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GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:22 am
by SkyBoat
So here is my challenge to MIG29pilot. He likes to correct people. Even people he doesn't know. So, I'm offering him a challenge and a chance to get the commission to design the new splashscreen for the MD-10. I figure we can have some fun with this, but he didn't know that SkyBoat is also Dr. David :ugeek: , who loves astronomy as much as he loves aviation. So, why not throw in a little of both and issue the challenge to MIG29pilot. Incidentally, there is a trick question among the first six.

@MIG29pilot: Today, I moved into the Top 50 All-Time FlightGear Pilots List and would like to celebrate by commissioning you to work with me on a new splash screen for my beloved MD-10.

On one condition. Since you seem to have a thing for preciseness, let's test your knowledge of modern navigation. Precisely.

1. Why does modern navigation rely on GPS satellites rather than standard radio satellites?
2. How many GPS satellites are required for the GPS system to work so a single aircraft can navigate?
3. At what distance are the GPS satellites orbiting the earth and at what speed do they orbit?
4. How many United States controlled GPS satellites are currently in orbit?
5. What is the power in Watts required for each satellite to broadcast its signal to earth?
6. What is the power in Watts for a ground-based device such as a GPS watch, a tracker, etc., needed to broadcast a signal to a GPS satellite?
Bonus Question: In which arm of the Milky Way Galaxy does our solar system reside?

Really, though, I'm moving this over to a new thread, because it isn't part of the Spring Festival discussion, but does relate to modern navigation, and if you'll answer the questions over there, I'd also be interested in having you do the new splash screen. Let the game begin! :ugeek:

Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:13 am

Congratulation on you achievement on Top 50 FG Pilots!
Great job, lots of hours of flying.
I am sorry the correction he indicated was a bit of an stung

I hope MiG29 takes the challenge. Hopefully google can give him a good hand. I am rather interested in the answers myself :)
Another reason I hope he takes you on the challenge is because he does make really great splash screens. He has a good computer and he enables lots of "fancy" FG features to achieve stunning splash-shots.

We'll see...

On the other hand, although being precise can bring him lots of trouble like this in life, all together it is a better quality than being sloppy; So I'd say I encourage him to cultivate precision -- even at his young age! :D

But also learn from his experiences, and even others' experiences (like mine over at Curtis'), at how political behavior can be a better social tool ;)


Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:09 am
by SkyBoat
I'm creating for MIG29pilot what we call in education "learning across the curriculum." I, too, hope he takes the challenge. I've looked at his work and think he could create an excellent splash screen for the MD-10.


Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:21 pm
by MIG29pilot
Sorry about the delay. As far as the questions are concerned, I'm afraid GPS isn't my strong point. The only ones I could answer off the top off my head areno 1.:Becuase GPS can cover the entire globe.
And the bonus: The Orion Arm.

As for Number 3., that's relative to the observer :wink:

Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:25 pm
Google is your friend :D
By the way, get the Splash-Screen.
On this one you can be as imaginative and creative as you want. I m very curious to see what you are capable for.


Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:55 pm
by MIG29pilot
MD-10 is available from fgmembers, correct?

Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:56 pm
by MIG29pilot
By the way, No 6 is the trick question

Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:14 pm

Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:37 pm
by SkyBoat

You are correct about the solar system being in the Orion arm of the galaxy and that the trick question is #6. But why is it incorrect?

Your answer to #3 is incorrect. You're not even warm on that one! ;)

Google "GPS" and check it on Wikpedia. You will find the answers quite interesting and posting them here will provide an education for the forum's readers.


Re: GPS Navigation: A Challenge

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:41 am
by MIG29pilot
Ok, I will do tomorrow. I only have 2 more minutes. I am forking and cloning the md-10 and a330.