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Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:02 pm
by SHM

Have you considered doing the group flights on VATSIM, now that it has native support?
Maybe more people would join, like the USA tour times :roll:

With regards,

Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:25 pm

I don't understand the goal. Is it to allow people not flying FG to fly in the group?


Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:42 am
by SHM

Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:07 pm
It makes me wonder, how could it be made possible that other FSims could connect to FG Multiplayer server?

Vatsim wouldn't work for me particularly, as this is a heavily controlled heavily policed environment (people get banned and all).
I had never used Vatsim for that among other reasons.

And it would hardly be a welcome environment to the more uncontrolled behavior of our group flights. (we frequently flight too close to each other's plane for a controlled environment to be comfortable., and we sometimes perform stunts that wouldn't be ok to be done on vatsim).

I don't see a technical reason why FG multiplayer couldn't get connections from other FSims. But I am not expert on this data transfer protocols.

On the other hand, pilots could launch a FG window once a week or something to flight in a group madness, and use their time on more organized and eye-candy simulators for the rest of their flight operations.

Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:02 pm
by SHM
IAHM-COL wrote:Vatsim wouldn't work for me particularly, as this is a heavily controlled heavily policed environment (people get banned and all).
I had never used Vatsim for that among other reasons.

From what I've seen from your flying before, you'll be just fine.

And it would hardly be a welcome environment to the more uncontrolled behavior of our group flights. (we frequently flight too close to each other's plane for a controlled environment to be comfortable., and we sometimes perform stunts that wouldn't be ok to be done on vatsim).

Yeah, I do agree with you. That could be an issue, yes.

On the other hand, pilots could launch a FG window once a week or something to flight in a group madness, and use their time on more organized and eye-candy simulators for the rest of their flight operations.

I have completely removed fg and I have been spoiled by p3d to return. :(

I don't see a technical reason why FG multiplayer couldn't get connections from other FSims. But I am not expert on this data transfer protocols.

That's an idea but again someone has to do the work and I don't think anyone would be interested in it. Something more interesting would be to develop a plugin for flightgear to connect to joinFS or fscloud(Both of these are like fg-mp without the vatsim restrictions but allows connectivity between xplane and p3d)

Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:45 pm
On my preparation to Budapest, a quick stop in Riga (EVRA)


Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:00 am
Congratulation GRN4711 for first JAFVA promotion

Make sure to update your callsigns, to reflect your updated rank! :D

Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:30 pm

The group has made it to Budapest, and we will be meeting soon, If you want to join in...


Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:51 pm
We began this weekend's flight


On our way to Athens :D


Re: JAFVA group flight event [LHPB: 06/13: 13:30 Z]

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 3:14 pm
And Approaching :D
