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Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:21 pm
bomber wrote:Also forgot to mention the rotor file on the download throws up an error.... that might be intentional, I don't know.... I was thinking that a readme file explaining the rotor issues and solutions might be a good thing to have in the engines folder.

Hi bomber
Which error? more specifically.
It is certainly not intentional and I look forward to correct it.

OTOH, a readme file sounds great, but you are the one that knows exactly how the rotor problems occur, what are the solutions, etc. I only know you give me a version that give segfault, and give me another one that runs well. Not great amount of info for a readme, imho.

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:24 pm
bomber wrote:The FGUK download link on the FGMember AH-1 fails to work.. should be ... supercobra ... ca12c8909c

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:25 pm
by bomber
At present it crashes on loading... no error message.... just gone....

It's because there's nothing actually in the rotor xml file....

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:26 pm
by bomber
In GIT.... if you got up a folder, there's a bit of blurb and and link.... this is the one I mean

here at the top

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:27 pm
bomber wrote:You might want to change the rotor animation to this, so as they're linked to the motors and not the turbines ... f3bffb3104

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:29 pm
bomber wrote:In GIT.... if you got up a folder, there's a bit of blurb and and link.... this is the one I mean


Maybe a problem with a symbolic link?

If that's the case, this can fix it ... 88d6377d4f

Let me know

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:31 pm
bomber wrote:Yeh I know what you mean about the hover mode, when I first got it working I thought I'd accidentally paused.

To show it's not a cheat, turn the wind up and put severe turbulence on...

The model looks brilliant, I'm going to download it now


Glad you liked it. It is not a prime example of a 3D model, but it will do for now.
And gets some blade animations, for my sanity.

OTOH, can you brief me about the use of hover mode?

1. When I get in hover mode I struggle gaining forward motion. How to do this effectively?
2. Sometimes when I am flying stable and I switch hover on/off I loose stability (big nose up movement) Not great for trying to land at low alts. There's something I am missing for sure.

Thanks again

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:36 pm
by bomber
I set hover mode to 5kts max forward back, left right, up down... this can be changed but it was a starting figure

yeh if you've got more than a little forward momentum the flair will jar your teeth... try to get close to hover first and then press the m key to take the work load off of ya..... and you'll find the flair isn't so damatic.

it's not a 'wings level' auto pilot, it's a stationary hover with a velocity.... I think of it as a stable gun platform for strafing unarmed citizens of Pandora

Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:38 pm
bomber wrote:

it would seem you can land on these....


Re: Avatar Scorpion

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:39 pm
bomber wrote:I set hover mode to 5kts max forward back, left right, up down... this can be changed but it was a starting figure

yeh if you've got more than a little forward momentum the flair will jar your teeth... try to get close to hover first and then press the m key to take the work load off of ya..... and you'll find the flair isn't so damatic.

Roger that. Wilco. I was jumping to hover mode when I was like <land here> even thou I might be a bit fast yet :D