FGMembers DHC6 Auto Pilot Woes

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FGMembers DHC6 Auto Pilot Woes

Postby trennor » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:16 am

Very frequently, after taking off in the new DHC6 DeHavilland Twin Otter, I cannot set the AP. At all. I'm sure there are some parameters I'm missing, something in the procedure I'm not doing, but whenever I press the AP button on the panel, or in the dialogue, it blinks on, the immediately off again. This is SO aggravating that this cannot be easily set.I have at times enabled the plane work properly in all respects. The Wiki "tutorial" on the DHC6 has one of the most useless lines ever written for a "support" thread: "The FlightGear Twin Otter is also equipped with an autopilot, which is self-explaining and easy to use, but in general I fly manually, because the aircraft is easy to handle." That's the biggest load of BS I've ever read; I was expecting step-by-step set up instructions and this is what is given? I beg to differ that "it's easy to use..." When it works, it seems to work fine, when it doesn't, it's a perfect . . . Does anyone else have this trouble with this thing?

My procedure:

Code: Select all

set Route Manager and Activate
Complete cockpit routine, manually start engines, taxi, etc, take off.
Go to GPS Settings in dialogue, set to LEG, ensure leg data is visble, and NAV1 slave is selected.
Go back to AP, ensuring aircraft wings are level, ATTEMPT to start AP;
Curse at consistent AP failure. 

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