it0uchpods wrote:I will ask him and see what he thinks. Will I then need to base my plane off of Buckaroos GPL model?
I don't know if this make sense. Prob. it does. This is how it goes.
If you begin modifying any source (plane/scenery/any other software) that is GPL. Your result will be copy lefted, in that
your new modified version will need to be GPL.
If you begin modifying any source (plane.scenery/any other software) that is Creative Commons
Share Alike, then
your new modified version will need to be the same Creative Commons version the original material has
Those are "copy left" (or SA, or Share Alike in the CC lingo)
If you begin modifying a CC-0 (zero for no restrictions, as in not required Share Alike) you can license the modified material at your best convenience, including but not limited to GPL.
If you begin modifying a Creative Common ND (ND for Non derivative) then you
Cannot share the modified versions. Doing so goes against the ND (non derivative) License.
I hope it clarifies.
(and, yes, in general, this applies to any sort of modification -- small or large. A single file change, or sometimes even just using a library within a large software. In general no exception to the rule of copy left is granted).
If the original author (in this case, particular, Buckaroo and his MD82) agrees to re-release the MD82 as GPL, then you would technically modify the newly license MD82 (not the old CC) and then your material will inherit the new license. That's how it would go -- in pure technicality. In practice, it just means that Buck agreed to let you change the license of your version to GPL. Only he can do that step. (or
every author in shared authorships)