it0uchpods Developement Status Update Mid-2017

Everything in connection with developing aircraft for FlightGear
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it0uchpods Developement Status Update Mid-2017

Postby Octal450 » Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:26 pm

Hi all, I'd like to make a short update to advise the community what is going on, and what the future of our Aircraft Dev Team is.

First, thanks all for your support over the last years, I've had some tough times and the community remained respectful, even when I acted out of line -- (sorry!) :oops:

So, here is the lot:

Current Aircraft
These aircraft WILL continue to get autopilot updates, bugfixes, feature updates, improvements, and more. These are in current development.

* A320Family
- A3XX Dev Team:
--- Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods)
--- Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
--- J Maverick 16
--- Charlie Schwehm (Wecsje)

* Future A3XX Aircraft
- A3XX Dev Team:
--- Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods)
--- Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
--- J Maverick 16
--- Charlie Schwehm (Wecsje)

* 737-800
- With Gabriel Hernandez (YV3399/GabrielYV)

* MD-10
- With:
--- David Waggoner (DrDavid/Skyboat)
--- J Maverick 16

* KC-137R
- With J Maverick 16

* FGNavigator1
- With Gerhard Kick (gkick)

* 727-200

Legacy Aircraft
These aircraft are considered in extended support:
These aircraft WILL continue to get autopilot updates, and bugfixes, but no more feature updates.
* 717
* KingAir-350
* MD-11
* MD-88
* MD-90

These aircraft are considered obsolete:
These aircraft WILL NOT continue to get autopilot updates, bugfixes, or feature updates.
* A340-200
* A340-313X
* A340-600HGW
* A340-600VIP
* A350XWB

Any aircraft not mentioned are in an undetermined state at the moment.

IT-AUTOFLIGHT will reach V3.0.0 soon, and IT-AUTOFLIGHT:GA will reach V1.0.0 soon.
Both autopilots will continue to receive updates, but at a slower rate.

Most of my time/effort goes to the A3XX Project, trying to build a study level A3XX :D

Hope this clears up the future!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please ask!

Kind Regards,
Last edited by Octal450 on Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1610
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:42 am

Re: it0uchpods Developement Status Update Mid-2017

Postby KL-666 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:51 pm

Good to hear there is still development going on, on slack or so. Regular updates, or just when there is some news about aircraft is nice to have here.

Btw. I must have missed the times when you "acted out of line" :-)

Kind regards, Vincent

Posts: 2184
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:47 am

Re: it0uchpods Developement Status Update Mid-2017

Postby Octal450 » Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:24 am

Thanks, Slack/Discord is where most of the dev happens now, as it is easier to check/respond.

There were some times... I'd rather not go there :D

Kind Regards,

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