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Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:05 pm
by KL-666
The whole hull section from just before the rear doors (so including the doors).

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:11 pm
by MIG29pilot
Completely absent from the crash site?

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:19 pm
by KL-666
No, a few km away from the main debris, but without a trace of the horizontal stabilizer, as said before.

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:33 pm
by legoboyvdlp
I do happen to know that the safest place for a bomb in the 320 series is the 2R door, according to the QRH. So, due to a tailstrike, maybe it detonated, and it wasn't safe ENOUGH?

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:07 pm
by MIG29pilot
Perhaps a bomb went off, damaging the tail-explaining the climb and then drop. Meanwhile the pilot tried to control the pitch with the flaps-explaining the high impact speed. Upon reaching the ground he tried to sideslip so that the wing would take the force of the impact, but flipped over-explaining one wing being more damaged..

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:51 am
by HOM001
KL-666 wrote:Has anyone seen an accurate map of where all the parts came down?

This is the best one I could find, although it doesn't say which parts went where. ... ld_624.jpg

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:38 am
by HJ1an
MIG29pilot wrote:Perhaps a bomb went off, damaging the tail-explaining the climb and then drop. Meanwhile the pilot tried to control the pitch with the flaps-explaining the high impact speed. Upon reaching the ground he tried to sideslip so that the wing would take the force of the impact, but flipped over-explaining one wing being more damaged..

So I just did a research (internet search koff koff) the tail plane, or horizontal stabilizers produce negative lift, which would mean without it suddenly, the plane would just nose down immediately. I can't really imagine a scneario that it would cause it to climb, especially even if you remove the lift out of the equation, the sudden weight distribution change alone would cause it to nose down.


It would be interesting to see if the aircraft would still have aileron and flaps control after a complete removal of its tailplane and hydraulics, and for how long. I doubt that would even happen even if the pilots were conscious, at that point I think what's left of the plane takes over completely.

On the other hand, would it be possible a sudden input to climb steeply to tear off the horizontal stabilizers and subsequently tailplane. Keep in mind this is discussion is about the potentially missing elevatars that we don't even know anything about.

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:45 am
by HJ1an
legoboyvdlp wrote:I do happen to know that the safest place for a bomb in the 320 series is the 2R door, according to the QRH. So, due to a tailstrike, maybe it detonated, and it wasn't safe ENOUGH?

I don't understand this one. The tail strike was years ago and is part of the plane's history, suddenly brought up to light because of an incident with Japan Airlines Flight 123 and China Airlines Flight 611 years ago that both traced to a tailstrike and improper repair many years earlier.

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:47 pm
by jwocky
Lego. to fly me to every disaster and crime scene I would need to go technically, that would be some fund ;-). And I guess, it would end like my serial killer involvements. Local police don't want outsiders there till they had the time to cover up all kinds of things and then it's too late.

Re: Plane Crash in Egypt - 224 Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:00 pm
by jwocky
In one of the pictures, you can see in the rear end of the forward part an intact pressure bulkhead. That means, the tail section that broke off borke off BEHIND that bulkhead. Aside of that, while a bomb actually smashes a whole compartment with almost equal power outside, a scatter shot from disintegrating machinery pokes a lot of holes. Means, the tail was still there, but not controlable anymore. The cell part with the remaining of the tail doesn't look deformed to me, that would indicate it didn't free fall either. Chances are, the tail broke only finally off during the descent, not fully 31,000ft above ground, but maybe only 10,000. The debris some km behind the main crash site indicates something happened at some point that opened a part of the fuselage. Now, just to give a feeling for the numbers. 12,000ft makes about two minutes, two minutes at 210 knots make almost 7 nm distance between a heavy small debris part and the main body. That's roughly 12 km. (I do this in my head, if we need it,w e can do the relative exact math later). On the other hand, 31,000 ft makes 6 minutes descent time. That would give us a distance of 21 nm or aboutish 35 km. The map, KL-666 found, makes it about 3 km only.