Nasal canvas 2017.3.1

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Nasal canvas 2017.3.1

Postby jwocky » Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:28 pm


I just changed to FG 2017.3.1 and now I get:

Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: OverlayLayer
at /home/peter/flightgear/submodules/Nasal/canvas/map/OSM.lcontroller, line 4
called from: /home/peter/flightgear/submodules/Nasal/canvas/MapStructure.nas, line 1203
called from: /home/peter/flightgear/submodules/Nasal/canvas/MapStructure.nas, line 1325
called from: /home/peter/flightgear/submodules/Nasal/canvas/MapStructure.nas, line 1296
called from: /home/peter/flightgear/submodules/Nasal/globals.nas, line 119

The funny thing is, my Ruslan has not even a map or radar using canvas yet. So, when did they implement this "OverlayLayer"? Do I have here maybe a discrepancy between my FG-version and the nasal libraries in my FGDATA? Anybody ran into this problem? It seems not to affect the plane and it starts with globals.nas, so it is something, the core guys call, I guess.

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Re: Nasal canvas 2017.3.1

Postby 123apple » Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:54 pm

It's in the Canvas map as far as I know.

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Re: Nasal canvas 2017.3.1

Postby Octal450 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:30 pm

I don't get it in Windows Vista x64, FGFS 2017.3.1

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Re: Nasal canvas 2017.3.1

Postby jwocky » Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:36 pm

Yeah, I think, it only comes with 2017.4.1 but somehow, I managed to get part of it into my 2017.3.1 installation. Well, despite error message, it works for me right now, since I don't have a Canvas map in my plane. I hope, I find the time, to make a fresh FGDATA install before the festival.
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