OSM.
I am just giving the core-devs some time to figure out exactly how that'll go at the end. if its 2600GB of data: That'll be a no-go for terragit.

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