MD-80s, MD-90 Development

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Re: MD-80s, MD-90 Development

Postby KL-666 » Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:05 pm

I only used the "ready for take-off" button as it looks most like "auto start". It takes quite some time to start now, but on other hand, i do not need to select flaps anymore. There is just a little bug. The flight director comes up on the left horizon, and the f/d switch does nothing. So i can not get rid of that distraction on my horizon.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: MD-80s, MD-90 Development

Postby Octal450 » Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:41 pm

Ready for taxi is the same as Ready for takeoff without flaps being set, spoilers being armed, or trim being set for takeoff.
It takes time, because of the way I simulated the engines. I am planning to decrease that time soon.
Keep in mind, this is a panel state, not an autostart ;)

Yup, it appears I made a typo in the left horizon when I changed the prop for the new ITAF hierarchy!
the non-rembrandt FD bars were never set to unselect!

Fixed. Pls redownload.


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