Jomo is no more

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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby N3266G » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:16 am

jomo wrote:
Lydiot wrote:
jomo wrote:Just one personal point to many comments in the forum: Neither as ATC nor as private I will ever communicate with people who need to use words like "go fuck yourself" or "asshole" or "dolt" or similar. Sorry - I am older then 10 years and expect a minimum of respect between all members!

Here's another example of a person who isn't involved in a conversation who feels compelled to make comments anyway.
Do you want me to respond Jomo? I'll be more than happy to. If you don't, then don't talk to or about me.
No - but how did you get the idea it was you whom I meant?

Please just ignore him. He will just drive you insane.
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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby jomo » Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:25 pm

Ok - on Sunday 2017-11-05 we celebrated a test-resurrection!
The event worked perfect - not a single coo-coo or idiot or similar showed up - and most visitors were on MUMBLE (even so you may notice in the films that my mumble-settings were not yet perfect - see --> EDDF- Triangle Movies ).

But I had big problems with the recording - after I upgraded the last days to linux-Ubuntu 17.10. That Version has changed drastically after it is now based on a GNOME-Shell. If you have Ubuntu and want to Upgrade to 17.10: Plan for a lot of time to get all unique special applications working again! My biggest problems were: RecordMyDesktup, Mumble, and lots of problems with compic! That compic used already about 30% of my CPU-power (you can see in the move some pictures of it, e.g. ... 039-37.ogv at film-time 3:17). That meant the CPU was constantly on it's limits - so there were lots of delays, some functions were sometimes not even started, etc.

Also all targets were blue/yellows only - because I had to download all models again from GIT and forgot to remove the "master". Sorry - I will never forget that again - but I was under time-stress while trying to get that PC working for this special event.

The event ( itself was very fine - so I am planning to continue with those events again - and see if those "idiots" will return en-Mass.

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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby Octal450 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:39 pm

Welcome back jomo :)

Kind Regards,

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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby Lydiot » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:38 pm

jomo wrote:
Lydiot wrote:
jomo wrote:Just one personal point to many comments in the forum: Neither as ATC nor as private I will ever communicate with people who need to use words like "go fuck yourself" or "asshole" or "dolt" or similar. Sorry - I am older then 10 years and expect a minimum of respect between all members!

Here's another example of a person who isn't involved in a conversation who feels compelled to make comments anyway.
Do you want me to respond Jomo? I'll be more than happy to. If you don't, then don't talk to or about me.
No - but how did you get the idea it was you whom I meant?

Who else used the word "dolt" in this thread?

Like I said: Don't talk to or about people if you don't want to have a conversation with them.

N3266G wrote:Please just ignore him. He will just drive you insane.

"Ignorance is bliss"

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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby N3266G » Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:36 pm

Lydiot wrote:"Ignorance is bliss"

For someone like you, it must be.
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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:58 pm

jomo wrote:Ok - on Sunday 2017-11-05 we celebrated a test-resurrection!
The event worked perfect - not a single coo-coo or idiot or similar showed up - and most visitors were on MUMBLE (even so you may notice in the films that my mumble-settings were not yet perfect - see --> EDDF- Triangle Movies ).

This is great news

Updating software is always a bit of a risk move. But one that cant be avoided forever ...
My Opensuse Linux is usually very stable through updates, but again one never knows.

I created a subforum to facilitate maintaining all information regarding this event


We've done this subforum thing for other events and it's been succesful for the managing aspect of it.

If there is anything else you might like to be considered, just shoot us a message .

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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby jwocky » Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:02 pm

Ignore Lydiot, he is only here because of an undeserved act of mercy and to remind us, outside of this forum are still a lot of lowlifes around who try to troll people to get at least some attention in their otherwise meaningless lives. But he is not important, nor did anybody find in any of his posts anything important or constructive yet.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: Jomo is no more

Postby jomo » Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:59 am

Session-Problems on 2017-11-15
1) My mistake: I started the recording Sftw. "vokoscreen" and checked the setting of the "Videopath" -- but forgot to check the "Audio"-setting. If you ever want to use "vokoscreen" never never forget: Vkoscreens Audio-setting at initialization is indifferent! I (on my UBUNTU) need active:
- Audio
- Pulse
- Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo
So sorry: No sound in these 3 movies.

2) We had lots of visitors - but of those 22 at EDDF 8 needed to be neglected. 5 of those 8 were even (self-named) ATC's - who very obviously had no knowledge about ATCing at all -- see especially their instructions to visitors/customers in film 1 ( ... 901-51.mkv). At film-minute 36 I even tried to show what happens if you send customers at terminal "1-A-Plus" to north or east - but they are too stupid to learn what a compass-direction is!

3) After those Fake-ATCs noticed that nobody of the normal visitors wanted to talk to them - they changed to mumble! Sorry that you cannot hear all the bullshit they were talking - but at least you can see some typed examples on
at Film-minute 6:20ff and 12:40ff. In the later you see also what there overall goal was: "JOMOKILLER" and similar.

Because it is not possible to argue with them - pls let me make the following suggestions:
-- NEVER-NEVER get into a discussion with those idiots. It may help if everybody coming in tells them in 1 short sentence what he/she thinks about that idiotic behavier - but then completely neglect whatever the reaction is. Always remember: Their only way to destroy our events is to disturb us by dumdum discussions, in writing as well as in talking(mumble). So I urge you to use our tools that will help (at least a little):

a) NEVER-NEVER get into a discussion (Believe me: I know best how difficult it is not to tell them what kind of idiot they are - BUT if you do, that is a a big success for them!! Always remember: They do NOT want to participate - they only want to destroy!!
b) To neglect an UID disturbing in MP: open FGFS-Menue -> Multiplayer -> pilotlist -> click "ignore" besides that UID
c) If someone disturbs in mumble: RightClick onto his UID and select: "Local Mute" + "Ignore Messages"

Pls. let us try that! There are not that many of those absolute idiots - so we should be able to get them isolated and bored! Let them run their head against a wall - we will not be hurt (just cover your brain against thinking about that unbelievable mass of stupidity)
Pls help us all !!

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