[SOLVED] Transparency Knock out

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[SOLVED] Transparency Knock out

Postby valery » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:26 pm

Using callsign immatriculation, I encounter a trouble using 1 transparent object overidding other opaque object. The transparent object act as a knocked out surface, so we cannot see the opaque object but we see the background instead :

I'm using Blender (2.76b), and export the whole meshes with the blender ac3d python module.
I tried a lot of parameters, nothing work:
- is not coming from Rembrandt
- tried changing (ac3d) "crease" (blender: normals) angle
- tried changing texture of opaque object to RGB (instead of rgba)
- tried Face Texture/Face Textures Alpha (blender)
- tried to add <animation><object><texture> section to the xml
- tried to remove texture from the ac3d (using default white)
- tried a lot of other tweaks.
- tried to see the difference btw. other planes using dynamic immat (dr400,c47,...) : not saw where my error is coming from.

Any suggestion/advice is welcome !

Thanks a lot,

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:00 pm

Try not using transparency in the object.

I noticed FG is kind of dummy that way

The way I handle the transparency is in the texture

this is,
The object is opaque, but the png texture has transparent areas, and those are rendered transparently in FG (in spite of the fact the 3d object is actually opaque)

Try that.
let me know.


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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby valery » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:04 pm

thanks for your help.
The "immat" object is not actually transparent, only its texture is, so I called it transparent but it is not. Only the texture (png24/rgba)

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:09 pm

That should work then
verify the location of the object
It must be above the other one in the blender.
If it sinks below, then you would only see the object in the top.

I noticed the first two chars of the call-sign plaque are good, that makes me think the object may be tilted going inside that fuselage? Maybe?

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby valery » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:11 pm

yep, this was the first thing I tried ! :o) The "immatriculation" object don't cross the opaque object in any point and is above it.

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:15 pm

try double-side for the objects?

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby valery » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:18 pm

yep, double sided too, no result.

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:22 pm

Empty table now :S

I don't have more options to test right now.
I'll keep thinking.

maybe someone else may have ideas?

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby valery » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:23 pm

thanks anyway

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Re: Transparency Knock out

Postby valery » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:52 pm

Ok, got it : when I said " tried changing texture of opaque object to RGB (instead of rgba)" above, I was wrong (I don't save it to the right directory). In my case, transparency knock out id due to the opaque object texture: the image for the texture must be rgb, not rgba. In the later case, if the uvmap of the "transparent" (those that use the dynamic immat) object override a transparent part of the opaque object, then a knock out appears. So, the object beyond the transparent object must use a rgb uvmap, not a rgba with transparent islands. I think this is the result of the rendering process ... All right, thanks anyway for the help.

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