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Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:33 pm
by Octal450

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:05 pm
by Lydiot
KL-666 wrote:Hello Lydiot,

Changing "concerns" into "complaints" is a great spin doctors activity.

Changing "anti-ms hyperbole" into only "hyperbole" is a great spin doctors activity.

You can change all those words and I stand by all of it anyway. Makes no difference to me. I was assuming people could tell from context that "complaints" is the same as in "filing a complaint" which is essentially the same as having a "concern". I didn't mean "complaints" as in "whining". I thought that was obvious.

KL-666 wrote:Changing "legitimate full release" into "cracked version of win7" is a great spin doctors activity.

Guess what, spin doctors are the greatest idiots on earth.

Kind regards, Vincent

Well buddy, I didn't actually change "legitimate full release" into "cracked version of win7". I wrote clearly that it referred to part of the issues that have been reported, not all issues and not all users. The only idiot here is the one accusing others of spin and changing terminology when no terminology was changed.

But I like how you end your post with "Kind regards" though.

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:15 am
by LesterBoffo
The only one here running WinXP is me.

Only. One.


I have a lot of really old flight sim, 3D creation 2d artwork and various support software that runs on nothing else, and some of this stuff goes back to 1998. It all works.

I've been told I'm a dinosaur, and that I'll never have the advantages of 64 bit software, frankly I'm not finding a lot of badness with my 32 bit limitation, FlightGear 2016.1 runs perfectly for now with all the ALS shaders on with my own tweaks, cloud and tree shadows and what not..


Both recorded and compressed, reprocessed to XVD2.0 standards on a Windows antique OS. Models built in a non-Blender 3D program, then converted in Windows 32 bit Python and adapted into AC3D, been doing this for about 14 years now.

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:24 am
by KL-666
Looking at the results here and on the other forum, it looks like linux is keeping up surprisingly well with windoze. Mac is expectedly lagging behind.

Just a remark about the OP's original question. It is looks like the question was: What os are you using? In that case i should, and have, answered both linux (on servers) and windows (on my client). But if the question was meant to be: On what os do you run fg? Then i should have answered only windoze (my client).

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:31 pm
by Octal450
Well I went back. Again.

Windows Vista on the main system, Ubuntu on the second system.

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:45 pm
Vista? That's a daring choice.
Is Windows 7 dead for good?
I kind of like it the best out of all the modern Windows options. But I feel they choked the Windows 10 update on both Windows 8/7

--surely, windows 8 is a real shame.

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:48 pm
KL-666 wrote:Looking at the results here and on the other forum, it looks like linux is keeping up surprisingly well with windoze. Mac is expectedly lagging behind.

I'm equally surprised. I don't think the forum poll is a reflection of market shares out there; there is a certain tendency on the FG users.

Which brings a second point. It is interesting that the newest flightgears have rather unorthodox (non-unix like) permission managements and prevention of symlinks to operate as expected (alledgely a security fix). I think, the devs are not building an application that feels native in Linux, disregarding their user base.

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:09 am
by Octal450
Vista is lovely.
I've had more problems with linux, or windows 7, or mac than ever with Vista. Running it for 9 years now about...
Great OS with SP2.


Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:48 pm
by FL2070
I have windows 7.

Too bad the poll's closed.

Re: what os are you using?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:55 pm
by jwocky
The point here is, most of the FG users are tinkering on the one or other part of it. Planes, scenery, even the main program in some cases. There is of course a little bit more of a tendency with developer types of personalities to go Linux. Joshua is rather an exception and when I see for example his absolute helplessness under Windows to start something, FGRun doesn't show him, I won't bet, that he isn't in some years on Linux. Because at some point, he will end up with control over marketing. And seeing that Microsoft did the first steps to make users pay in a subscritption system, I guess, this tendency will even get stronger.