Jsbsim bug ?

Since IAHM-COL, SHM, and I are kind of cut off from the "official" world by royal decree of King Curt and his chancelor Grima-Snake-Tongue ...[ oh wait, wrong story ] ... we are sometimes a little confused and have to ask those who have still access about what is going on.
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Jsbsim bug ?

Postby bomber » Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:26 pm

"We haven't lost interest, it's just that a major bug seems to haunt JSBSim planes at the moment "

I'm not having any problems and have not heard of any....Can someone enlighten me ?

"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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