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Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:21 pm
by legoboyvdlp
It is next on my list, sanhozay :)
Once I finish Istanbul, I'll do it.

OTHH does not exist either. But it is in gateway.

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:35 pm
That's done

Someone improved a lot and uploaded to the Gateway

(since it has 3d also, we can even look on Martin's 3000 Airport project for some Models there)


Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:01 pm
by legoboyvdlp
I need inspiration.
Belfast, I guess. Cause I love Belfast.

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:23 am
by legoboyvdlp

Gives a nice map.
Light blue are ones to focus on. They are currently old, default state in Gateway and thus TerraSync.

As you see, I have done SVVP and it is Orange. I made a new SVMI, and it will be in the next Xplane, thus Red.

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:55 am
Neat stuff

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:10 pm
by legoboyvdlp
All done!
To date, I have done:
OTBD: Accepted
SVCS: Approved
SVEP: ditto
SVFM: ditto
SVHG: ditto
SVIE: rejected, needs fixed (FIXED, SUBMITTED)
SVMG: Approved
SVMI: ditto
SVVP: ditto
SVMP: ditto
SVBL: finished, submitting shortly
VCBI: approved
SVWM: fixing
EGAD: submitted
LTBA: submitted

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:13 pm
by legoboyvdlp
Not a bad haul.... still very little with the hundreds of thousands left.
If I do one airport a day and live 60 years more....
Well, maybe my grandchildren will enjoy it then :)
And yours too.

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:26 pm
by jwocky
Wow ... that's some major project!

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:46 pm
by LesterBoffo
I have a big request for those of you fluent in Terragear and WED.

In my WWI sim I have a number of new (old) aerodromes located using Albin Denis' website and Google maps that don't exist in FG or X-plane.

I'm not asking that these be included in the official terain, in fact I think they will be rejected out of hand, but..

Eventually there will be dozens, but for now I'd like to see what could be done with Aerodromes like Corcieux, Ochey, and Luxueil. In Ochey and Luxuiel's cases they do exist as FG airports, but are way far larger, and more complex than they were as WWI aerodromes. There will also be others like Serdan, Vadelainecourt, Xaffavilliers, Lemmes, Bar Le Duc, Jarney-Conflans, just for the Lorraine-Marne areas. We have some satisfactory airfields now like Belfort-Chaux LFGG and Nancy Malzeville LFEZ.

What I'm looking for is really simple fields picked out from the co-ordinates, and stitched into the terrain. They don't even have to be all that level as much as they should have a somewhat fan shape to them, Are historically sized, and possess a materials coding that makes them the equivalent of an airport-keep/greenspace, so they have a good 'terrain feel' to them for landing and take offs.

I can provide the custom terrain material .png's as well as give some directions in what size and general shape. This is a big undertaking, it would be really neat to make these an alternate to modern FG scenery.

Re: Unexisting airports or default single-runway layouts

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:49 pm
by legoboyvdlp
Where can I get Nancy scenery?

Well, tell you what, once someone generates my SVMI, I'l start on this :)